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Jakub Jirutka jirutka

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julianlam /
Last active September 7, 2023 12:45
Provisioning and usage of unprivileged LXC containers via indirect login or script #blog

Provisioning and usage of unprivileged LXC containers via indirect login or script

As I've discovered, managing LXC containers is fairly straightforward, but when building out a system for provisioning out user maintained instances of NodeBB, it was imperative that unprivileged LXC containers were used, so that in the event of shell breakout from NodeBB followed by privilege escalation of the saas user, the root user in the LXC container would only be an unprivileged user on the host machine.

During the course of development, I ran into numerous blockers when it came to managing LXC containers in unexpected circumstances. Namely:

  • Using LXC in a subshell is not directly supported. This usually happens under one of the following two circumstances:
    • After switching users via su or executing lxc-* commands as another user via sudo
    • Executing lxc-* commands via a program, application, or script. In my case, a Node.js application.
bodiam / asciidoc.css
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19 — forked from imjasonh/markdown.css
Render HTML as unrendered Asciidoc - See,css,output
* {
font-size: 12pt;
font-family: monospace;
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
text-decoration: none;
color: black;
cursor: default;

I highly suspect that the RSpec core team all use black backgrounds in their terminals because sometimes the colors aren’t so nice on my white terminal

I certainly use a black background. I'm not sure about the other RSpec core folks. Regardless, if there are some color changes we can make that would make output look good on a larger variety of backgrounds, we'll certainly consider that (do you have some suggested changes?). In the meantime, the colors are configurable, so you can change the colors to fit your preferences on your machine. First, create a file at

sunaot / spock-like.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
spock ぽい何かの Ruby での習作
module Ruby
module Spock
def spec(description, definition = nil, &proc_definition)
raise ArgumentError if [ definition, proc_definition ].all? {|d| d.nil? }
if definition.nil?
spec_runner(description, proc_definition)
spec_runner(description, definition)

Digesting VMDK spec

Particularly, virtual disks types are very confusing. This document is an attempt to disentangle that and make easier the design of an implementation.

Flat or preallocated disk

  • Monolithic or one-file: Single flat extent with separate descriptor file. createType: monolithicFlat
  • Split or multiple files: 2gb preallocated extents or smaller, to account for file system limits. createType: 2GbMaxExtentFlat
  • VMFS (managed):
    • Zeroed: Thick (flat) disk on VMFS, with blocks zeroed on first use. createType: vmfsPreallocated
JulienPalard /
Created August 1, 2014 10:51
KISS Python curry
#!/usr/bin/env python
def curry(func):
Decorator to curry a function, typical usage:
>>> @curry
... def foo(a, b, c):
... return a + b + c
staltz /
Last active April 25, 2024 04:18
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
require 'excon'
require 'securerandom'
def multipart_form_data(buildpack_file_path)
body = ''
boundary = SecureRandom.hex(4)
data =
data.binmode if data.respond_to?(:binmode)
data.pos = 0 if data.respond_to?(:pos=)
prwhite / Makefile
Last active April 4, 2024 19:01
Add a help target to a Makefile that will allow all targets to be self documenting
# Add the following 'help' target to your Makefile
# And add help text after each target name starting with '\#\#'
help: ## Show this help.
@fgrep -h "##" $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | fgrep -v fgrep | sed -e 's/\\$$//' | sed -e 's/##//'
# Everything below is an example
target00: ## This message will show up when typing 'make help'
@echo does nothing
razor-x / Rakefile
Last active March 12, 2021 13:22
Automatic publishing to GitHub Pages with Travis CI
desc 'Generate deck from Travis CI and publish to GitHub Pages.'
task :travis do
# if this is a pull request, do a simple build of the site and stop
if ENV['TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST'].to_s.to_i > 0
puts 'Pull request detected. Executing build only.'
sh 'bundle exec rake build'
repo = %x(git config remote.origin.url).gsub(/^git:/, 'https:').strip