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Garris0n- / gist:d667ec05fe47e25674b7
Created October 9, 2014 03:16
people whose lists I trust
Thank you for contacting us concerning this issue. We are aware that at the
moment there are some peering problems in some certain areas in the US.
Please rest assure that this issue is not related to us but rather a problem
with your ISP
We have gotten phone calls and other tickets bringing this to our concern. We
are investigating and monitoring this issue at the moment.
To help us investigate it better, you may provide us a traceroute from your
computer to your server. Also, if possible, a tracerout from your server to
your computer(or the computer that is having trouble connecting). This will
highly be appreciated.
drewcassidy / aBot
Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
fun with the Voight Kampff test
(] is a bot)
<cinebox>karkat: You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on it's back. The tortoise lays on it's back, it's belly baking in the hot sun, beating it's legs trying to turn it'self over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?
[17:33] <joepie91> so like, the big problem with IPFS-based things is that nobody feels responsible for maintaining availability
[17:33] <joepie91> which is fine for popular things like torrents with thousands of seeds
[17:33] <joepie91> but not for small/uncommon things
[17:33] <joepie91> there's no central server with a backup regime which is responsible for availability
[17:33] <joepie91> in one way, that is a feature
[17:34] <joepie91> but in another way, it means that none of the peers are likely to have a similar availability regime or guarantee
[17:34] <joepie91> because everybody thinks "oh, it's distributed, I can just rely on the other peers"
[17:34] <joepie91> it's a game theory problem really, and unless it's solved, this trend of building everything on top of IPFS is going to result in *massive* data loss in the next 2-3 years
philippkeller /
Created July 28, 2016 13:04
base code of stage 1 and 2 of sysengquiz3
import urwid, random, re, time
blank = urwid.Divider()
palette = [
('body','light gray','black', 'standout'),
('reverse','light gray','black'),
('header','white','dark red', 'bold'),
('important','dark red','black',('standout','underline')),
('editfc','white', 'dark blue', 'bold'),
('editbx','light gray', 'dark blue'),
drewcassidy /
Last active June 8, 2017 20:58
stupid binary search for my AP Computer Science class in High School
public class BinarySearch {
public int find(int[] arr, int v) {
int i = 0;
int b = (1 << (Double.doubleToLongBits(arr.length - 1) >> 51));
while ((b >>>= 1) > 0) {
if ((i | b) < arr.length && arr[i | b] <= v) i |= b;
if (arr[i] == v) return i;
r35krag0th /
Created November 30, 2012 02:10
Get Pandora TLS Fingerprint
## A simple little shell script that will return the current
## fingerprint on the SSL certificate. It's crude but works :D
## Author: Bob Saska (r35krag0th) <>
openssl s_client -connect < /dev/null 2> /dev/null | \
openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint | tr -d ':' | cut -d'=' -f2

If tmux fails with the message "open terminal failed: missing or unsuitable terminal: rxvt-unicode-256color".

$ ssh remotemachine mkdir -p .terminfo/r
$ scp /usr/share/terminfo/r/rxvt-unicode* remotemachine:.terminfo/r/
shubheksha /
Last active May 1, 2023 18:05
A list of extensions/plugins that highlight matching parens/braces for various editors/IDEs.
jpouellet /
Last active November 24, 2023 10:49
Makes Zsh print a bell when long-running commands finish. I use this in combination with i3 and throw big compile jobs (or whatever it may be) into another workspace to get a nice visual notification (workspace indicator turns red) when it's done so I don't need to waste time regularly checking on it.
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# This script prints a bell character when a command finishes
# if it has been running for longer than $zbell_duration seconds.
# If there are programs that you know run long that you don't
# want to bell after, then add them to $zbell_ignore.
# This script uses only zsh builtins so its fast, there's no needless
# forking, and its only dependency is zsh and its standard modules