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Felix Schlitter felixSchl

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andreyvit /
Created June 13, 2012 03:41
tmux cheatsheet

tmux cheat sheet

(C-x means ctrl+x, M-x means alt+x)

Prefix key

The default prefix is C-b. If you (or your muscle memory) prefer C-a, you need to add this to ~/.tmux.conf:

remap prefix to Control + a

bkaradzic /
Last active May 17, 2024 10:22
Orthodox C++

Orthodox C++

What is Orthodox C++?

Orthodox C++ (sometimes referred as C+) is minimal subset of C++ that improves C, but avoids all unnecessary things from so called Modern C++. It's exactly opposite of what Modern C++ suppose to be.

Why not Modern C++?

DusanMadar /
Last active May 16, 2024 08:35
A step-by-step guide how to use Python with Tor and Privoxy

A step-by-step guide how to use Python with Tor and Privoxy

Latest revision: 2021-12-05.

Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 Docker container. The Dockerfile is a single line FROM ubuntu:18.04. Alternatively, you can simply run docker run -it ubuntu:18.04 bash.

NOTE: stopping services didn't work for me for some reason. That's why there is kill $(pidof <service name>) after each failed service <service name> stop to kill it.


mislav /
Last active May 15, 2024 11:03
tmux-vim integration to transparently switch between tmux panes and vim split windows

I use tmux splits (panes). Inside one of these panes there's a Vim process, and it has its own splits (windows).

In Vim I have key bindings C-h/j/k/l set to switch windows in the given direction. (Vim default mappings for windows switching are the same, but prefixed with C-W.) I'd like to use the same keystrokes for switching tmux panes.

An extra goal that I've solved with a dirty hack is to toggle between last active panes with C-\.

Here's how it should work:

LeCoupa /
Last active May 9, 2024 03:03
Bash CheatSheet for UNIX Systems --> UPDATED VERSION -->
# Name: Bash CheatSheet for Mac OSX
# A little overlook of the Bash basics
# Usage:
# Author: J. Le Coupanec
# Date: 2014/11/04
okunishinishi / Remove all git tags
Created March 8, 2014 03:12
Delete all git remote tags
#Delete local tags.
git tag -l | xargs git tag -d
#Fetch remote tags.
git fetch
#Delete remote tags.
git tag -l | xargs -n 1 git push --delete origin
#Delete local tasg.
git tag -l | xargs git tag -d
evancz /
Last active April 29, 2024 16:53
Why do I have to write JSON decoders in Elm?

A vision for data interchange in Elm

How do you send information between clients and servers? What format should that information be in? What happens when the server changes the format, but the client has not been updated yet? What happens when the server changes the format, but the database cannot be updated?

These are difficult questions. It is not just about picking a format, but rather picking a format that can evolve as your application evolves.

Literature Review

By now there are many approaches to communicating between client and server. These approaches tend to be known within specific companies and language communities, but the techniques do not cross borders. I will outline JSON, ProtoBuf, and GraphQL here so we can learn from them all.

lopezjurip /
Created September 26, 2015 12:13
OSX Homebrew: docker-machine setup


Make sure you have installed Homebrew and (Homebrew-Cask)[].

# Install Homebrew
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

# Install Homebrew-cask
brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
hyOzd / delete-file-and-buffer.el
Created July 21, 2015 11:55
emacs delete current file and close the buffer
;; based on
(defun delete-file-and-buffer ()
"Kill the current buffer and deletes the file it is visiting."
(let ((filename (buffer-file-name)))
(if filename
(if (y-or-n-p (concat "Do you really want to delete file " filename " ?"))
(delete-file filename)
(message "Deleted file %s." filename)
mikelehen / generate-pushid.js
Created February 11, 2015 17:34
JavaScript code for generating Firebase Push IDs
* Fancy ID generator that creates 20-character string identifiers with the following properties:
* 1. They're based on timestamp so that they sort *after* any existing ids.
* 2. They contain 72-bits of random data after the timestamp so that IDs won't collide with other clients' IDs.
* 3. They sort *lexicographically* (so the timestamp is converted to characters that will sort properly).
* 4. They're monotonically increasing. Even if you generate more than one in the same timestamp, the
* latter ones will sort after the former ones. We do this by using the previous random bits
* but "incrementing" them by 1 (only in the case of a timestamp collision).