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Created January 19, 2016 07:42
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how to access subdomains locally with Rails 5

Subdomaining Localhost with Rails 5

I've been following this blog post on how to set up an api-only Rails 5 application. One of the sections talks about creating a subdomain for your api

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  constraints subdomain: "api" do
    scope module: "api" do
      namespace :v1 do
        resources :users

So that you can have namespacing and versioning like

However, this seems to cause some issues locally. At first I just kept getting back a 404 error that the route I was searching for didn't exist despite it showing up correctly when I ran rake routes

  Prefix Verb   URI Pattern             Controller#Action
v1_users GET    /v1/users(.:format)     api/v1/users#index {:subdomain=>"api"}
         POST   /v1/users(.:format)     api/v1/users#create {:subdomain=>"api"}
 v1_user GET    /v1/users/:id(.:format) api/v1/users#show {:subdomain=>"api"}
         PATCH  /v1/users/:id(.:format) api/v1/users#update {:subdomain=>"api"}
         PUT    /v1/users/:id(.:format) api/v1/users#update {:subdomain=>"api"}
         DELETE /v1/users/:id(.:format) api/v1/users#destroy {:subdomain=>"api"}

Removing constraints subdomain: "api" gave back the correct response, allowing me to prove to myself that this was indeed the issue.

Attempted solutions

  1. Editing /etc/hosts and adding in my subdomain to map to

As your machine gets started, it will need to know the mapping of some hostnames to IP addresses before DNS can be referenced. This mapping is kept in the /etc/hosts file. In the absence of a name server, any network program on your system consults this file to determine the IP address that corresponds to a host name.

I had seen a few forums that mentioned this as a solution, so I added this to /etc/hosts

When I went to http:// all I got back from Chrome was


Trying this URL on Firefox and Safari resulted in the same thing (Safari never ended up actually giving that error, it just "loaded" the page indefinitely).

  1. Using and

I think this started with Tim Pope's invention of, which was simply a public domain pointed at (localhost). and are just spawns of that same idea since both are shorter and less offensive.

Unfortunately, returns the same connection refused error as mentioned above and hangs indefinitely.

  1. Changing proxy settings in Chrome to include localhost and

Since I'm getting ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED and not ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE as would be expected if the domain wasn't working, I figured this was some sort of security check put in place by Chrome (and probably on Firefox and Safari too).

I tried ignoring the proxy settings for localhost,, and as per this Stack Overflow answer. Nothing changed; I continued getting the same connection error.


config.action_dispatch.tld_length sets the TLD (top-level domain) length for the application. Defaults to 1.

Setting config.action_dispatch.tld_length = 0 in config/environments/development.rb. Simple as that. This works, although I am unsure of any unseen consequences with testing and cookies in, as is noted upon in the answer.


If there is something you notice I am doing wrong, something you would like to add, or some question you may have, please feel free to comment on this post :)

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Thank you! It worked! =)

Did you find any downside with this solution?

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aalvrz commented Sep 11, 2016

This ended so many hours of pain and suffering. Thank you so much!

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jjensn commented Oct 22, 2016

Cheers thanks for this post

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amazing! it worked!

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👍 Thank you sir!

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In my case the issue was I used a symbol for the subdomain. When using string syntax, it worked :).

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Thanks, I initially had some.thing.localhost which didn't work. Changing to some.thing.local did the trick.

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Works like a charm - thanks!

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viphat commented Jul 21, 2017

:(, Your solution costs me half of a day. When I revert back to config.action_dispatch.tld_length = 1, it works again.

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t56k commented Mar 26, 2018

This worked great. Thank-you so much.

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myusufid commented Nov 1, 2018

thank you sir

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jtopgi commented Mar 19, 2019

You can now add your subdomain in front of localhost:3000 and it should work.

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and now i can access subdomain like http://staging-dashboard.localhost:3000/dashboard/products. thanks for save my day!

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kbdjuve commented Aug 11, 2020

Thank you!

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Thanks, brother. Worked.

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mzmt commented Sep 25, 2020

Thank you!

If you write this, admin.localhost:3000/profile will return users#profile in spite of admin subdomain.

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  constraints subdomain: 'admin' do
    get 'login' => 'user_sessions#new'

  get 'login' => 'user_sessions#new'
  get 'profile' => 'users#profile'

So, if you want to match only admin subdomain, you can write this.

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  constraints subdomain: 'admin' do
    get 'login' => 'user_sessions#new'

  constraints subdomain: '' do
    get 'login' => 'user_sessions#new'
    get 'profile' => 'users#profile'

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I added the same as you did.

Now I am running my rails server to port 80.
rvmsudo rails server -p 80

Everything is working fine, no needed any other lib.

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You save my day ❤️
Many Cheers!

Setting config.action_dispatch.tld_length = 0 in config/environments/development.rb

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Thanks this worked

Setting config.action_dispatch.tld_length = 0 in config/environments/development.rb

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