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Prefix | Description | Notes | |
ac_ | Platform Client ID | Identifier for an auth code/client id. | |
acct_ | Account ID | Identifier for an Account object. | |
aliacc_ | Alipay Account ID | Identifier for an Alipay account. | |
ba_ | Bank Account ID | Identifier for a Bank Account object. | |
btok_ | Bank Token ID | Identifier for a Bank Token object. | |
card_ | Card ID | Identifier for a Card object. | |
cbtxn_ | Customer Balance Transaction ID | Identifier for a Customer Balance Transaction object. | |
ch_ | Charge ID | Identifier for a Charge object. | |
cn_ | Credit Note ID | Identifier for a Credit Note object. | |
cs_live_ | Live Checkout Session ID | Identifier for a checkout Session object in live mode. | |
cs_test_ | Test Checkout Session ID | Identifier for a checkout Session object in test mode. | |
cus_ | Customer ID | Identifier for a Customer object. | |
dp_ | Dispute ID | Identifier for a Dispute object. | |
evt_ | Event ID | Identifier for an Event object. | |
fee_ | Application Fee ID | Identifier for an Application Fee object. | |
file_ | File ID | Identifier for a File object. | |
fr_ | Application Fee Refund ID | Identifier for an Application Fee Refund object. | |
iauth_ | Issuing Authorization ID | Identifier for an Issuing Authorization object. | |
ic_ | Issuing Card ID | Identifier for an Issuing Card object. | |
ich_ | Issuing Card Holder ID | Identifier for an Issuing Card Holder object. | |
idp_ | Issuing Dispute ID | Identifier for an Issuing Dispute object. | |
ii_ | Invoice Item ID | Identifier for an Invoice Item object. | |
il_ | Invoice Line Item ID | Identifier for a Invoice Line Item object. | |
in_ | Invoice ID | Identifier for an Invoice object. | |
ipi_ | Issuing Transaction ID | Identifier for an Issuing Transaction object. | |
link_ | File Link ID | Identifier for a File Link object. | |
or_ | Order ID | Identifier for an Order object. | |
orret_ | Order Return ID | Identifier for an Order Return object. | |
person_ | Person ID | Identifier for a Person object. | |
pi_ | Payment Intent ID | Identifier for a Payment Intent object. | |
pk_live_ | Live public key | Public key in a live environment. | |
pk_test_ | Test public key | Public key in a test environment. | |
pm_ | Payment Method ID | Identifier for a Payment Method object. | |
po_ | Payout ID | Identifier for a Payout object. | |
price_ | Price ID | Identifier for a Price object. | |
prod_ | Product ID | Identifier for a Product object. | |
prv_ | Review ID | Identifier for a Review object. | |
pst_live_ | Live Connection token | Connection token in a live environment. | |
pst_test_ | Test Connection token | Connection token in a test environment. | |
py_ | Payment ID | Identifier for a Payment object. | |
pyr_ | Payment Refund ID | Identifier for a psuedo Refund object of a payment. | |
qt_ | Quote ID | Identifier for a Quote object. | |
rcpt_ | Receipt ID | Identifier for a receipt. | |
re_ | Refund ID | Identifier for a Refund object. | |
req_ | Request ID | Identifier for a HTTP Request | |
rk_live_ | Live restricted key | Restricted key for live environment eg. stripe-cli | |
rk_test_ | Test restricted key | Restricted key for test environment eg. stripe-cli | |
seti_ | Setup Intent ID | Identifier for a Setup Intent object. | |
si_ | Subscription Item ID | Identifier for a Subscription Item object. | |
sk_live_ | Live secret key | Secret key in a live environment. | |
sk_test_ | Test secret key | Pecret key in a test environment. | |
sku_ | SKU ID | Identifier for a SKU object. | |
sli_ | Subscription Line Item ID | Identifier for a Subscription Line Item object. | |
sqr_ | Scheduled Query Run ID | Identifier for a Scheduled Query Run object. | |
src_ | Source ID | Identifier for a Source object. | |
src_ | Source ID | Identifier for a Source object. | |
sub_ | Subscription ID | Identifier for a Subscription object. | |
tml_ | Terminal Location ID | Identifier for a Terminal Location object. | |
tmr_ | Terminal Reader ID | Identifier for a Terminal Reader object. | |
tok_ | Token ID | Identifier for a Token object. | |
trr_ | Transfer ID | Identifier a Transfer object. | |
tu_ | Topup ID | Identifier for a Topup object. | |
txi_ | Tax ID | Identifier for a customer Tax object. | |
txn_ | Transaction ID | Identifier for a Transaction object. | |
txr_ | Tax Rate ID | Identifier for a Tax Rate object. | |
we_ | Webhook Endpoint ID | Identifier for a webhook endpoint. | |
whsec_ | Webhook Secret | Secret key for signing a web hook. |
Are all Stripe IDs in the format {prefix}_{24 alphanumeric characters}?
