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Last active May 25, 2024 13:58
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Proxmox Playground


If you want to protect your auth Proxmox VE, you can follow this step.


This configuration will be make max 3 attempt for Login to SSH or GUI & ban for 1 days you can modify on maxretry & bantime parameter.

Install Fail2ban

apt-get install -y fail2ban

Create SSHD Configuration

  • Create SSH Jail Configuration
nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/sshd.conf


# To use more aggressive sshd modes set filter parameter "mode" in jail.local:
# normal (default), ddos, extra or aggressive (combines all).
# See "tests/files/logs/sshd" or "filter.d/sshd.conf" for usage example and details.
#mode   = normal
enabled   = true
filter    = sshd
banaction = iptables
backend   = systemd
maxretry  = 3
findtime  = 1d
bantime   = 1d
action  = iptables[name=SSH, port=22, protocol=tcp]
  • You optionally use action line, if you want to use that you can follow this step first.

  • Create GUI Jail Configuration

nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/proxmox.conf

enabled = true
filter = proxmox
backend = systemd
banaction = iptables
maxretry = 3
findtime = 7d
bantime = 1d
  • Create PAM Jail Configuration
nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/pam-generic.conf

enabled = true
backend = systemd
banaction = iptables
findtime = 7d
bantime = 1d
maxretry = 3
  • Restart Fail2ban
systemctl restart fail2ban

Check & Re-check

  • To check Ban
fail2ban-client status sshd
fail2ban-client status proxmox
fail2ban-client status pam-generic
  • To Unban IP
fail2ban-client set sshd unbanip $1
fail2ban-client set proxmox unbanip $1
fail2ban-client set pam-generic unbanip $1
  • To Manually Ban IP
fail2ban-client -vvv set sshd banip $1
fail2ban-client -vvv set proxmox banip $1
fail2ban-client -vvv set pam-generic banip $1



If you want to change favicon & left logo side you can replace this path

  • /usr/share/pve-manager/images/proxmox_logo.png
  • /usr/share/pve-manager/images/favicon.ico
  • /usr/share/pve-manager/images/logo-128.png

Size requirement

  • proxmox_logo.png -> 172x30
  • favicon.ico -> 32x32
  • logo-128.png -> 128x128


If you want to easily deploy VM on Proxmox, you can create a template from ISO Image.

Make sure your ISO already uploaded to Proxmox


Create Template

  • Goes to VM who want to be template (edit on CD/DVD Drive then Do not use any media) image

  • Then add new CloudInit Drive image

  • Then select storage to local-lvm image

  • Then goes to Cloud-Init tab then fill to your needs then click Regenerate Image image

  • Convert to Template image

  • Finnish

Launch from Template

  • Goes to template then right click & clone image

  • Select Full Clone image



If you see experienced an error message like trying to acquire lock... TASK ERROR: can't lock file '/var/lock/qemu-server/lock-205.conf' - got timeout you can use this script to unlock first then do your task before again.



echo 'Existing lock files'
ls -l /run/lock/qemu-server
read -p 'Enter the VM ID here to delete corresponding lock e.g. 101: ' vmid
qm unlock $vmid
rm -f /run/lock/qemu-server/lock-$vmid.conf
qm unlock $vmid
echo '---Remaining locks---'
ls -l /run/lock/qemu-server


If you can't powerOff some VM on Proxmox, you can try this playground to force stop that VM's.

QM Command

## Gather VMID from QM Command
qm list

## Stop VM from QM Command
qm stop VMID

Force stop by Kill PID

## Gather VMID from QM Command
qm list

## Gather VMID PID
ps aux | grep "/usr/bin/kvm -id VMID"
kill -9 PID



If you need an Advanced Remote Console VM than NoVNC (default), we can use Spice for Remote Console.

Before we can use Spice, we must install additional agent on VM named virt-viewer


Make sure you have a Spice Client first on your local machine to access Spice Server. You can download on Here


sudo apt install virt-viewer

Tested on Ubuntu Server

Change type of Display on Hardware VM Configuration


Noted : 32 MiB is very sufficient for 4K use.



If you want to add qemu-guest-agent to Server who run on Proxmox, you can execute this command.

Command for Unix

apt-get install qemu-guest-agent
systemctl start qemu-guest-agent
systemctl enable qemu-guest-agent

Command to List all VM

qm list

Command for Windows Server

Command to exec command to GuestOS

qm guest exec VMID -- bash -c "echo hello; echo world"



If you want to scale down VM Disk on Proxmox VE you can follow this step.

for Linux

you can follow detach PV from VG with pvmove on this link first then continue to point decrease disk from Proxmox VE.

for Windows

you can shrink your existing disk from disk management then continue to point decrease disk from Proxmox VE.

Decrease disk from Proxmox VE

you can reffer this link or you can simply execute this on your Proxmox VE terminal.

lvm lvreduce -L -32g pve/vm-103-disk-0
qm rescan


If you have a problem when DNS not configurar persistence, please follow this step.


sudo apt install resolvconf	

sudo systemctl enable resolvconf
sudo systemctl start resolvconf
sudo systemctl status resolvconf	

Configure DNS

sudo nano /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head 


sudo resolvconf --enable-updates
sudo resolvconf -u 



If you don't want to upload ISO from Proxmox Console, you can upload ISO from CLI with these step.

Download your ISO on Proxmox Host



If you want to access your GUI VM on top of Proxmox, you can set static IP on proxmox conf.


Go to /etc/pve/local/qemu-server/<VMID>.conf then add this args for set static VNC IP.

args: -vnc

Reboot your VM.


You can access it on <YOUR_PROXMOX_HOST_IP>:5977


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