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didip / supervisord-example.conf
Created January 30, 2011 05:10
Example configuration file for supervisord.conf
file=/tmp/supervisor.sock ; path to your socket file
logfile=/var/log/supervisord/supervisord.log ; supervisord log file
logfile_maxbytes=50MB ; maximum size of logfile before rotation
logfile_backups=10 ; number of backed up logfiles
loglevel=error ; info, debug, warn, trace
pidfile=/var/run/ ; pidfile location
nodaemon=false ; run supervisord as a daemon
cdown / gist:1163649
Last active July 1, 2024 03:35
Bash urlencode and urldecode
urlencode() {
# urlencode <string>
local length="${#1}"
for (( i = 0; i < length; i++ )); do
local c="${1:$i:1}"
case $c in
bergantine / gist:1171682
Last active July 11, 2023 01:42
Python Image Encoding in Data URI Scheme Base 64. #python #base64
data_uri = open("sample.png", "rb").read().encode("base64").replace("\n", "")
# HTML Image Element
img_tag = '<img alt="" src="data:image/png;base64,{0}">'.format(data_uri)
print img_tag
# CSS Background Image
css = 'background-image: url(data:image/png;base64,{0});'.format(data_uri)
print css
mathewbyrne / slugify.js
Created October 12, 2011 04:34
Javascript Slugify
function slugify(text)
return text.toString().toLowerCase()
.replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Replace spaces with -
.replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '') // Remove all non-word chars
.replace(/\-\-+/g, '-') // Replace multiple - with single -
.replace(/^-+/, '') // Trim - from start of text
.replace(/-+$/, ''); // Trim - from end of text
connor / .jshintrc.js
Created January 11, 2012 22:20
jshintrc example
// NOTE: I added the .js extension to this gist so it would have syntax highlighting. This file should have NO file extension
// Settings
"passfail" : false, // Stop on first error.
"maxerr" : 100, // Maximum error before stopping.
// Predefined globals whom JSHint will ignore.
"browser" : true, // Standard browser globals e.g. `window`, `document`.
jlong / uri.js
Created April 20, 2012 13:29
URI Parsing with Javascript
var parser = document.createElement('a');
parser.href = "";
parser.protocol; // => "http:"
parser.hostname; // => ""
parser.port; // => "3000"
parser.pathname; // => "/pathname/"; // => "?search=test"
parser.hash; // => "#hash"; // => ""
balanceiskey / ffextension.js
Created January 30, 2013 02:57
An example of how to get Backbone Models and Collections working in a firefox extension.
var Request = require('request').Request,
_ = require('./underscore'),
Backbone = require('./backbone'),
// Firefox Add-Ons cannot use jQuery in the background
// script, but there are instances where we need some
// jquery functionality, paricularly $.ajax, which
// is defined later.
$ = {
ajax: function (params) {
if (!params.url){
PaulKinlan / criticalcss.html
Last active March 15, 2023 02:13
Detect Critical CSS
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>JS Bin</title>
<h2>Original CSS</h2>
<style style="display: block; white-space: pre; font-family: monospace">
h2 { margin:0; }
sstur / dom-to-json.js
Last active October 8, 2023 04:17
Stringify DOM nodes using JSON (and revive again)
function toJSON(node) {
let propFix = { for: 'htmlFor', class: 'className' };
let specialGetters = {
style: (node) =>,
let attrDefaultValues = { style: '' };
let obj = {
nodeType: node.nodeType,
if (node.tagName) {
DanHerbert /
Last active June 4, 2024 04:16
Instructions on how to fix npm if you've installed Node through Homebrew on Mac OS X or Linuxbrew


This entire guide is based on an old version of Homebrew/Node and no longer applies. It was only ever intended to fix a specific error message which has since been fixed. I've kept it here for historical purposes, but it should no longer be used. Homebrew maintainers have fixed things and the options mentioned don't exist and won't work.

I still believe it is better to manually install npm separately since having a generic package manager maintain another package manager is a bad idea, but the instructions below don't explain how to do that.

Fixing npm On Mac OS X for Homebrew Users

Installing node through Homebrew can cause problems with npm for globally installed packages. To fix it quickly, use the solution below. An explanation is also included at the end of this document.