To add code
to PATH in macOS (in order to run code from the command line) we may to open up VS Code and open the 'Command Palette' with Shift+Command+P on Mac, or Shift+Control+P on Linux. In it, enter shell command and look for the Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH option. After doing this any new shell we open should be able to run code.
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Well that was of no help at all.
Doesn't work. Period.
I think this is what he meant to say:
- In VS Code, open the command palette using Command + Shift + P (Mac) or Command + Control + P (Linux).
- In the VS Code command palette, search/select the option that reads
>Shell Command: Install 'code' command in Path
- Click it (it should say something like "successfully added code to path").
Now try opening a folder in code in your terminal using code .
(if you want to open the current directory in VS Code).
If you get this error from vscode EACCES: permission denied, unlink '/usr/local/bin/code'
Run in a new shell
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/code
Then run the Shell command from vscode again
If you get this error from vscode
EACCES: permission denied, unlink '/usr/local/bin/code'
Run in a new shell
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/codeThen run the Shell command from vscode again
I just found this issue on my Mac, this fix worked for me. Thanks!
Thank you! Works like a charm 🎉
If you get this error from vscode
EACCES: permission denied, unlink '/usr/local/bin/code'
Run in a new shell
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/codeThen run the Shell command from vscode again
That did it, tks sir
Yup it works!!! Thank you
I recently discovered that if you have given VSCode "full disk access" permission on MacOS, then using the "add to shell" feature doesn't work properly. I'm not sure the exact reason for this, but for anyone hitting this issue in the future, try disabling "Visual Studio Code" under "Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Full Disk Access"
export PATH="$PATH:/Applications/Visual Studio"
Add this to .zprofile or .zshrc
Another issue I found which can cause a very similar problem to happen is if you store your app package for VSCode in a temporary location / private folder (ie: in ~/Downloads for example) then the path to the application executable gets resolved to a transient temporary folder. The result of this is that after you shut down VSCode the symlink that is created in the /usr/local/bin folder breaks, because the transient folder gets removed post-shutdown.
To correct this particular issue, make sure to move your app package (ie: the "Visual Studio" file) to your applications folder (ie: /Applications) before launching the app.
but how about there is no admin privilege?