They use {prefix}_{ulid}. Read more here: https://blog.daveallie.com/ulid-primary-keys?utm_source=pocket_mylist
I am not sure that Stripe uses {ulid}
. At least the resources I was looking at do not use it. For example, we may have a customer's ID like this one cus_Mdww7G4vQHS464
is not valid ULID.
@davidfilkins Are all Stripe IDs in the format {prefix}_{24 alphanumeric characters}?
Very old Stripe objects (prior to 2012) had "traditional UUIDs" as object-identifiers (according to this article by a Stripe employee) - so any active Stripe account today made prior to 2012 will have at least some prefix-less object-identifiers in it (as Stripe's object-identifiers are ostensibly immutable, so any object created before prefixes were added will retain its prefix-less object-id):
Stripe has been using this prefixing technique since 2012, and as far as I know, we’re the first ones to implement it at scale. [...] Before 2012, all Object IDs at Stripe looked more like traditional UUIDs. If you were an early Stripe adopter you might notice that your account ID still looks like this, without the prefix.
However, for all new Stripe objects since then they'll have the prefix. I didn't start using Stripe until around 2014 so I've never encountered a prefix-less object-id in my life - so given the benefits of performing method precondition assertions (i.e. parameter validation) I use this regex and it's never failed on valid input in the ~8 years I've been using it:^[a-z]{2,5}_[0-9A-Za-z]{8,58}$
(use with case-sensitive mode).
The {8,58}
quantifier in my regex is nothing more than an educated hope that Stripe would never do something as silly as have an actual 256-char-long object-id value (despite their threats to do so...]) - as I've almost always defaulted to using varchar(64)
for RDBMS columns for storing Stripe object-ids (using a low varchar
max-length n
value is important to constrain maximum row-size to avoid off-table string storage which really harms DB performance).
That said, in the past 8 years I've been using Stripe I've never encountered a Stripe object-id longer than 34 characters, including the type-prefix (excepting things like Hosted Invoice PDF URIs of the form live_[0-9A-Za-z]{100+}
which tend to be around 100-102 chars long.... but also consider that in those 8 years I've never ventured beyond Stripe's Checkout/Customers/Products/Subscriptions/Payments/Invoices functionality; as I haven't touched the rest of Stripe's offerings and it's entirely possible that much longer object-ids exist there. YMMV etc.
Stripe considers the following changes to be backwards-compatible:
Changing the length or format of opaque strings, such as object IDs, error messages, and other human-readable strings.
You can safely assume object IDs we generate will never exceed 255 characters, but you should be able to handle IDs of up to that length.
...but given Stripe's consistent and clear-messaging to expect 255-char-long object-ids I think unless you have an overriding and compelling technical reason to restrict string-length to something shorter then you should stick with treating object-ids as purely opaque case-sensitive strings up-to-255 chars, and don't even attempt to regex-them or inspect their contents. I know I do in my own code, but it's me who will be suffering the consequences of my decision-making, not you.
There was actually a breaking-change in Stripe's API's December 2019 and May 20198 updates that wouldn't have affected people treating ids as opaque strings, but likely would have failed in my own code:
- The id field of all invoice line items have changed and are now prefixed with
. The newid
has consistent prefixes across all line items, is globally unique, and can be used for pagination.- You can no longer use the prefix of the id to determine the source of the line item. Instead use the type field for this purpose.
