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jbsarrodie / Sync Model from CSV.ajs
Last active December 14, 2024 07:09
#jArchi scripts to sync (some) model concepts from one or more CSV files
// Sync Model from CSV.ajs
// Requires jArchi -
// This script allows easy integration of data coming from other systems through CSV files.
// Each CSV file is described through a configuration object that you can later load and sync.
// Most of the mapping informations (Id, Name, Documentation, Properties...) can be expressed through
// the name of a column from the CSV file or through a function (which allows more advanced computation).
// Dataset used as example comes from
jbsarrodie / Resize objects in selected view.ajs
Created March 2, 2020 15:52
#jArchi script to resize visual objects in the selected view
// Resize objects in selected view
// Requires jArchi -
// This script resizes visual objects in the selected view
// (c) 2020 Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie
var factor = window.prompt("Resize factor for objects?", 2);
if (!factor) {
jbsarrodie / Merge multiple concepts (and delete others).ajs
Last active September 20, 2024 04:13
#jArchi script to merge multiple concepts (and delete others)
// Merge multiple concepts (and delete others)
// Requires jArchi -
// This script merges multiple concepts (and delete others)
// Version 1.1 (2020/01/20) Add an option to keep only the content of the "target" concept
// Version 1.0 (2019/11/12) First version published
// Known limitation: works only on elements, not relationships
jbsarrodie / Delete unused elements and relationships.ajs
Created March 2, 2020 15:33
#jArchi scripts to delete any element (or relationship) not used in at least one view
// Delete unused elements and relationships
// Requires jArchi -
// This script will delete any element or relationship not used in at least one view
// (c) 2020 Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie
var response = window.confirm("This script will delete any element or relationship not used in at least one view. Continue?");
jbsarrodie / ConvertConcept.lib.js
Last active August 21, 2024 06:22
#jArchi script to change concepts' type (and optionally convert no more valid relationships to association)
function convert(selection, convertToType) {
var relaxed = window.confirm('By default, selected concepts are converted, and relationships involving them that would no more be valid are converted to associations. Click Ok for this behavior or Cancel if you want a "strict" mode where relationships are not changed.');
$(selection).each(function(o) {
$(concept(o)).outRels().each(function(r) {
if (! $.model.isAllowedRelationship(r.type, convertToType, {
checkAndConvertRelationship(r, relaxed);
$(concept(o)).inRels().each(function(r) {
jbsarrodie / RemoveBentpoints.ajs
Created September 14, 2018 18:57
#jArchi script to remove bendpoints on selected relationships
// RemoveBentpoints
// Requires jArchi -
// This script takes a selection of visual objects as input, filter it to keep only relationships and remove all their bendpoints
// (c) 2018 Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie
$(selection).filter("relationship").filter(function(o) {return o.view}).each(function(o) {
var view = o.view;
jbsarrodie / RemoveProperty.ajs
Created September 6, 2018 19:26
#jArchi script to delete a property on a selection of objects
var propName = window.prompt("Which property do you want to remove (leave empty to cancel)?", "");
if (propName) {
jbsarrodie / AddOrUpdateProperty.ajs
Created September 6, 2018 19:25
#jArchi script to add or update properties on a selection of objects
var propName = window.prompt("Which property do you want to add or update (leave empty to cancel)?", "");
if (propName) {
var propValue = window.prompt("Which value do you want to set for '"+propName+"' (leave empty to cancel)?", "");
if (propValue) {
$(selection).prop(propName, propValue);
jbsarrodie / AddUnshownRelationship.ajs
Last active September 20, 2024 04:11
#jArchi script to add all possible relationships to a view
// Find DiagramComponents for a given element in a given view
var getDiagramComponents = function(v, e) {
return $(v).find("concept").filter(function(o) {
return ==;
// Checks if a view contains a visual connection from src and tgt visual objects
var contains = function(r, src, tgt) {
found = false;