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Last active December 8, 2024 10:11
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Frigate 0.10 Notifications
name: Frigate Notification (0.10.0)
description: |
## Frigate Mobile App Notification
This blueprint will send a notification to your device when a Frigate event for the selected camera is fired. The notification will initially include the thumbnail of the detection, but include an actionable notification allowing you to view the clip and snapshot.
With this blueprint, you may send the notification to multiple devices by leaving "Device" blank and instead use a [notification group][1].
### Software Version Requirements
Minimum Home Assistant Version: 2022.2
Minimum Frigate Version: 0.10.0 Beta 10
Minimum Frigate Integration Version: 2.2.0
Minimum iOS Version: 15.0
### Required entities:
- Frigate Camera Name
- Mobile App Device **or** the name of a Notification Group
### Optional features:
- You can optionally send the notification as a critical alert.
- You can choose whether or not to update the notification with new thumbnails as they become available.
- You can limit notifications to objects entering pre-defined [zones][2] in Frigate.
- You can specify which [zones][2] to be notified about. This must be a list (e.g.):
- backyard
- You can specify what type of [objects][3] to be notified about. This must be a list (e.g.):
- person
- car
- You can disable notifications if a presence entity or group is "home".
- You can configure a cooldown for the camera to reduce the number of notifications when back-to-back events occur.
- You can silence future notifications for a defined amount of time through actionable notifications. This is helpful in situations where you know you will be triggering detections for an extended period of time. i.e. kids playing outside.
- You can set a loitering timer to notify you of stationary objects that remain for a set period of time.
domain: automation
name: Frigate Camera
description: The name of the camera as defined in your frigate configuration.
name: Device
description: The device must run the official Home Assistant app to receive notifications.
default: false
integration: mobile_app
name: Notification Group
description: The name of the notification group to call.
default: ""
name: (Optional) Base URL
description: >
The external url for your Home Assistant instance. This will default to a relative
URL and will open the clips in the app instead of the browser, which does not work well on iOS.
default: ""
name: (Optional) Critical Notification
description: Send as a critical notification to the mobile device.
default: false
name: (Optional) Update Thumbnail
description: Update notification if a new "better" thumbnail is available.
default: false
name: (Optional) Zone Filter
description: Only notify if object has entered a defined zone.
default: false
name: (Optional) Trigger Zones
description: A list (-) of zones you wish to recieve notifications for.
default: []
name: (Optional) Trigger Objects
description: A list (-) of objects you wish to recieve notifications for.
default: []
name: (Optional) Presence Filter
description: Only notify if selected presence entity is not "home".
default: ""
name: (Optional) Cooldown
description: Delay before sending another notification for this camera after the last event.
default: 30
max: 300
min: 0
unit_of_measurement: seconds
name: (Optional) Silence New Object Notifications
description: >
How long to silence notifications for this camera when requested as part of the
actionable notification. Note: This only applies to new objects. Existing tracked
default: 30
max: 300
min: 0
unit_of_measurement: minutes
name: (Optional) Loitering Notifications
description: >
Sends new loitering notification if a stationary object is detected for longer
than the specified time. 0 is off and will not send notifications.
default: 0
max: 300
min: 0
unit_of_measurement: minutes
mode: parallel
camera: !input camera
- platform: event
event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
action: 'silence-{{ camera }}'
id: silence
- platform: mqtt
topic: frigate/events
payload: "{{ camera }}/new"
value_template: "{{ value_json['after']['camera'] }}/{{ value_json['type']}}"
id: frigate-event
camera: !input camera
camera_name: "{{ camera | replace('_', ' ') | title }}"
base_url: !input base_url
critical: !input critical
update_thumbnail: !input update_thumbnail
group_target: !input notify_group
zone_only: !input zone_filter
input_zones: !input zones
zones: "{{ input_zones | list }}"
input_labels: !input labels
labels: "{{ input_labels | list }}"
presence_entity: !input presence_filter
cooldown: !input cooldown
loiter_timer: !input loiter_timer
fps_value: "{{ states('sensor.' + camera + '_camera_fps') }}"
fps: "{{ fps_value|int if is_number(fps_value) or 5 }}"
- choose:
- alias: "Silence New Object Notifications"
- condition: trigger
id: silence
- service: automation.turn_off
entity_id: "{{ this.entity_id }}"
stop_actions: false
- delay:
minutes: !input silence_timer
- service: automation.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ this.entity_id }}"
- alias: "Frigate Event"
- condition: trigger
id: "frigate-event"
- "{{ is_state(this.entity_id, 'on') }}"
- "{{ not this.attributes.last_triggered or (now() - this.attributes.last_triggered).seconds > cooldown }}"
- variables:
id: "{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['id'] }}"
object: "{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['label'] }}"
label: "{{ object | title }}"
# Dynamic Variables per event
initial_home: "{{ presence_entity != '' and is_state(presence_entity, 'home') }}"
initial_entered_zones: "{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['entered_zones'] }}"
- alias: "Notifications enabled for object label"
condition: template
value_template: "{{ not labels|length or object in labels }}"
- alias: "Notify on new object"
- conditions:
- "{{ not zone_only or initial_entered_zones|length > 0 }}"