- The
field ofinvoice
line items oftype=subscription
no longer can be interpreted as a subscription ID, but instead is a unique invoice line item ID.
...though curiously the same update does describe a constraint on the characters inside Coupon, SKU, Customer, Product, and Plan ids:
Coupon, SKU, customer, product and plan ids may only contain alphanumeric and
- characters on creation.
...curious. And no Stripe API updates since then have abrogated that point either.
@faridanthony They use {prefix}_{ulid}. Read more here: https://blog.daveallie.com/ulid-primary-keys?utm_source=pocket_mylist
That article summarizes ulid, but it doesn't claim that Stripe is using ulid. Indeed, @turakvlad is correct in that Stripe object-ids aren't ulids, simply because ulids are case-insensitive but Stripe object-ids are case-sensitive (so anyone who forgot to specify COLLATE <some-case-sensitive-collation>)
statement is going to have problems...).
Another curious thing, is that Stripe's object-ids are also clearly not entirely random: there's definitely a time-component of some significance (or some other monotonic change) that I've observed in some ids, like evt_
ids for Stripe Event objects. Here's a screenshot of some logged Stripe events from one of my databases, showing how Events all have similar leading characters that seem to correspond to the date+time:
...so I assume that dev.to article's claims of being "random" represents a drastic over-simplification of whatever their real scheme is ...which could still be based on incrementing integer values in their underlying database (and consider that truly random primary-key values are a good way to wreck your INSERT
performance and is why SQL Server prefers NEWSEQUENTIALID()
instead of NEWID()
if you're using a GUID/UUID as a PK).
There are a couple more which are not listed:
This is referenced as a "connection_context_id" in the Terminal API
This is referenced as a "reader_rpc_session_token" and a "sdk_rpc_session_token" in the Terminal API
This is referenced as a "stripe_session_token" in the Terminal API
finvp_ and binvp_
These are both used as fee IDs in a Payout Transaction breakdown. Can be found in the Dashboard API at dashboard.stripe.com/v1/transfers/po_XXXXXXX/transactions
One more for the list sub_sched_
for subscription schedules
One more: ca_<foo>
for stripe connect client_ids (for building the oauth redirect uri, amongst other things)
Adding some associated dashboard URLs (the ID itself would be appended to the URL).
Prefix Description Notes URL
ch_ Charge ID Identifier for a Charge object. https://dashboard.stripe.com/payments/
cus_ Customer ID Identifier for a Customer object. https://dashboard.stripe.com/customers/
il_ Invoice Line Item ID Identifier for a Invoice Line Item object. https://dashboard.stripe.com/subscriptions/
in_ Invoice ID Identifier for an Invoice object. https://dashboard.stripe.com/invoices/
pi_ Payment Intent ID Identifier for a Payment Intent object. https://dashboard.stripe.com/payments/
po_ Payout ID Identifier for a Payout object. https://dashboard.stripe.com/payouts/
price_ Price ID Identifier for a Price object. https://dashboard.stripe.com/prices/
prod_ Product ID Identifier for a Product object. https://dashboard.stripe.com/products/
promo_ Promo Code ID Identifier for a promo/coupon code. https://dashboard.stripe.com/promotion_codes/
seti_ Setup Intent ID Identifier for a Setup Intent object. https://dashboard.stripe.com/setup_intents/
sub_ Subscription ID Identifier for a Subscription object. https://dashboard.stripe.com/subscriptions/
Prefix Description
ri_ return_intent
rist_ return_intent_secret_token
retatt_ return_attempt
retmst_ return_method_secret_token
retm_ return_method
You might find it helpful to know that em_
is used for emails sent out by Stripe.
If you're interested in IDs with similar properties, there is a plethora.
There's also UUIDv7 now!
Shameless plug: I'm making a Python library to generate Stripe-like IDs, based on UUIDv7 and Crockford’s base32: https://pypi.org/project/prettyid/
Are all Stripe IDs in the format {prefix}_{24 alphanumeric characters}?