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Created March 4, 2017 21:21
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Fill in a Stripe Elements ( credit card field using capybara
def fill_stripe_elements(card)
using_wait_time(15) { within_frame('stripeField_card_element0') do
card.to_s.chars.each do |piece|
find_field('cvc').send_keys '123'
find_field('postal').send_keys '19335'
end }
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Thank you for sharing this.

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jshawl commented Jan 24, 2018

just wanted to add that I had to add js: true and a different selector for the iframe:

it "can add a payment method", js: true do

# and 

def fill_stripe_elements(card)
  using_wait_time(2) { # dropped down to 2 seconds
    within_frame("__privateStripeFrame3") do
    card.to_s.chars.each do |piece|

    find_field('cvc').send_keys '123'
    find_field('postal').send_keys '19335'
  end }

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kfrz commented Apr 12, 2018

The iFrame selector for an elements object is dynamic, so this will cause problems unless one does something like such:

def fill_stripe_elements(card: , expiry: '1234', cvc: '123', postal: '12345')
  using_wait_time(10) { 
    frame = find('#card-element > div > iframe')
    within_frame(frame) do
    card.to_s.chars.each do |piece|

    find_field('exp-date').send_keys expiry
    find_field('cvc').send_keys cvc
    find_field('postal').send_keys postal
  end }

By selecting the frame with a CSS selector it's a bit more brittle test (you'd have to update the spec anytime the layout changes) but gets around the problem of dynamically assigned iframe name attributes.

Also I just added some extra signature params to make the method more flexible throughout a spec suite (add old expiry, etc).

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ashkan18 commented May 2, 2018

This is great! thanks for sharing!

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Thanks for this, Great help! We've just switched over to using Elements and was a bit puzzled at first how to handle this.

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Thanks @kfrz. 👍

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thijsc commented Sep 10, 2019

Thanks all, this was very helpful to me just now.

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rajat2797 commented Sep 27, 2019

Can you help me with the implementation in case of javascript? Also is there a way to fetch contents out of stripe elements?
I am new to both javascript and stripe. @thijsc?

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excid3 commented Oct 24, 2019

I added another couple helpers to this to handle Stripe SCA in Capybara in case anyone is interested.

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