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Last active July 28, 2023 18:28
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VS Code Laravel Blade formatter using extension Beautify 1.5.0 by HookyQR with js-beautify hacks
Beautifier.prototype.beautify = function() {
var source_text = this._source_text;
source_text = source_text.replace(/\{\{(--)?((?:(?!(--)?\}\}).)+)(--)?\}\}/g, function(m, ds, c, dh, de) {
if (c) {
c = c.replace(/(^[ \t]*|[ \t]*$)/g, '');
c = c.replace(/'/g, ''');
c = c.replace(/"/g, '"');
c = encodeURIComponent(c);
return "{{" + (ds ? ds : "") + c + (de ? de : "") + "}}";
source_text = source_text.replace(/^[ \t]*@([a-z]+)([^\n]*)$/gim, function(m, d, c) {
if (c) {
c = c.replace(/'/g, ''');
c = c.replace(/"/g, '"');
c = "|" + encodeURIComponent(c);
switch (d) {
case 'break':
case 'case':
case 'continue':
case 'default':
case 'empty':
case 'endsection':
case 'else':
case 'elseif':
case 'extends':
case 'csrf':
case 'include':
case 'json':
case 'method':
case 'parent':
case 'section':
case 'stack':
case 'yield':
return "<blade " + d + c + "/>";
if (d.startsWith('end')) {
return "</blade " + d + c + ">";
} else {
return "<blade " + d + c + ">";
// END
var sweet_code = printer._output.get_code(eol);
sweet_code = sweet_code.replace(/^([ \t]*)<\/?blade ([a-z]+)\|?([^>\/]+)?\/?>$/gim, function toDirective(m, s, d, c) {
if (c) {
c = decodeURIComponent(c);
c = c.replace(/&#39;/g, "'");
c = c.replace(/&#34;/g, '"');
c = c.replace(/^[ \t]*/g, '');
} else {
c = "";
if (!s) {
s = "";
switch (d) {
case 'else':
case 'elseif':
case 'empty':
s = s.replace(printer._output.__indent_cache.__indent_string, '');
return s + "@" + d + c.trim();
sweet_code = sweet_code.replace(/@(case|default)((?:(?!@break).|\n)+)@break/gim, function addMoreIndent(m, t, c) {
var indent = printer._output.__indent_cache.__base_string;
c = c.replace(/\n/g, "\n" + indent + printer._output.__indent_cache.__indent_string);
c = c.replace(new RegExp(indent + '@' + t, 'gi'), '@' + t);
return "@" + t + c + "@break";
sweet_code = sweet_code.replace(/\{\{(--)?((?:(?!(--)?\}\}).)+)(--)?\}\}/g, function (m, ds, c, dh, de) {
if (c) {
c = decodeURIComponent(c);
c = c.replace(/&#39;/g, "'");
c = c.replace(/&#34;/g, '"');
c = c.replace(/(^[ \t]*|[ \t]*$)/g, ' ');
return "{{" + (ds ? ds : "") + c + (de ? de : "") + "}}";
// END
return sweet_code;
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mreduar commented Jul 24, 2019

@mohamedsabil83 Thanks for the help. I've tried it and it works well, however I couldn't locate the part of the code to fix the @parent directive.

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You're welcome @Zontir. I'll try to figure it and may @fzldn help us with it

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Any idea to keep array indent in blade file e.g.:

{!! Form::text('name', old('name'), [
    'class' => [
]) !!}

instead of:

{!! Form::text('name', old('name'), [
'class' => [
]) !!}

CC: @fzldn

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fzldn commented Aug 16, 2019

@mohamedsabil83 sorry I can't help much on that part, because that is a part of php formatter not in jsbeautify

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mreduar commented Aug 16, 2019

@mohamedsabil83 I think you simply shouldn't use LaravelCollective packages, these forms were taken from previous versions of Laravel.

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@fzldn I thought that just to be sure.

@Zontir It's an old project. Guess I will remove it when upgrading project to v6.

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lrpinto commented Sep 16, 2019

Thank you for the fantastic work.

I was wondering if anyone found a work around to keep array indentation:

// Before

  @component('components.form.form', [
    'classlist' => 'p-4',
    'attributes' => [
      'attribute' => [
        'something' => true

// After

  @component('components.form.form', [
    'classlist' => 'p-4',
    'attributes' => [
    'attribute' => [
    'something' => true

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rashidhussainshah commented Oct 7, 2019

not working in beautify 1.5.0

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Nice! Working just fine here. Isn't there any way to make beautify indent on section also, only if there is a endsection following?

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Ah, I found a bug:
// before
@section('title', 'Edit details for ' . $customer->name)

// After
<blade section|(%26%2339%3Btitle%26%2339%3B%2C%20%26%2339%3BEdit%20details%20for%20%26%2339%3B%20.%20%24customer-%3Ename) />

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lrpinto commented Nov 1, 2019 via email

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tech-mik commented Nov 1, 2019

I have no clue, not that far with php ;P @fzldn maybe?? 💯

It seems it has to do something with the length of the blade syntax. If you shorten it to:
@section("title", "Edit details for ".$customer->name)
Nothing happens. Add 2 more characters and it's all messed up again.

Here is a short, simpel but awkward solution for longer blade syntaxes, until it's fixed:

$title = 'Details for ' . $customer->name
@section('title', $title)

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tech-mik commented Nov 2, 2019


Add this to your user settings, and the bug is gone:
"html.format.wrapLineLength": 0,

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slovenianGooner commented Nov 20, 2019

There's a problem when using blade tags inside a <script> tag.

Screenshot 2019-11-20 at 21 04 06

Should be like this.

@if (isset($currentPage))

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fzldn commented Dec 19, 2019

@slovenianGooner sorry I can't handle php script inside inline js

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PhamBaTrungThanh commented Feb 18, 2020

Much appreciated it.

But can you tell me how to use this alongside Laravel blade snippet though?

Nvm, I figured it out.

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Slivicon commented Mar 16, 2020

This is the only solution I've found that actually attempts to indent blade directives, so thank you :) I did notice that {!! !!} syntax seems to get formatted unexpectedly now, not the same as {{ }}. Edit: Only when inside an html <script> tag, though, it seems. Inside that, a blade directive {!! !!} gets split to multiple lines, perhaps beautify trying to format it as JS, I'm not sure.

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sdebacker commented Mar 19, 2020

Hello, thank for this. I had to add case 'show': in the list, to allow to support @show for a section like this:

    <p>Content of section</p>

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maliouris commented Mar 31, 2020

I still get the error <blade section|(%26%2339%3Btitle%26%2339%3B%2C%20%26%2339%3BEdit%20details%20for%20%26%2339%3B%20.%20%24customer-%3Ename) /> when an if statement exceeds a line length and I dont think "html.format.wrapLineLength": 0 cause all in one line isn't a proper formating, is the solution. Has anyone come up with anything else ?

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I just solved it and you can watch how here

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I worked on a different solution.
I forked js-beautify and published a new package to format Blade files as HTML
you can find it from here:
I still need more contributors & testers to make sure everything is smooth and working fine.
you can install the package by npm install js-beautify-with-blade
then use it html-beautify -r resources/views/**/*.blade.php
you can also configure all the rules you want on .jsbeautifyrc

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