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paulirish /
Last active July 5, 2024 08:26
What forces layout/reflow. The comprehensive list.

What forces layout / reflow

All of the below properties or methods, when requested/called in JavaScript, will trigger the browser to synchronously calculate the style and layout*. This is also called reflow or layout thrashing, and is common performance bottleneck.

Generally, all APIs that synchronously provide layout metrics will trigger forced reflow / layout. Read on for additional cases and details.

Element APIs

Getting box metrics
  • elem.offsetLeft, elem.offsetTop, elem.offsetWidth, elem.offsetHeight, elem.offsetParent
jopfre / gist:b8ea1a7ebf39cd8efabb
Last active May 30, 2018 10:34
fix view height support in iOS7 - sass
//based on
//with added support for iphone 3 and 4 and orinetation support for iphone 5.
//this is for all devices which can run iOS7 in all orientations.
//not a mixin to avoid to much duplicate code when using on multiple selectors.
.selector {
$height: 70; //set your height in vh
$heightPercent: $height/100;
height: #{$height}vh;
hzm-s / mixin.go
Last active April 13, 2022 10:50
mixin with golang
package main
import "fmt"
// 料理を作るI/F
type Cooker interface {
Cook() string
// 塗るI/F
tbrianjones / free_email_provider_domains.txt
Last active July 1, 2024 06:46
A list of free email provider domains. Some of these are probably not around anymore. I've combined a dozen lists from around the web. Current "major providers" should all be in here as of the date this is created.

Make it real

Ideas are cheap. Make a prototype, sketch a CLI session, draw a wireframe. Discuss around concrete examples, not hand-waving abstractions. Don't say you did something, provide a URL that proves it.

Ship it

Nothing is real until it's being used by a real user. This doesn't mean you make a prototype in the morning and blog about it in the evening. It means you find one person you believe your product will help and try to get them to use it.

Do it with style

import com.twitter.util.{Future => TwFuture}
import scala.concurrent.{Future => ScFuture, promise => ScPromise}
implicit def twFutureToScala[T](twFuture: TwFuture[T]): ScFuture[T] = {
val prom = ScPromise[T]
twFuture.onSuccess { res: T =>
twFuture.onFailure { t: Throwable =>
Warry /
Created December 11, 2012 00:11
How to make faster scroll effects?

How to make faster scroll effects?

  • Avoid too many reflows (the browser to recalculate everything)
  • Use advanced CSS3 for graphic card rendering
  • Precalculate sizes and positions

Beware of reflows

The reflow appens as many times as there are frames per seconds. It recalculate all positions that change in order to diplay them. Basically, when you scroll you execute a function where you move things between two reflows. But there are functions that triggers reflows such as jQuery offset, scroll... So there are two things to take care about when you dynamically change objects in javascript to avoid too many reflows:

briancavalier /
Created August 8, 2012 21:05
Hello wired for wire.js in node

Hello wire in node.js

  1. mkdir hello-wire
  2. cd hello-wire
  3. npm install wire
  4. Create main.js and spec.js as per the files in this gist.
  5. node main.js
peternixey /
Created March 5, 2012 13:10
How Homakov hacked GitHub and how to protect your application by Peter Nixey

##How Homakov hacked GitHub and the line of code that could have prevented it

Please note: THIS ARTICLE IS NOT WRITTEN BY THE GITHUB TEAM or in any way associated with them. It's simply hosted as a Gist because the markdown formatting is excellent and far clearer than anything I could manage on my personal Tumblr at

If you'd like to follow me on twitter my handle is @peternixey

Proposal for Improving Mass Assignment

For a while, I have felt that the following is the correct way to improve the mass assignment problem without increasing the burden on new users. Now that the problem with the Rails default has been brought up again, it's a good time to revisit it.

Sign Allowed Fields

When creating a form with form_for, include a signed token including all of the fields that were created at form creation time. Only these fields are allowed.

To allow new known fields to be added via JS, we could add: