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Neo Cab is out now on Apple Arcade, Steam and Nintendo Switch!

Phenry Ewing hoverbird

Neo Cab is out now on Apple Arcade, Steam and Nintendo Switch!
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(ns primeFactors)
(defn square [n] (* n n))
(defn divisible-by? [n candidate]
(= 0 (rem n candidate)))
(defn of [n]
(loop [factors [] n n candidate 2]
require "date"
require "time"
# converts base10 integers into NewBase60
def num_to_sxg(num=nil)
sxg = ""
vocabulary = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"
return 0 if num.nil? ||
denmarkin / .ackrc
Created February 9, 2011 18:01
~/.ackrc for web-developers. I'm using AckMate
coreyhaines / churn script
Created February 16, 2011 19:04
Bash script to generate churn counts in git repo
churn number and file name
git log --all -M -C --name-only | grep -E '^(app|lib)/' | sort | uniq -c | sort | awk 'BEGIN {print "count,file"} {print $1 "," $2}'
churn number and file name w/ limiting to last n commits
git log --all -n 5000 -M -C --name-only | grep -E '^spec/models' | sort | uniq -c | sort | awk 'BEGIN {print "count,file"} {print $1 "," $2}'
graph of churn number and frequency
git log --all -M -C --name-only | grep -E '^(app|lib)/' | sort | uniq -c | sort | awk '{print $1}' | uniq -c | sort | awk 'BEGIN { print "frequency,churn_count"} { print $1,$2}'
function JsonFile(path) {
this.path = path;
JsonFile.prototype = new loadrunner.Dependency;
JsonFile.prototype.start = function() {
var me = this;
$.get(this.path, function(data) {
# Extend jQuery objects with Underscore collection methods.
# Each collection method comes in two flavors: one prefixed
# with _, which yields a bare DOM element, and one prefixed
# with $, which yields a jQuery-wrapped element.
# So if `this` is a jQuery object, instead of:
# _.max @, (el) -> $(el).height()
anonymous / gist:948828
Created April 29, 2011 19:10
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
leibovic / dominant-color.js
Created June 9, 2011 16:27
Dominant Color
function getDominantColor(aImg) {
let canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.height = aImg.height;
canvas.width = aImg.width;
let context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.drawImage(aImg, 0, 0);
// keep track of how many times a color appears in the image
let colorCount = {};
iloveitaly / graffle2hash.rb
Created December 16, 2011 18:34
Convert Hierarchical OmniGraffle Document to JSON
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# rubycocoa
require 'osx/cocoa'
include OSX
OSX.require_framework 'ScriptingBridge'
class GraffleConverter
def initialize
@graffle = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier_("com.omnigroup.OmniGraffle")
kyleturner / Remove Submodule
Created January 5, 2012 01:07
How to remove a submodule from a Github project
To remove a submodule you need to:
Delete the relevant line from the .gitmodules file.
Delete the relevant section from .git/config.
Run git rm --cached path_to_submodule (no trailing slash).
Commit and delete the now untracked submodule files.