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Last active May 24, 2023 03:38
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Checks if the title of the result in the SERP matches the title of the URL
javascript: (function (doc){var changed=0; function checkTitles(){console.log('jQuery version ', $.fn.jquery, ' loaded'); var position=1; var items=[]; var results=$('#rso .kp-blk .g, #rso .g[class="g"], #rso .srg .g').not('.kno-kp .g').find('div:first').find('a:first'); $('.title-changed, #CountTitlesChanged').remove(); results.each(function (){if (!$(this).parents('.related-question-pair').length){var parent=$(this).closest('.tF2Cxc').length > 0 ? $(this).closest('.tF2Cxc') : $(this).closest('li'); items.push([ position, $(this).find('h3').text(), encodeURI($(this).attr('href')), parent]); position++;}}); var numItems=1; cors_proxies=[ '', '',]; items.forEach(item=>{$.ajax({url: cors_proxies[Math.floor(Math.random() * cors_proxies.length)] + item[2], success: function (data, status, xhr){title=$(data).filter('title').text(); var html='<div class="title-changed">'; if (title !=item[1]){html +='<span style="font-weight: bold;color: #ff6961;">' + title + '</span>'; changed++;}else{html +='<span style="font-weight: bold;color: darkgreen;">' + item[1] + '</span>';}html +='</div>'; item[3].find('div').first().append(html);}, error: function (xhr, status, error){var html='<div class="title-changed">'; html +='<span style="font-weight: bold;color: lightslategray;">Error: No se ha podido procesar la solicitud</span>'; html +='</div>'; item[3].find('div').first().append(html);}, complete: function (xhr, status){if (numItems==items.length){petitionCompleted();}else{numItems++;}}});});}function petitionCompleted(){$('#result-stats').append('<span id="CountTitlesChanged"> - ' + changed + ' títulos cambiados en esta página</span>');}if (typeof jQuery=='undefined'){var script_jQuery=document.createElement('script'); script_jQuery.src=''; script_jQuery.onload=checkTitles; doc.body.appendChild(script_jQuery); console.log('script_jQuery appended to body');}else{console.log('jQuery already included ...'); checkTitles();}})(document)
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idrsln commented Nov 23, 2022

Hej! Could you be so kind to review your JS? Seems to be Google changed class names or smth. Your script was very very! useful for webmasters. Please, make it valid)))

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Script stopped to work. Is there a Solution for this? Thanks

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