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Hossein Naderi hnaderi

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package sillio
import cats.syntax.all._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicReference}
chuwy / Table.scala
Last active August 22, 2023 19:54
Scala macro for building type-safe SQL Fragments
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.deriving.Mirror
import quotidian.*
import quotidian.syntax.*
import io.github.iltotore.iron.*
import eu.timepit.refined._
import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined
import eu.timepit.refined.string.MatchesRegex
object refinements {
type EmailPred = MatchesRegex[W.`"""(?=[^\\s]+)(?=(\\w+)@([\\w\\.]+))"""`.T]
type Email = String Refined EmailPred
# First we need to get the modeline string for xrandr
# Luckily, the tool "gtf" will help you calculate it.
# All you have to do is to pass the resolution & the-
# refresh-rate as the command parameters:
gtf 1920 1080 60
# In this case, the horizontal resolution is 1920px the
# vertical resolution is 1080px & refresh-rate is 60Hz.
zealot128 /
Last active July 25, 2023 19:54
Gitlab runner with docker by cloud init on Hetzner Cloud

Quick Terraform script to deploy Gitlab runner with docker onto Hetzner Cloud (Hcloud)

  1. Create other terraform stuff
  • tf-backend,
  • with hcloud_token
  • ssh key: mkdir keys; ssh-keygen -f id_rsa
  1. modify cloudinit.yml:
  • change gitlab url
  • ADD_YOUR_REGISTRY_TOKEN -> Set to the Gitlab Runner Registration Token
  • Add more allowed images/services, if using gitlab registry, like that:*, change base image etc.


To create CC0-1.0 license on github, visit the below link in your browser with and replaced with yours.

turboBasic /
Last active April 10, 2024 05:36
Use git-crypt & symmetric key kept inside a repo to encrypt some files in the repository

Use git-crypt & symmetric key kept inside a repo to encrypt some files in the repository


  1. GnuPG aka "gpg"
  2. git-crypt

you may totally ignore complicated gpg manuals, but you must understand how git-crypt operates.

coin8086 /
Last active June 22, 2024 11:41
Use Proxy for Git/GitHub

Use Proxy for Git/GitHub

Generally, the Git proxy configuration depends on the Git Server Protocol you use. And there're two common protocols: SSH and HTTP/HTTPS. Both require a proxy setup already. In the following, I assume a SOCKS5 proxy set up on localhost:1080. But it can also be a HTTP proxy. I'll talk about how to set up a SOCKS5 proxy later.

SSH Protocol

When you do git clone ssh://[user@]server/project.git or git clone [user@]server:project.git, you're using the SSH protocol. You need to configurate your SSH client to use a proxy. Add the following to your SSH config file, say ~/.ssh/config:

ProxyCommand nc -x localhost:1080 %h %p
mcattarinussi /
Last active June 25, 2024 16:05
A setup guide to use a personal gpg key for ssh authentication

GPG - SSH setup

Generating the master key

Here we create the master key. We want only Certify capability: we use the master key only to create the subkeys, Sign - Encrypt - Authenticate capabilities will be assigned to the subkeys.

Run the following command to start the master key generation process. Select the set your own capabilities creation process (type 8)

  ▶ gpg --full-generate-key --expert

gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.9; Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Quick Tips for Fast Code on the JVM

I was talking to a coworker recently about general techniques that almost always form the core of any effort to write very fast, down-to-the-metal hot path code on the JVM, and they pointed out that there really isn't a particularly good place to go for this information. It occurred to me that, really, I had more or less picked up all of it by word of mouth and experience, and there just aren't any good reference sources on the topic. So… here's my word of mouth.

This is by no means a comprehensive gist. It's also important to understand that the techniques that I outline in here are not 100% absolute either. Performance on the JVM is an incredibly complicated subject, and while there are rules that almost always hold true, the "almost" remains very salient. Also, for many or even most applications, there will be other techniques that I'm not mentioning which will have a greater impact. JMH, Java Flight Recorder, and a good profiler are your very best friend! Mea