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jeromyanglim / loopsrmarkdown.html
Created May 22, 2012 23:45
example of loops and plots in R Markdown
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This document is just a test of RPubs platform for publishing R Markdown. I'll use the `survey` dataset from the `MASS` package to explore a few features.
```{r get_data, message=FALSE}
jeromyanglim / bibmash
Created June 10, 2012 11:37
script for extracting apa; I might write a post at some point about how it all works. it's mainly a personal script; it's very raw; use at own risk
# returntask
# bibtex : return bibtex record (default)
# format : return
jeromyanglim / rstudio-markdown-error.rmd
Created June 14, 2012 00:52
r markdown error in rstudio
* asdf
jeromyanglim / keys.css
Created October 25, 2012 11:42
keys css
border-color:#ccc #aaa #888 #bbb;
padding:2px 6px;
-moz-box-shadow:0 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2),0 0 0 1px #ffffff inset;
jeromyanglim / CollapseHeadings.bas
Created December 14, 2012 07:25
Simple VBA script that I use in Mac Word for collapsing Up headings in Outline View; it works for me, but I've had it floating around for so long, I barely remember how it works.
Sub CollapseHeadings()
' Use this code at your own risk
' It works for me. I use it in Word documents while in Outline View
' for documents set up with Outline View in mind
' Remember Ctrl + Pause Break will get break the program
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim r As Range, o As Integer, p As Long, f As Boolean
Dim currentOutlineLevel, nextOutlineLevel
Dim timeout As Integer ' used to pre
jeromyanglim / 3catggplot2.r
Created May 3, 2012 12:10
plot with three categorical variables and one continuous variable using ggplot2
# Create some data
Data <- expand.grid(group=c("Apples", "Bananas", "Carrots", "Durians", "Eggplants"),
year=c("2000", "2001", "2002"),
quality=c("Grade A", "Grade B", "Grade C", "Grade D", "Grade E"))
Group.Weight <- data.frame(
group=c("Apples", "Bananas", "Carrots", "Durians", "Eggplants"),
jeromyanglim / freqtable.r
Last active July 20, 2016 07:20
Provide frequencies and proportions typically for a data frame containing multiple varies using the same numeric response format (e.g., 1 to 5 likert)
freqtable <- function(X) {
# X: data.frame of typically survey items
# Code assumes that all items are numeric (i.e., 1 to 5, rather than text labels)
unique_values <- unique(unlist(sapply(X, unique)))
su <- sort(unique_values)
freq <- t(sapply(X, function(Z) table(factor(Z, su))))
prop <- t(sapply(X, function(Z) prop.table(table(factor(Z, su)))))
list(freq = freq, prop = prop)
jeromyanglim / import_qualtrics_csv
Last active February 23, 2017 15:09
Function that assists with importing CSV data from Qualtrics into R; it also allows for choosing which categorical variables should be numeric and which labelled.
import_csv_qualtrics <- function(file) {
# import a csv file exported from Qualtrics
# Qualtrics places variable labels in the second row.
# This function removes that second row and returns the data frame.
# taken from:
DF <- read.csv(file, skip=2, header=FALSE)
DF2 <- read.csv(file)
names(DF) <- names(DF2)
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