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jcmckeown / CoherentCategoriesModulo.v
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
Trying to get at a definition of Categories internal to coq/HoTT, with all the compositions and their equations and Nothing Else; the gist of this gist is: do not assume equations before you need them, and prove them if possible! Third revision: added some comments, removed some NOP proof lines. Maybe some other tweaks?
Require Import HoTT.
Open Scope path_scope.
Open Scope type_scope.
Section Categories.
(** Everyone knows a category has an underlying graph, so we should
mention them *)
jcmckeown / subterms.v
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
Some trivial coq tactics whose purpose is to automagically extract/fold particular subterms of the goal type. The idea is to reduce ambiguity in human/coq interactions.
Require Import HoTT.
(* or your favourite source for the needed arrithmetic types *)
Open Scope list_scope.
These are tactics to aid human consumption/production of terms compatible
with the goal type --- sometimes coq prettyprinting produces ambiguous
appearances, while refine fails unless you fill in more holes --- which is
jcmckeown / omegaOmega.v
Created January 20, 2015 05:07
Transfinite Induction, for the order ω^ω (realized as antilex-ordered (ordinary) lists of naturals)
Require Import Arith.
Open Scope list_scope.
(** Print le
Inductive le (n : nat) : nat -> Prop :=
le_n : n <= n | le_S : forall m : nat, n <= m -> n <= S m
jcmckeown / GlobSets.v
Created June 13, 2013 01:15
Roughly, ordinary globular sets, by the dependent type trick described for n-skeletal simplicial sets during the IAS Univalent Foundations programme year. It was remarked that getting a good notion of "simplicial set", with all degrees occupied, elluded codification, but the trick in the following should adapt trivially; that is, a Δ-set with ce…
(** Define the types we need. Checked in version Trunk of April 2013 *)
Polymorphic Inductive eqv { X : Type } : X -> X -> Type :=
reflect (x : X) : eqv x x.
(** and assume the simplification we want *)
Polymorphic Axiom funextT :
forall (X : Type) (P : X -> Type) (f g : forall x , P x) (s :
forall x, eqv (f x) (g x)) , eqv f g.
jcmckeown / DeltaSets.v
Last active December 18, 2015 12:59
Very nearly how to describe delta-sets by the "dependent type" trick. It isn't quite right, because of Stuff... but never mind that for now. Among other things, it's rather difficult to extract what data a DeltaSkeleton actually involves. That is, coq can `eval cbv` the expressions `projT1 (DeltaSkeleton 0)`, and produces exactly what we want, `…
(** A 0-skeletal filling of an l-simplex is (S l) vertices.
A (S k)-skeletal filling of an l-simplex has (S l) C (S k) (S k)-cells
matching their boundaries in a k-skeletal filling of an l-simplex;
where to say the (S k)-cell matches its boundary is to say that its boundary
is the underlying k-skeletal filling of its underlying (S k)-simplex.
(** I don't know why coq makes its type system so rich and its proof system so comparatively strict.
possibly (almost certainly) because the reverse combination would be too difficult/inconsistent?
for instance, it makes intuitive sense that this next Fixpoint should be equivalent (as a type over nat * nat)
jcmckeown / nCk_Eq.v
Last active December 18, 2015 16:59 — forked from anonymous/nCk_Eq.v
(see header comment)
(** Approximating decidable equality for the type nCk.
As with GlobSet and DeltaSet, we implement locally the needed homotopy theory (which is trivial);
`Require Import Homotopy` will do as well, modulo some notation, some names. I'd also bet some
disappointment that the rhyming staves at the end of `nCk_uniq` are encapsulated in some named
Lemma in `Homotopy`. Since the path arguments to `trans` in the concluding Lemma are cases of
`@path nat`, which is a proposition in the sense of Voevodsky, it should be straight-forward (if
tedious) to produce decidable equality in `nCk` by using those in `(list bool)` and `nat`.
jcmckeown / nCkAnomaly.v
Created June 23, 2013 04:27
Producing an "Anomaly: please report" Sat June 22. 2013; anomaly arises whether using the @HoTT or standard coq library (with minor changes in nCkComp)
Inductive nCk : nat -> nat -> Type :=
|zz : nCk 0 0
| incl { m n : nat } : nCk m n -> nCk (S m) (S n)
| excl { m n : nat } : nCk m n -> nCk (S m) n.
Definition nCkComp { l m n : nat } :
nCk l m -> nCk m n -> nCk l n.
revert n.
jcmckeown / Cofiber.v
Last active December 19, 2015 09:09
Coq 8.4 has module-local inductive types; the idea is that you can't see why the underlying type can't work, because you're not allowed to do destructuring on the local inductive. This has the nifty side-effect (not "computational effects") that you can define (obstructed) functions that "compute" the way we want, but that have meaningful obstru…
Require Import HoTT.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Local Open Scope equiv_scope.
Module Export Cofiber.
Local Inductive cofiber {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) : Type :=
| apex : cofiber f
| ground : B -> cofiber f.
jcmckeown / IDMathJax.js
Last active April 8, 2016 20:49
If you're using intensedebate comments on a page that already includes mathjax, this plugin script (to enter here: ( ) will use the ambient mathjax to typeset maths in the comments. I have this running in my tumblr, .
var id_math_stuff = {
// id_math_stuff.theMJ
theMJ : window.MathJax,
// id_math_stuff.idMathRun =
idMathRun : function () {
if (id_math_stuff.theMJ) {
id_math_stuff.theMJ.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", id_math_stuff.theMJ.Hub, "idc-cover"]);
} else {
console.log("there is still no mathjax?");
jcmckeown / ThurstonModel.ped
Last active January 28, 2017 05:02
a sketch for processing 3.2.1 (java mode) ; draws approximate Thurston models of the Mandelbrot Set
PRELUDE: the names given in this initial comment are (in my own thinking) mostly fanciful, in that I don't mean that
any of the particular people named particularly considered those particular things named for them in this note except
perhaps Thurston; but they *are* meant to lend recognition to some names genuinely connected with the subject of this
sketch. Of course, the name that really makes any of this connect to that thing is Yoccoz, and none of these things
is named for him...
NOTATION: until further notice, capitals [W] indicate words and miniscules [x] indicate single letters.
length of a word is notated #[W].
DEFINITION: given a word A of the form [WxY], where [x] is the n'th letter; the n'th SPLIT of A is the word