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Writing in Haskell or TypeScript.

YAMAMOTO Yuji igrep

Writing in Haskell or TypeScript.
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javascript:(()=>{"use strict";let leftAvailable=255;function fnv1a(t){let l=2166136261;for(let e=0;e<Math.ceil(t.length/2);++e){var n=t.charCodeAt(2*e),d=t.charCodeAt(2*e+1),d=isNaN(d)?0:d;l=(l^(n^d<<16))*16777619}return l}leftAvailable-=".html".length;const re=/[\uD83C-\uDFFF\u2600-\u26FF\\\/:*?"<>|]+/g,titleFsSafe=document.title.replace(re,"").trim(),{href,hostname,pathname,search,hash}=location,urlFsSafe=(""+hostname+pathname+search+hash).replace(re,"_"),fnvHash=fnv1a(""+document.title+href).toString(32);leftAvailable-=fnvHash.length;let safeTitle=titleFsSafe,safeUrl=urlFsSafe;const titleUtf8=(new TextEncoder).encode(titleFsSafe.normalize("NFD")),sumLength=titleUtf8.length+urlFsSafe.length;if(leftAvailable<sumLength){const i=Math.ceil(titleUtf8.length/sumLength*leftAvailable);safeTitle=(new TextDecoder).decode(titleUtf8.slice(0,i)),safeUrl=urlFsSafe.slice(0,leftAvailable-i-1)}document.head.dataset.title4pdforiginaltitle&&document.head.dataset.title4pdforiginalurl===href||(document.head.dataset.title4pdfori
import { WASI, OpenFile, wasi } from "@bjorn3/browser_wasi_shim";
// Workaround for
export function patchWasi(self: WASI): void {
self.wasiImport.poll_oneoff = ((
inPtr: number,
outPtr: number,
nsubscriptions: number,
sizeOutPtr: number,
): number => {
igrep / example.bat
Last active November 10, 2023 05:13
Abuse unison's -sshcmd option to synchronize with the VM on WSL without sshd.
> unison C:\unison-test ssh://user@localhost/unison-test -retry 0 -repeat watch -sshcmd C:\\double\\backslashes\\path\\to\\wsl-as-ssh.cmd
igrep / hateb-bookmarklet.js
Last active June 6, 2023 04:06
javascript:(()=>{"use strict";const isHttps="https:"===location.protocol,protocolLength=(isHttps?"https://":"http://").length;""+(isHttps?"s/":"")+location.href.slice(protocolLength))})();
igrep / borrow.ts
Last active April 19, 2023 10:23
Runtime borrow checker for JavaScript
export interface Borrowed<X> {
unsafeBorrow<Result>(use: (x: X) => Result): [Borrowed<X>, Result];
get isBorrowed(): boolean;
export class AlreadyBorrowedError extends Error {
override name = "AlreadyBorrowedError";
export function unsafeBorrowed<X>(x: X): Borrowed<X> {
igrep / translate-mdn-ja-nvim.vim
Last active March 18, 2023 05:41
function! ToJaPath(enPath) abort
" e.g. content\files\en-us\glossary\boolean\html\
return substitute(a:enPath, '^content\\files\\en-us', 'translated-content\\files\\ja', '')
function! PrepareJaPath() abort
let path_to_index_md = ToJaPath(expand('%'))
call mkdir(v:lua.vim.fs.dirname(path_to_index_md), "p")
return path_to_index_md
igrep / no-empty.hs
Created November 16, 2022 09:33
Example type class for a type-level list with no instance for an empty list.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
import Data.Kind (Type)
data ExampleData (as :: [Type]) = ExampleData
igrep / bookmarklet.js
Last active January 28, 2023 14:27
Replace a YouTube Short video's URL into traditional one. YouTubeのShortのURLを従来の形式のURLに書き換える
igrep / rewrite-the-only-case-where-I-use-let-in.hs
Last active April 13, 2021 03:19
唯一let ... inを使いたくなる瞬間をdoのletでどうにかする
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck
-- 従来、Hspecで個別のテストケースに対して Gen を定義したい場合、
-- いちいち違う名前を付けるのが面倒なので let ... in で g (あるいはgen)という名前を使い回していたが、
-- 別にそれもdoの中のletで解決できることが発覚した。
main = hspec $ do
-- let ... inを使った場合
igrep / lets-in-do.hs
Created April 13, 2021 02:49
do記法の中でletやlet ... inを使ったサンプル
main = do
-- let ... in を使った場合
let f :: String -> IO ()
f = putStrLn
in f "f"
-- ただの let を使った場合(こっちの方が大抵おすすめ!)
let g :: String -> IO ()
g = putStrLn
g "g"