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lxneng / gist:741932
Created December 15, 2010 13:21
install PostgreSQL 9 in Mac OSX via Homebrew
install PostgreSQL 9 in Mac OSX via Homebrew
Mac OS X Snow Leopard
System Version: Mac OS X 10.6.5
Kernel Version: Darwin 10.5.0
Install notes for PostgreSQL 9.0.1 install using Homebrew:
sh-3.2# brew install postgresql
sstephenson / gist:1120938
Created August 2, 2011 19:08
Quick guide to installing rbenv
# Clone rbenv into ~/.rbenv
git clone ~/.rbenv
# Add rbenv to your PATH
# NOTE: rbenv is *NOT* compatible with rvm, so you'll need to
# remove rvm from your profile if it's present. (This is because
# rvm overrides the `gem` command.)
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$HOME/.rbenv/shims:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
exec $SHELL
gmccreight / viminvim.txt
Created September 9, 2011 04:54
Learn Vim in Vim
" copy all this into a vim buffer, save it, then...
" source the file by typing :so %
" Now vim acts like a specialized application for learning vim
" type ,c (that's comma c)
" You don't really know the command at all and want to see it again soon.
" ,c moves the current command down a several positions in the 'Study' stack
" so you'll see it again soon.
nmap ,c ^v/^$<cr>dma/^$<cr>/^$<cr>/^$<cr>/^$<cr>jP'azt<c-y><c-l>
brentertz / rvm2rbenv.txt
Created November 21, 2011 23:00
Switch from RVM to RBENV
## Prepare ###################################################################
# Remove RVM
rvm implode
# Ensure your homebrew is working properly and up to date
brew doctor
brew update
## Install ###################################################################
pledbrook / BootStrap.groovy
Created May 10, 2012 12:52
Embed Vert.x in Grails
import org.vertx.groovy.core.Vertx
class BootStrap {
def init = { servletContext ->
def vertx = Vertx.newVertx()
def httpServer = vertx.createHttpServer()
vertx.createSockJSServer(httpServer).installApp(prefix: '/events') { sock ->
sock.dataHandler { buff ->
sock << buff
# Extends Backbone.View on top of itself with some added features
# we use regularly
class Backbone.View extends Backbone.View
# Manages child views and renders them whenever the parent view is rendered.
# Specify views as key:value pairs of `className: view` where `className` is
# a CSS className to find the element in which to to append a rendered
# `view.el`
ogrrd / dnsmasq OS
Last active June 12, 2024 16:25
Setup dnsmasq on OS X

Never touch your local /etc/hosts file in OS X again

To setup your computer to work with *.test domains, e.g. project.test, awesome.test and so on, without having to add to your hosts file each time.



dain / Directions for creating PEM files
Last active October 16, 2023 09:11
Create Java KeyStore from standard PEM encoded private key and certificate chain files
# To regenerate the test key and certificates
# Generate an RSA private key and convert it to PKCS8 wraped in PEM
openssl genrsa 2048 | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform pem -outform pem -nocrypt -out rsa.key
# Generate a certificate signing request with the private key
openssl req -new -key rsa.key -out rsa.csr
# Sign request with private key
openssl x509 -req -days 10000 -in rsa.csr -signkey rsa.key -out rsa.crt
PatOConnor43 / lsp_config.lua
Created September 24, 2020 15:24
A small gist to show a dartls setup function to allow all the codeactions. These can be shown with `:lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()`
local dart_capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()
dart_capabilities.textDocument.codeAction = {
dynamicRegistration = false;
codeActionLiteralSupport = {
codeActionKind = {
valueSet = {