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Last active May 15, 2024 00:36
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Javascript code to intercept hubspot forms on drag and drop builder websites
<!-- Header Code -->
<script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<!-- Footer Code -->
<!-- Minified use this in production -->
$('form[action^=""]').each((function(e){$(this).find("input[type=checkbox]").val("true"),$(this).submit((function(e){e.preventDefault();const n=[ FormData(].map((e=>({name:e[0],value:e[1]}))),t=n.find((e=>"goToWebinarWebinarKey",i=n.find((e=>"sfdcCampaignId",o=document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)hubspotutk\s*\=\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$/,"$1")||void 0;console.log(o);const s=$(this).find("[id*='gdpr-processing-prompt']"),a=n.filter((e=>"LEGAL_CONSENT"))).map((e=>{const n=$(`#${|\.|\[|\]|,|=|@)/g,"\\$1")}`)[0],t=$("span[for='"+$(n).attr("id").replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|,|=|@)/g,"\\$1")+"']");return{value:n.checked,text:t.text(),subscriptionTypeId:parseInt("LEGAL_CONSENT.subscription_type_")[1])}})),r=["cc-num","cc-number","gdpr","LEGAL_CONSENT","goToWebinarWebinarKey","sfdcCampaignId"],c={fields:n.filter((e=>!r.find((n=>,context:{pageUri:window.location.href,pageName:document.title,sfdcCampaignId:i,goToWebinarKey:t,hutk:o},...s?{legalConsentOptions:{consent:{...s?{consentToProcess:!0,text:s.text()}:{},...a?{communications:a}:{}}}}:{}},l=JSON.stringify(c);$.ajax({,method:"POST",data:l,contentType:"application/json",success:function(n){if(n)if(n.inlineMessage){const t=$(;t.children("form").css("display","none"),t.children(".w-form-done").css("display","block").html(n.inlineMessage)}else n.redirectUri&&(window.location.href=n.redirectUri);else console.log("response but no inlineMessage or redirectUri")},error:function(){console.log("error on the form submitting"),$("display","none").siblings(".w-form-fail").css("display","block")}})}))}));
<!-- Documented, dont use this in production. Copy and paste into a minifier to get the minified version above -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$('form[action^=""]').each(function (i) { // intercept forms whos action goes to hubspot
$(this).submit(function (e) { // when the form submits
e.preventDefault() //stop the form from submitting to webflow
const formData = new FormData( // get the form data
const parsedFormData = [...formData.entries()].map(dataObject => ({ // convert data to array
name: dataObject[0], // make sure the name of the input is the same as the hubspot input name
value: dataObject[1] // the value of the input
const goToWebinarWebinarKey = parsedFormData.find(input => === 'goToWebinarWebinarKey')?.value // looks for an input with the name goToWebinarWebinarKey
const sfdcCampaignId = parsedFormData.find(input => === 'sfdcCampaignId')?.value// looks for an input with the name sfdcCampaignId
const hutk = document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)hubspotutk\s*\=\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$/, "$1") || undefined // looks for an input with the name hutk, the hubspot user token
const processingPrompt = $(this).find("[id*='gdpr-processing-prompt']")// looks for an element with the id gdpr-processing-prompt
const communicationConsent = parsedFormData.filter(item =>'LEGAL_CONSENT')).map(item => { // finds LEGAL_CONSENT options and stores them
const element = $(`#${|\.|\[|\]|,|=|@)/g, "\\$1")}`)[0] // checks if they've checked the checkbox to consent
const label = $("span[for='" + $(element).attr('id').replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|,|=|@)/g, "\\$1") + "']") // gets the label of the checkbox
return {
value: element.checked,
text: label.text(),
subscriptionTypeId: parseInt("LEGAL_CONSENT.subscription_type_")[1]) // the subscription the user is consenting to
const ignoredFields = ["cc-num", "cc-number", "gdpr", "LEGAL_CONSENT", "goToWebinarWebinarKey", "sfdcCampaignId"]
const data = { // the data we send to hubspot
"fields": parsedFormData.filter(item => !ignoredFields.find(ignoredField =>, // set the form data but ignore certain fields
"context": {
"pageUri": window.location.href, // log the current url
"pageName": document.title, // log the pages title
"sfdcCampaignId": sfdcCampaignId, // salesforce campaign id
"goToWebinarKey": goToWebinarWebinarKey, // go to meeting key
"hutk": hutk, // hubspot user token
...(!processingPrompt) ? {}
: {
"legalConsentOptions": {
"consent": {
...(!processingPrompt) ? {}
: {
"consentToProcess": true,
"text": processingPrompt.text(),
...(!communicationConsent) ? {}
: {
"communications": communicationConsent
const final_data = JSON.stringify(data) // turn that javascript object into a json string
method: "POST",
data: final_data,
contentType: "application/json",
success: function (response) {
if (response) {
if (response.inlineMessage) {
const parent = $(
parent.children("form").css("display", "none") // hide form
parent.children(".w-form-done").css("display", "block").html(response.inlineMessage) // replace .w-form-done with your own form done section
} else if (response.redirectUri) {
window.location.href = response.redirectUri
} else {
console.log('response but no inlineMessage or redirectUri')
error: function () {
console.log("error on the form submitting")
$('display', 'none').siblings('.w-form-fail').css('display', 'block') // replace .w-form-fail with your own form done section
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joziahg commented Feb 3, 2022

