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Created February 7, 2012 17:14
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nginx hack for multiple conditions
if ($request_uri = /) {
set $test A;
if ($host ~* {
set $test "${test}B";
if ($http_cookie !~* "auth_token") {
set $test "${test}C";
if ($test = ABC) {
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osabate commented Aug 21, 2015


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Thank you so much, this hack is awesome! 🤘

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zarza commented Oct 29, 2015

Thank you!

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What versions of nginx does this work on? I can't get it working on 1.4.7

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Why not just use map instead?

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Asoul commented Mar 15, 2016


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Thanks, worked great.

I had some problems with it if it was within a location statement, taking it out and putting it in the server statement helped fix it.

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Thanks !

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songsfromthewood commented May 17, 2016

Seems, you are not familiar with map, or do not like it. More short and elegant:

":" is used just like delimiter, you can use any other symbol not used in checked variables.

map "$request_uri:$host:$http_cookie" $test {
    default 0;
    "/"  1;

server {
    if ( $test ) {

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osgregs commented Aug 15, 2016

Só precisava disso pra dar nó em pingo d agua, thks

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dxgldotorg commented Sep 27, 2016

This will help me migrate a .htaccess based referer filter to nginx; my first try caused redirect loops in Firefox but Chrome displayed the error page after giving up on the loop. I set A for the referer check, and B for the check that it isn't trying to load the error page, then I check to see if the combined variable is A, as the B check is a "not" check.
I will test the filter out tomorrow, and if it works I will be able to migrate away from Apache handling my .php files.

Edit: Worked like a charm! Thanks for the tutorial!

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Thanks !

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You are a god :D

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Great solution! For those suggestion a map, that is great if condition variable remains the same for all checks. If not, this solution trumps map.

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Thanks for this but I prefer to use @songsfromthewood map solution.

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@songsfromthewood's example works great, with the exception of empty strings (like referer or useragent). But for blank referer and useragent, it's still pretty good :D

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aluttik commented Aug 30, 2017

for those who haven't read this yet: If Is Evil

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nkn786 commented Nov 30, 2017

Hi All,

I am checking the header "x-token" present from the incoming request if not i have to send 403 in nginx below is my code

if ($http_x-token = ""){
return 403;

But here "-" is the problem so how do i achieve this. if i pass the header as "xtoken" its working as expected
Could you please any one guide on this query.


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nkn786, try $http_x_token.

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You truly are the king of kings

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onier commented Aug 10, 2018

awesome ! 666666

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Nice. Thanks

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Awesome man, thanks.

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Azzurite commented Sep 6, 2019

Seems, you are not familiar with map, or do not like it. More short and elegant:

":" is used just like delimiter, you can use any other symbol not used in checked variables.

map "$request_uri:$host:$http_cookie" $test {
    default 0;
    "/"  1;

server {
    if ( $test ) {

@songsfromthewood Actually no, yours does not match "" while the original post does.

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this is awesome!

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GoodJob commented Mar 17, 2021

Need explanation.... what actually this does:
if ($host ~* {
set $test "${test}";
Does it takes "this" or what? Thanks!

How to write this condition?

if ($host * {
set $subdomain_name = ?;


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lordspace commented Jun 26, 2023

Awesome!!!! Thanks!
If somebody needs an explanation what the code does is it sequentially appends different letters to one variable.
When all the letters are present that means that all the required conditions have been met.

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This works great!

I recommend initializing the $test variable outside and above all the conditional statements to avoid endless using uninitialized "test" variable errors piling up in /var/log/nginx/error.log as follows:

set $test "";

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👍👍👍 Дядя, спасибо тебе !!!

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