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hwayne /
Last active July 21, 2021 17:09
PBT / Example Testing comparison problem

You are writing simple budgeting softare. A Budget consists of a total limit, represented as a positive integer, and a dictionary of category limits, represented as a map from strings to integers. For example:

  "total_limit": 50,
  "category_limits": {
    "food": 10,
    "rent": 11,
    "candles": 49
hwayne / Introspection.tla
Last active May 20, 2021 21:44
TLA+ Type Introspection for safe operations!
This works because of undocumented behavior in TLC:
`Sequences` operators have overrides that also works on strings.
So you take the Head of a string to get the first character.
Please don't use this in an actual spec, it's for demonstration purposes only.
Also, this is likely to get patched out soon. See (
ALSO also it breaks on lots of stuff, like it says `TypeOf(1..3) = "int"`
TypeOf(TLCEval(1..3)) works properly but I'd rather not make this more useable
hwayne /
Created May 21, 2021 21:39
Example of a use case for inheritance
class Bank:
def __init__(self, balance):
assert balance > 0
self.balance = balance
def deposit(self, val):
self.balance += val
def withdraw(self, val):
if val <= self.balance:
hwayne / Timezone.ahk
Created May 31, 2021 01:41
Timezone message box
get_timezone() {
clipboard := ""
Send ^c
ClipWait, 2
timeshim := A_WorkingDir . "\Lib\Aux-Scripts\" ; TODO use A_ScriptDir somehow
cliptime := clipboard
cmd := "pythonw.exe " . timeshim . " --date=""" . cliptime . """ | clip"
runwait, %ComSpec% /c "%cmd%", ,Hide
hwayne / pubsub.als
Created June 25, 2021 00:36
Pub-Sub for Alloy
open util/ordering[Time]
let unchanged[x, t, t'] {x.t = x.t'}
sig Time {}
sig Msg {}
sig Pub {
-- really a topic, but then we're double-using T as a letter
, msgs: Msg -> Time
hwayne /
Created June 30, 2021 20:10
Frances Allen

A while back I complained on Twitter about how Ada Lovelace is used as an example of "an important woman in CS", because she's a pretty terrible example (thread in comments), and listed some better choices. In response, somebody said that public people get why Lovelace is interesting, whereas it's hard to explain why, like, Barbara Liskov matters so much. That got me interested in explaining the contributions to CS in ways that are understandable to people with no tech background. Here's my attempt to explain Frances E Allen, who did foundational work in optimizing compilers:

Without Frances Allen, our videogames would be stuck in the SNES era.

So at a fundamental level, a computer is just a bag of buckets of data (memory addresses), and a program is just instructions ot move data between the buckets. Like mov edx, [ebp + 8] means "take the data in the 8th bucket after the ebp bucket and move it to the edx bucket." All programs eventually become this "assembly" language that the computer execut

hwayne /
Last active April 9, 2024 21:37
Sudoku DIMACS format

How the J Script Works

Going line by line:

b =: >: i. 9 9 9

This generates a 9 by 9 by 9 array with all values from 1 to 729. We can choose what each axis represents: I decided that each table is all of the boolean variables for one number, and the rows and columns map to sudoku rows and columns. For example:

hwayne / functions.vim
Created October 27, 2021 21:09
My wonky vimscript functions
" Macro Handling {{{
let s:macro_file = g:exo . 'macros.json'
function! s:macro_list(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
let macros = json_decode(readfile(s:macro_file))
return join(keys(macros), "\n")
hwayne / BubbleSort.tla
Last active September 17, 2022 00:10
Bubblesort Algorithm
---- MODULE BubbleSort ----
EXTENDS Integers, TLC, Sequences, FiniteSets
Counter(seq) ==
Range == {seq[x] : x \in DOMAIN seq}
CountOf(x) == Cardinality({i \in 1..Len(seq): seq[i] = x})
[val \in Range |-> CountOf(val)]
hwayne / Filters.tla
Created October 28, 2022 17:13
Email Filters
---- MODULE Filters ----
VARIABLE push_msgs, emails, i, filtered, pushed
vars == <<push_msgs, emails, i, filtered, pushed>>
set ++ x == set \union {x}
set -- x == set \ {x}
TypeInv ==
/\ emails \subseteq (1..3)