- "{{ not zones|length or zones|select('in', initial_entered_zones)|list|length > 0 }}"
- "{{ not initial_home }}"
- choose:
- conditions: "{{ not group_target }}"
- device_id: !input notify_device
domain: mobile_app
type: notify
message: "A {{ label }} was detected on the {{ camera_name }} camera."
tag: "{{ id }}"
group: "frigate-notification-{{ camera }}"
# Android Specific
image: "/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg?format=android"
clickAction: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
ttl: "{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}"
priority: "{{ iif(critical, 'high', 'normal') }}"
# iOS Specific
url: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
url: "/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg"
interruption-level: "{{ iif(critical, 'critical', 'active') }}"
# Actions
- action: URI
title: View Clip
uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
- action: URI
title: View Snapshot
uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/snapshot.jpg"
- action: "silence-{{ camera }}"
title: Silence New Notifications
destructive: true
- service: "notify.{{ group_target }}"
message: "A {{ label }} was detected on the {{ camera_name }} camera."
tag: "{{ id }}"
group: "frigate-notification-{{ camera }}"
# Android Specific
image: "/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg?format=android"
clickAction: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
ttl: "{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}"
priority: "{{ iif(critical, 'high', 'normal') }}"
# iOS Specific
url: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
url: "/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg"
interruption-level: "{{ iif(critical, 'critical', 'active') }}"
# Actions
- action: URI
title: View Clip
uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
- action: URI
title: View Snapshot
uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/snapshot.jpg"
- action: "silence-{{ camera }}"
title: Silence New Notifications
destructive: true
- repeat:
- wait_for_trigger:
- platform: mqtt
topic: frigate/events
payload: "{{ id }}"
value_template: "{{ value_json['after']['id'] }}"
minutes: 2
continue_on_timeout: false
- variables:
event: "{{ wait.trigger.payload_json }}"
loitering: "{{ loiter_timer and event['before']['motionless_count']/fps/60 < loiter_timer and event['after']['motionless_count']/fps/60 >= loiter_timer }}"
new_snapshot: "{{ update_thumbnail and event['before']['snapshot_time'] != event['after']['snapshot_time'] }}"
home: "{{ presence_entity != '' and is_state(presence_entity, 'home') }}"
presence_changed: "{{ presence_entity != '' and as_datetime(event['before']['frame_time']) < states[presence_entity].last_changed }}"
last_zones: "{{ event['before']['entered_zones'] }}"
entered_zones: "{{ event['after']['entered_zones'] }}"
zone_filter: "{{ not zone_only or entered_zones|length > 0 }}"
stationary_moved: "{{ event['after']['position_changes'] > event['before']['position_changes'] }}"
zone_only_changed: "{{ zone_only and (entered_zones|length > 0 and not last_zones|length) }}"
entered_zones_changed: "{{ zones|length > 0 and (zones|select('in', entered_zones)|list|length > 0 and not zones|select('in', last_zones)|list|length) }}"
update: "{{ new_snapshot and not loitering and not presence_changed and not zone_only_changed and not entered_zones_changed }}"
- alias: "Notify on loitering or significant change"
- conditions: "{{ loitering or (not home and zone_filter and (new_snapshot or presence_changed or stationary_moved or zone_only_changed or entered_zones_changed)) }}"
- choose:
- conditions: "{{ not group_target }}"
- device_id: !input notify_device
domain: mobile_app
type: notify
message: "A {{ label }} {{ 'is loitering' if loitering else 'was detected' }} on the {{ camera_name }} camera."
tag: "{{ id }}{{'-loitering' if loitering}}"
group: "frigate-notification-{{ camera }}{{'-loitering' if loitering}}"
# Android Specific
image: "/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg?format=android"
clickAction: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
ttl: "{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}"
priority: "{{ iif(critical, 'high', 'normal') }}"
# iOS Specific
url: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
url: "/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg"
sound: "{{ iif(update, 'none', 'default') }}"
interruption-level: "{{ iif(critical, 'critical', 'active') }}"
# Actions
- action: URI
title: View Clip
uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
- action: URI
title: View Snapshot
uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/snapshot.jpg"
- action: "silence-{{ camera }}"
title: Silence New Notifications
destructive: true
- service: "notify.{{ group_target }}"
message: "A {{ label }} {{ 'is loitering' if loitering else 'was detected' }} on the {{ camera_name }} camera."
tag: "{{ id }}{{'-loitering' if loitering}}"
group: "frigate-notification-{{ camera }}{{'-loitering' if loitering}}"
# Android Specific
image: "/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg?format=android"
clickAction: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
ttl: "{{ iif(critical, 0, 3600000) }}"
priority: "{{ iif(critical, 'high', 'normal') }}"
# iOS Specific
url: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
url: "/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/thumbnail.jpg"
sound: "{{ iif(update, 'none', 'default') }}"
interruption-level: "{{ iif(critical, 'critical', 'active') }}"
# Actions
- action: URI
title: View Clip
uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/{{camera}}/clip.mp4"
- action: URI
title: View Snapshot
uri: "{{base_url}}/api/frigate/notifications/{{id}}/snapshot.jpg"
- action: "silence-{{ camera }}"
title: Silence New Notifications
destructive: true
until: "{{ not wait.trigger or wait.trigger.payload_json['type'] == 'end' }}"
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Is it possible to add some conditions like time to the notifications?

