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Created October 26, 2011 18:17
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<PUBLIC:COMPONENT lightWeight="true">
<PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="onreadystatechange" FOR="document" ONEVENT="shim()">
// an agnostic html shim
// it doesn't believe in any particular element... yet!
// usage: <style> body { *behavior: url(; } </style> or anything like that
function shim() {
// stop if we already believe
var doc = element.document;//, elem = doc.createElement('i'); elem.innerHTML = "<iii>"; if (elem.childNodes.length) return;
// search for the unbelievable
var shim = false, shimmed = {}, es = doc.getElementsByTagName('*'), l = es.length, i = -1, e;
// detect the unbelievable and begin to believe
while (++i < l && (e = es[i].nodeName)) if (e.substr(0,1) === '/' && !shimmed[e] && (shim = shimmed[e] = true)) doc.createElement(e.substr(1));
// reconsider everything after any newfound belief
if (shim) doc.body.innerHTML = doc.body.innerHTML;
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aFarkas commented Oct 26, 2011

oh and the following line should be simply changed for small performance:

while (++i < l && (e = es[i].nodeName)) if (!shimmed[e] && e.substr(0,1) === '/' && (shim = shimmed[e] = true)) doc.createElement(e.substr(1));

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