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Jack Bevis jbevis

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jbevis /
Created July 27, 2017 03:28
Documentation and reflection on practice interview experience.

Practice Interview Reflections

The most formal interview practice I've had to date was the vending machine challence during week 2 of the inning. In this challenge I was asked to create a vending machine API with the bare minimum functionality of taking in money, users can make a selection, and the vending machine dispenses the item. I was surprised at my performance during this session albeit a practice one. I felt that I was able to clearly articulate my though process and while I hit a few touch moments, I was able to work through and talk about my process. I tried to do this because, as it had been discussed with us, it is very important to be able to verbally communicate one's thought process during the interview, so that interviewers can get a much better sense of one's problem solving process. To that note, I feel confident that I will be able to continue to talk through my process even when I run into challenges during the technical challenge. What I have noticed after all the practice interview

Post Turing Action Plan

#1: Job Search Plan

I plan to approach the job hunt after I graduate the same way I would approach a full time job.

Below is my 40 hour a week plan for keeping my skills sharp and actively building professional network:

Daily Goals:

  • 1 hr coding research. Immediately I plan to read Eloquent JavaScript.
jbevis /
Created July 22, 2017 19:52
Mod 4 PD Deliverable: Blog post

Mod 4 PD Deliverable: Blog Post

my post

This article detailed my first attempts and experiences contributing to an open source code base. I believe this will help me connect to people in my network in several ways. First it helps to build up my online presence. I plan on contributing more technical posts detailing my learning experiences with software. I would hope this makes me more present in the minds of potential employers and provide evidence that I'm an avid learner, even after Turing. Second, I believe this helps me connect with more developers in the world, while also gaining valuable experience with new libraries and technologies. This was also my first blog post, and after getting one done, I do feel a little more comfortable in posting. I hope to continue to contribute pieces and hopefully improve my technical online presence.

jbevis /
Last active July 5, 2017 14:43
Jack Bevis - Mod 4 Cold Outreach Recap

Cold Outreach Module 4

  • Company of Contact

    • "NREL"
  • Person of contact and relevant postion

    • "July Tran, GIS Developer"
  • Date of contact

  • "07/5/2017"

jbevis /
Created June 27, 2017 01:09
Turing FEE Mod4 Prework
// Promises Exercise 1

const testNum = (num => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    if (num > 10) {
      resolve(num + ' is greater than 10, good job')
    } else {
      reject(num + ' is less than 10, no bueno')

Jack Bevis: Module 4 Action Plan

This is your deliverable from the Job Search Strategies I session

Module 4 Goals

  • Have at least one job offer by the end of Mod 4
  • Acquire back-end development skills to supplement my front end skills

Strategy To Achieve Goals:

  • Prioritize company research / cold outreach during 2 week intermission
  • I need to be doing 1 cold outreach email per day during mod 4
jbevis /
Created June 3, 2017 02:22
Jack Bevis - Flower Diagram

Most Valued Skills / Fields of Interest

  • Javascript
  • Js libraries: React, Redux
  • TDD
  • Agile practices
  • Git Workflow
  • software development
  • Rudimentary archaeological survey methods
  • Archaeological excavation
jbevis / gist:6402c61f6b99985e1cafa3fdd7052eca
Created May 5, 2017 19:39
Gear Up - Microagressions Reflection
Reflect on the articles you just read and your own experiences with microagressions. Here are a few questions to prompt your thinking:
How have you experienced microagressions in your time at Turing or in your life?
What ways have you been able to address microagressions that you have seen happen?
What role could you play in interupting microagressions for others?
Maybe I'm aloof, but I can't recall any particular microagressions I've had towards myself, I'm sure there have been moments in my life when they have occurred but none stand out. I have seen my wife deal with microagressions quite a bit. She was born in Nepal, and moved to Boulder with her family 20 + years ago. I've lost count of the number of times people, literally complete strangers sometimes, will ask her where she's from....To which she replies, Boulder, and then they reply "but where are you really from" I've also seen a lot of this behavior directed towards her Mom as well.
jbevis / cold-outreach
Created April 17, 2017 01:22
Cold Outreach: Mentor
The name of the person I contacted is July Tran
Date of contact: 2/18/17
"Hi July, My name is Jack Bevis and I’m a mod 1 FEE student at Turing. I’m reaching out with regard to the mentor program at Turing. We’re about to start week 5 of this inning on Monday, and while I’ve been up to my eyeballs in all that Turing likes to throw at us, I did want to start reaching out to some potential mentors. I also have a bit of background experience in GIS and I’m hoping to be able to work with mapping applications and the geospatial realm after my time at Turing. So, if your schedule allows I’d love to find some time in the next week or so to chat or meet up and pick your brain a bit about some things. Hope you’re having a great weekend and to talk to you soon. Best."
- July responded very promptly and let me know that she had a busy few weeks, but would be happy to meet up in a few weeks. I followed up with her on 3/6/17 and we met to discuss my interests and what I was looking for in a mentor. She let me k
jbevis /
Created February 1, 2017 17:38
CSS Challenges

These are ugly

Challenge 1

Three sibling elements given equal parameters in the CSS. Set them to inline-block to run horizontally. Then gave Div2 a margin right of 50% to push is out from dive1

[Challenge 1]