- Top->Right: URur ufUF
- Top->Left: ulUL UFuf
- Make a Cross: FUR urf (or if straight: FRU ruf)
- Corners: RUrU RUUr
The bittering, flavor, and aroma characteristics of hops are created by a two major types of chemical compound contained in the cone-shaped hop flower: acids and oils.
Converts sweet wort into beer. Yeast consume the sugar in wort, and turn it into CO2, alcohol, and flavour compounds.
Yeast have the potential to contribute more unique flavors to your beer—both good and bad—than any other ingredient.
We didn't know it existed until 1857 when Pasteur discovered it's role as a living organism.
Uncle Bob on Foreman: http://ht.ly/tRESi
Hands up who measures velocity, who measures effectiveness?
German forestry