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James Doyle james2doyle

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phedoreanu / apache ssh keys
Last active January 25, 2024 17:34
git PHP webhook
sudo mkdir -m 0700 /var/www/.ssh
sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/.ssh
sudo -u apache ssh-keygen (empty passphrase)
paste public key into repo manager
(git-repo) sudo -u apache git pull origin branch (this will create /var/www/.ssh/known_hosts)
call git_hook.php?branch=xxx
anonymous / gist:9924932
Created April 1, 2014 23:08
%% Read image and convert to grayscale
img = imread('pic.jpg');
img = rgb2gray(img);
%% Define grayscale representations of 0-255
chars = fliplr([' ', '.', ',', ':', '-', '=', '+', '*', '#', '%', '@']);
step = 256 / 11;
%% Cut image so its size is 8*w times 13*h
imgSize = size(img);
munificent / gist:9749671
Last active June 23, 2022 04:04
You appear to be creating a new IDE...
You appear to be advocating a new:
[ ] cloud-hosted [ ] locally installable [ ] web-based [ ] browser-based [ ] language-agnostic
[ ] language-specific IDE. Your IDE will not succeed. Here is why it will not succeed.
You appear to believe that:
[ ] Syntax highlighting is what makes programming difficult
[ ] Garbage collection is free
[ ] Computers have infinite memory
[ ] Nobody really needs:
Stanback / nginx.conf
Last active May 31, 2024 13:29 — forked from michiel/cors-nginx.conf
Example Nginx configuration for adding cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) support to reverse proxied APIs
# CORS header support
# One way to use this is by placing it into a file called "cors_support"
# under your Nginx configuration directory and placing the following
# statement inside your **location** block(s):
# include cors_support;
# As of Nginx 1.7.5, add_header supports an "always" parameter which

Falsehoods programmers believe about prices

  1. You can store a price in a floating point variable.
  2. All currencies are subdivided in 1/100th units (like US dollar/cents, euro/eurocents etc.).
  3. All currencies are subdivided in decimal units (like dinar/fils)
  4. All currencies currently in circulation are subdivided in decimal units. (to exclude shillings, pennies) (counter-example: MGA)
  5. All currencies are subdivided. (counter-examples: KRW, COP, JPY... Or subdivisions can be deprecated.)
  6. Prices can't have more precision than the smaller sub-unit of the currency. (e.g. gas prices)
  7. For any currency you can have a price of 1. (ZWL)
  8. Every country has its own currency. (EUR is the best example, but also Franc CFA, etc.)
jonschlinkert /
Last active April 11, 2024 04:45
A better markdown cheatsheet.
ofca / $.3.js
Last active February 20, 2021 13:30
// based on &
// more info:
window.$ = function(s) {
var c = {
'#': 'ById',
'.': 'sByClassName',
'@': 'sByName',
'=': 'sByTagName'}[s[0]];
return document[c?'getElement'+c:'querySelectorAll'](s.slice(1))
jareware /
Last active May 19, 2024 14:03
Advanced SCSS, or, 16 cool things you may not have known your stylesheets could do

⇐ back to the gist-blog at

Advanced SCSS

Or, 16 cool things you may not have known your stylesheets could do. I'd rather have kept it to a nice round number like 10, but they just kept coming. Sorry.

I've been using SCSS/SASS for most of my styling work since 2009, and I'm a huge fan of Compass (by the great @chriseppstein). It really helped many of us through the darkest cross-browser crap. Even though browsers are increasingly playing nice with CSS, another problem has become very topical: managing the complexity in stylesheets as our in-browser apps get larger and larger. SCSS is an indispensable tool for dealing with this.

This isn't an introduction to the language by a long shot; many things probably won't make sense unless you have some SCSS under your belt already. That said, if you're not yet comfy with the basics, check out the aweso

dergachev /
Last active June 5, 2024 22:16
OS X Screencast to animated GIF

OS X Screencast to animated GIF

This gist shows how to create a GIF screencast using only free OS X tools: QuickTime, ffmpeg, and gifsicle.

Screencapture GIF


To capture the video (filesize: 19MB), using the free "QuickTime Player" application:

malarkey / Contract Killer
Last active May 24, 2024 23:38
The latest version of my ‘killer contract’ for web designers and developers

When times get tough and people get nasty, you’ll need more than a killer smile. You’ll need a killer contract.

Used by 1000s of designers and developers Clarify what’s expected on both sides Helps build great relationships between you and your clients Plain and simple, no legal jargon Customisable to suit your business Used on countless web projects since 2008
