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Adeel Khan genidma

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genidma / 1-1-2020
Last active January 3, 2020 01:27
1-2-2020 Update
Posture: Not so great.
Nutritional intake: Further restrictions on carb intake ought to be enacted.
Note: 1-1-2020 : Going into January 2nd.
* Added modal to the top and populated some details:
* Tried to forward to the site at surge. DNS is not co-operating.
* Started looking into Firebase in order to power the backend.
* Some tinkering with Adobe XD in order to get the example XD Tutorial going or parts of it.
Posture: Way better compared to yesterday. Could be much better (overall).
Nutritional intake: Aiming for a more nutritional set of meals.
GMVR: Completed.
* Chores.
* More chores.
* Make healthy snacks.
* Practice coding for 1.5 (in chunks) [Completed]
Posture: Improvements required.
Nutritional intake: More nutritious; compared to last week. I should get back on Paleo, considering the fact that I've started eating chicken again.
GMVR: Completed.
Awake: 3:40 AM Eastern.
* Shower
* Chores (Includes 60+ minutes of cooking. Why so long?)
* Meal
* 8:30 Get out of the building (Not necessarily in a Steve Blank sense)
* Wake-up : Well-rested.
* Meal prep
* Breakfast. Hot peppers really wake you up. That's for sure. But you don't want to have them in the morning. It's interesting how the neurons on the tongue send the signals to the brain though. Must be a lot of action potentials firing on the tongue.
* Listen to some tunes and dance.
* Shower
* 06:20 Session I: Free Code Camp time
* 07:00 Session concludes.
* Continue here:
"I am brave."
"I am noble."
"I am continually investing towards the enablement of a growth mindset."
"Our mistakes don't define us, as much as our struggles do."
"Perfection is not attainable. Thus, a reality exists, which enables an unlimited opportunity for progress."
"The world is on a path towards abundance."
* GVMR complete.
* 07:28 Eat the frog
Time: 12:21
* "I am honest."
* "I am self-reflective."
* "Continually setting high standards is important to me."
* "I must be mindful that children may or may not listen to what we say. But they observe everything that we do."
* Let's begin by re-evaluating evening routine and figure out why I wasted 2 hours last night. Performing an activity that,
perhaps fills the emptiness in the void. The void that we all (or most/some/I don't know) of us may experience. But,
nonetheless, it is time that I cannot afford to waste.
genidma / 1-10-2020
Last active January 10, 2020 21:13
GVMR: Not completed (As of yet)
* "It's a new day. A new beginning."
* "I am capable of change. I change everyday."
* "I also have my struggles. But, I choose to invest in my well-being."
* "In order to be able to perform my duties, as a parent, to my beloved in the future. To be able to contribute positively,
to my community. Here, I must continue to invest in myself. This is what I have been doing for many years. I have new breakthroughs
each month. There has been progress and yet, a lot of work remains to be done"
"When I am kind to myself, the music is vibrant, as if, it has life. And the flowers look more beautiful."
genidma / 1-12-2020
Last active January 13, 2020 16:52
GVMR : c
Posture: Better. (Adequate amount of breaks for stretching. Between sessions. As well, light movement during sessions)
* "I am glorious."
* "I am magnificent."
* "I do deep work everyday."
* "The future is bright."
* "Life is good and getting better each day."
* "We all have a choice. We can choose to think beautiful thoughts and consistently work towards creating a better version of our bodies and our minds.
Or we can give in to the victim mentality, group think and activities that work towards reducing the probability that enlightenment can be had (in a wakeful state).
genidma / 1-13-2020
Last active January 13, 2020 23:58
GVMR : nc
Quotes of the day:
- "It's harmless if reporters and know-it-alls dismiss your startup. They always get things wrong.
It's even ok if investors dismiss your startup; they'll change their minds when they see growth.
The big danger is that you'll dismiss your startup yourself." - via PG
- "Tough times never last, but tough people do" - Dr. Robert Schuller. [Note: I am certainly
not religious. But choosing not to learn from someone who may be religious, is ridiculous. Besides, the quote rings true]
via FreeCodeCamp
genidma / 1-14-2020
Last active January 15, 2020 00:27
GVMR : c
* Evening schedule has been a struggle.
* Today : Different strategy. More focus on networking. As well, reaching out to some of the folks that I care about.
* I started eating rice again. I am not sure if this is a good thing or not. Probably not very good for the brain.
As rice turns faster to sugar, which spikes up blood-sugar. Not great for insulin regulation. Not so great for the brain.
* It's 18:34 I am working on a presentation for Founder Match App.
* The 'Do things that don't scale' article via PG is super rich. Worth reading over and over again. PG, somehow manages to
pack a ton of information in a single article. The gist of the article is totally on topic: A lot of startup founders
have this tendency towards just buidling the tech, with all the bells and whistles. But, figuring out the plumbing, the