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Created June 28, 2011 03:48
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Objective C singleton pattern templates discussion
// Accessorizer's default generated singleton code for class Foo
static Foo *sharedInstance = nil;
+ (void) initialize
if (sharedInstance == nil)
sharedInstance = [[self alloc] init];
+ (id) sharedFoo
//Already set by +initialize.
return sharedInstance;
+ (id) allocWithZone: (NSZone *) zone
//Usually already set by +initialize.
if (sharedInstance)
//The caller expects to receive a new object, so implicitly retain it
//to balance out the eventual release message.
return [sharedInstance retain];
} else
//When not already set, +initialize is our caller.
//It's creating the shared instance, let this go through.
return [super allocWithZone: zone];
- (id) init
//If sharedInstance is nil, +initialize is our caller, so initialize the instance.
//If it is not nil, simply return the instance without re-initializing it.
if (sharedInstance == nil)
self = [super init];
if (self)
//Initialize the instance here.
return self;
- (id) copyWithZone: (NSZone *) zone
return self;
- (id) retain
return self;
- (unsigned) retainCount
return UINT_MAX; // denotes an object that cannot be released
- (void) release
// do nothing
- (id) autorelease
return self;
// Apple's documented version (from Cocoa Fundamentals Guide)
static MyGizmoClass *sharedGizmoManager = nil;
+ (MyGizmoClass*)sharedManager
if (sharedGizmoManager == nil) {
sharedGizmoManager = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];
return sharedGizmoManager;
+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
return [[self sharedManager] retain];
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
return self;
- (id)retain
return self;
- (NSUInteger)retainCount
return NSUIntegerMax; //denotes an object that cannot be released
- (void)release
//do nothing
- (id)autorelease
return self;
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haikusw commented Jun 28, 2011

Apple should only include best practice in their documentation. I agree that they don't always do so.
I like defensive programming.

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haikusw commented Jun 28, 2011

thanks for chiming in schwa. That's pretty much how I wrote things by hand before I got accessorizer. I like the lazy load/creation because you can do more extensive initialization because you aren't in an +initialize context.

Seems like an easy test for sanity checking would be an NSAssert in - init that tests to see if the sharedInstance has already been created or not.

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Fun addition: some Cocoa classes behave as "semi-singletons" on purpose. For example, [NSFileManager defaultManager] returns a "shared" file manager, but you can also (and apparently this is now the suggested method) use [[NSFileManager alloc] init] and get a thread-safe one. (I can't think of any other examples right now...)

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schwa commented Jun 28, 2011

@quavera the two samples here and are really the best singleton implementations now (pre-blocks and post-blocks). I'd definitely encourage you to use them.

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quavera commented Jun 28, 2011

BTW: I had Apple's implementation in Accessorizer for several years. Then a bunch of developers chimed in saying it was not correct. This led to Peter's version. I see now he's changed it somewhat. But again, I'm going to release Accessorizer 3.0 in Aug/Sept with ARC support among other things. I'll add a updated version of a Singleton based on your input.

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quavera commented Jun 28, 2011

Thanks for those links!

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haikusw commented Jun 28, 2011

editing the non blocks version to move static var out as both schwa and I generally do.

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quavera commented Jun 28, 2011

no more overrides? I got those overrides from Apple's documentation some time ago.

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haikusw commented Jun 28, 2011

@quavera if you read the thread the consensus here seems to be:

  1. that the Apple docs aren't great
  2. it's not necessary to enforce singleton-ness
  3. less is better.

(I'm not 100% in agreement with #2, and will probably put an NSAssert into my - init that tests to see if the sharedInstance is nil and assert if not. Something like NSAssert( sharedInstance == nil, @"initializing a second copy of your singleton class, probably not what you want"); either as an assert or a debug NSLog message.)

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schwa commented Jun 28, 2011

no more overrides.

they're dangerous and scramble the normal ref counting mechanism (which isn't even available to you in ARC anyway).

If the user wants to retain/release the singleton - let him. It won't cause any harm at all.

If the user decides to release it - well that's a stupid programmer who isn't following the Obj-C reference counting rules. Not much you can or should do to prevent that.

ARC makes all this noise go away.

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quavera commented Jun 28, 2011

thanks to all for this discussion - I have a few switches (options) in the Accessorizer Singleton code gen interface. I can re-implement/add some custom options there. People just need to email me what they want and I'll do my best to accommodate. Lastly, if there's ever a question with the code generated by Accessorizer, do NOT hesitate to contact me via email so we can discuss, modify, improve etc.

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