For example i don´t want notifications during daytime when people are outside but i do want notifications during evening and night if someone is lurking around.

Hi NBD, I'd say the best way to do this would be to create another automation with time based triggers/conditions to turn on and off this blueprint automation.

I think some others have created forks of this blueprint to add timers but the suggestion above would be more future proof as the blueprint gets updated etc.

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toddrob99 commented Jul 25, 2022

@NBD99 I wanted more control over when notifications are triggered, too, so in my fork I added support for a "Notifications Enabled Entity." I created a template sensor that takes all the variables into consideration (my device tracker group is home, an input_boolean for whether or not I want alerts while someone is home, and an input_boolean to temporarily disable all alerts (including door open/close, lock/unlock, etc.). When that sensor is True, notifications will be sent (if the other settings on the blueprint are satisfied); when it's False, notifications are suppressed. Currently my template sensor is NOT set to False when I silence notifications from the actionable notifications from this blueprint, because that just disables the automation for some time. Not sure if all that really fits your use case, but thought I'd throw it out there.

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That's what I was seeing @LaurenceGough, and the change I made fixed it. What are the settings for your automation? I have "Update Thumbnail" turned off, and Loitering Notifications set to 0. If you export your automation trace I am willing to take a look and try to debug it.

Also, I believe the number of notifications is based on the number of updates from Frigate, not that Home Assistant (the automation) is sending duplicates on its own.

I spoke way too soon it seems, it went crazy today when a few people decided to loiter outside. Probably 200-300 notifications in under an hour.

I'll drop you the trace if you find any time to take a look at it it'd be massively appreciated, I don't think I'll have any hair left at this rate.