@Andrew-WRKOUT I copied something wrong, it should work this time

Btw If you are collecting non hubspot forms with your tracker code you will want to place this on pages with forms using this custom code

<span id="CollectedForms-YOUR_HUBSPOT_PORTAL_ID"></span>

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@joziahg Boom, the updated code indeed works, can't thank you enough!

If I could pick your far more knowledgable brain some you mean i should include that span tag within an html embed in webflow, within the form?

I'm currently only connecting my webflow forms to ones that I've built in HubSpot, but will soon be utilizing non-hubspot forms as well. What's the purpose of including this span tag in that use case?

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joziahg commented Feb 3, 2022

On each page hubspot looks for an element with that id, if it exists it doesn’t load the JavaScript to track non hs forms, like the ones created using this code.

it allows you to use the tracking code site wide but ignore manually created hubspot connected forms

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Macster1337 commented Feb 21, 2022

Great! @joziahg

But I can't get this script working with dropdowns in Webflow such as 'Inbound Lead Source' or 'Company Size'. If I remove them and use regular text fields the submission is posted to Hubspot (Sales Hub Professional). Property names are matching and values as well (COMPANY.inbound_lead_source in Webflow).

Are there limitations, or should dropdowns work as well?

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Hi. Didn't get this to work for some reason, nevertheless thank you for a great tutorial and the time spent creating this.

Would you be available for consulting/freelancing to help me, and also helping me setting up an additional thing that is related to this?

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stefanstark87 commented Mar 1, 2022

Update: Third attempt and now it is working like a charm. Thank you very much.

However, I didn't get it work along with Hubspot tracking code. Where exactly you mean I should embed the span code?
<span id="CollectedForms-YOUR_HUBSPOT_PORTAL_ID"></span>

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moeeennn commented Mar 2, 2022


Hey guys, I followed the tutorial and copied the header and footer codes but when I click submit on my webflow form it gives me this error. This error is usually there when contentType is not set to application/js. But seeing the above code contentType is being set to application/js. So why am I getting this error?


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moeeennn commented Mar 7, 2022

Any help on this? ^

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you are probably missing header script

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Added the script given above.
<script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

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Does this code work with a raw HTML form?
It does not bring information from hidden fields such as utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_content, utm_term, gclid, ruid, uid

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joziahg commented Jun 24, 2022

Does this code work with a raw HTML form? It does not bring information from hidden fields such as utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_content, utm_term, gclid, ruid, uid

Yes, It should. I used raw HTML to test and develop it as I didn't have access to webflow codeblocks at the time.
As far as the hidden fields go, this wrapper should send those aswell. You'll want to make sure the field names are the same as whats in hubspot. If the value of the field doesn't belong to either Contact, Company, or a Custom Property already setup in hubspot I don't think it will work. It's been a while since I've worked on this so I can't say for sure right now

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rnxd commented Jul 5, 2022

Hi there! Amazing stuff and I'm so close to getting it to work!!
The submissions are going through however the hidden fields aren't being populated.
I am getting this error on the submissions: The cookie needed to link form submissions to existing contacts isn't being sent. You'll need to ask your developer to update the integration for this form.

The hidden fields are being populated by another cookie we've implemented (
Can you make out what's happening here? I'm not sure if it's a problem with the code, Hubspot or 🙁

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Amazing bro thank you for this.

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Hi @joziahg awesome job. Loaded up followed video instructions and bam worked like a treat. However as soon as I wanted to add a company field (ie. it through a 400 error. Little bit of digging showed that the COMPANY.xx no longer seems to work and you need to use 0-2/. Damn can't add / in Webflow as its automatically replaced with a hyphen.

Debosmit Ray on your Youtube vid commented that he added some footer code to modify the array

When I go to add it and minify the code it throws an error. Not sure why. Any chance you can update the video/code to address this change?

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Thanks, author.

Unfortunately, this doesn't work for me for the Webflow site. With and without hidden input - it doesn't send user cookie to HubSpot and creates separate contacts.

Is there any updates of the code up to date?


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