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NBD99 commented Jul 25, 2022

Is it possible to add some conditions like time to the notifications?
For example i don´t want notifications during daytime when people are outside but i do want notifications during evening and night if someone is lurking around.

Hi NBD, I'd say the best way to do this would be to create another automation with time based triggers/conditions to turn on and off this blueprint automation.

I think some others have created forks of this blueprint to add timers but the suggestion above would be more future proof as the blueprint gets updated etc.

Well that actually seems like a quite simple solution that i haven't thought about. I tried it today and it worked like a charm, thank you!

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Blueprints are great and this is a super way to get notifications but I am wondering, would anyone else find it useful to have a way that the automation could set the timeout based on another sensor. I have door open sensor and each time out a door I get a notif door opened and now I also get the Frigate person. Ideally the door open one would delay the corresponding camera notification for a period of time. I'm gonna try to figure it out but it's likely to take me longer than the next revision of this LOL. Please reply if you would like this feature and maybe HunterJM will consider it.

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Has anyone gotten the Silence Notifications to work? This is becoming a very big annoyance in the household. I love the Blueprint other than this.

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wire67 commented Sep 2, 2022


should now be


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There's a typo in this blueprint...

fps: "{{ fps_value|int if is_number(fps_value) or 5 }}"

should be:

fps: "{{ fps_value|int if is_number(fps_value) else 5 }}"

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janstadt commented Oct 5, 2022

Sorry posted this in the wrong gist. Anyone having issues seeing the snapshot in the notification on IOS 16? After updating i dont see the snapshot, just the text.

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Sorry posted this in the wrong gist. Anyone having issues seeing the snapshot in the notification on IOS 16? After updating i dont see the snapshot, just the text.

Same here, no images show up in my alerts anymore.

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ZdenekM commented Nov 8, 2022

Getting Error rendering variables: ValueError: Template error: int got invalid input 'unknown' when rendering template '{{ fps_value|int if is_number(fps_value) or 5 }}' but no default was specified, which is probably related to typo mentioned earlier.

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mattkri commented Nov 8, 2022

Great work! Working great for me. I'm not great with yaml, but I have something similar in Python where my cooldown timer is incremental by comparing the current cooldown time to a previously saved cooldown time, and if the previously cool down time is later, add the cooldown to that time. Are you able to do something like that in your script?

Basically the more events you have in a short period, the more seconds it keeps adding, resulting in fewer and fewer notifications until things truly cool down!

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mrrudy commented Nov 27, 2022

Hi, appreciate your work!
Suggestion as int filter cannot convert the value “unknown” to a number:

-  fps: "{{ fps_value|int if is_number(fps_value) or 5 }}"
+   fps: "{{ fps_value|int if is_number(fps_value)|int(5) }}"

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olitee commented Dec 27, 2022

Hi, appreciate your work! Suggestion as int filter cannot convert the value “unknown” to a number:

-  fps: "{{ fps_value|int if is_number(fps_value) or 5 }}"
+   fps: "{{ fps_value|int if is_number(fps_value)|int(5) }}"

I had the same issue. You need to make sure the FPS sensors are enabled for your cameras.

Look for any disabled entities with the name sensor_[cameraname]_fps and enable them.


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There's a typo in this blueprint...

fps: "{{ fps_value|int if is_number(fps_value) or 5 }}"

should be:

fps: "{{ fps_value|int if is_number(fps_value) else 5 }}"

Just installed Frigate and got that working well and now trying out this Blueprint. No notifications received for any of my cameras. Triple checked everything but couldn't see what I had got wrong. Then I found your post and corrected the typo. Now all working. Thank you for the tip off.

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revenz commented Feb 2, 2023

Hi, appreciate your work! Suggestion as int filter cannot convert the value “unknown” to a number:

-  fps: "{{ fps_value|int if is_number(fps_value) or 5 }}"
+   fps: "{{ fps_value|int if is_number(fps_value)|int(5) }}"

same here, didnt work for me, wasnt sure why. applied your fix, and now working. Please update the blueprint

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xbmcnut commented Apr 30, 2023

Any plans to update for v12.x?

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