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Jordan Shaw jshaw

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jshaw / lightbar.ino
Created November 6, 2023 14:44 — forked from hsiboy/lightbar.ino
WS2811 - lightbar - FastLED
// From Mark Kriegsman's Anti-aliased light bar example:
#include <FastLED.h>
#define LED_PIN 13 // hardware SPI pin SCK
#define NUM_LEDS 250
#define LED_TYPE WS2811
#define MAX_BRIGHTNESS 255 // watch the power!
jordienr / Gradient.js
Created September 12, 2021 00:23
Stripe Mesh Gradient WebGL
* Stripe WebGl Gradient Animation
* All Credits to
* ScrollObserver functionality to disable animation when not scrolled into view has been disabled and
* commented out for now.
UriShX / Mirror_w_export_stream.pde
Created November 24, 2020 13:18
Processing sketch - stream video to v4l2loopback example
* Streaming a Processing script to a v4l2loopback target example
* by Uri Shani
* Depends on running v4l2loopback before starting the script:
* '$ sudo modprobe v4l2loopback devices=3 video_nr=10,11,12 card_label="Loopback_1","Loopback_2","Virtual_cam" exclusive_caps=1,1,1'
* Ffmpeg is used first for streaming default webcam (/dev/video0) to two loopback devices,
* the sketch then uses Loopback_1 (/dev/video10) as its video source by listing available cameras, and selecting the second device (cameras[1], line 79).
heaversm / index.html
Last active March 5, 2023 20:54
Create animated transitions between StyleGAN images with P5.js and Runway ML
<script src="js/lib/p5.js"></script>
<script src="js/lib/p5.dom.js"></script>
<script src="js/lib/toxiclibs.js"></script>
<script src="data/landscape.js"></script>
<script src="js/stylegan-transition.js"></script>
marcedwards / circlesofdots.pde
Created June 28, 2019 10:43
Circles of dots in Processing
// Circles of dots.
// Created using Processing 3.5.3.
// Code by @marcedwards from @bjango.
// A GIF of this code can be seen here:
mattdesl /
Created February 14, 2019 16:03
A Browser and Node.js compatible canvas-sketch script for generative and parametric 3D geometry.

Generative Geometry in Browser + Node.js

Here is a script that can be run with canvas-sketch to generate OBJ files from a parametric/algorithmic 3D ThreeJS geometry.

Hitting "Cmd + S" from the canvas-sketch tool will export a PNG and OBJ file of the scene.

If the same script is run from Node, it will simply render the OBJ to stdout, or write to the filename argument if given.

beesandbombs / swingers.pde
Created February 28, 2018 15:32
// swingers by dave @beesandbombs
int[][] result;
float t, c;
float ease(float p) {
return 3*p*p - 2*p*p*p;
float ease(float p, float g) {
int[][] result;
float t, c;
float ease(float p) {
return 3*p*p - 2*p*p*p;
float ease(float p, float g) {
if (p < 0.5)
return 0.5 * pow(2*p, g);
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <EthernetUdp.h>
#define USE_OCTOWS2811
#include <OctoWS2811.h>
#include <FastLED.h>
// enter desired universe and subnet (sACN first universe is 1)
#define DMX_SUBNET 0
#define DMX_UNIVERSE 1 //**Start** universe
gangsta /
Last active August 19, 2024 06:45
How to Setting Up a Comodo SSL Cert

How to Setting Up a Comodo SSL Cert

  • I advice you to buy SSL Certs from officially Comodo only , or some SSL reseller whose you trust.

These are the steps I went through to set up an SSL cert. Purchase the cert

Prior to purchasing a cert, you need to generate a private key, and a CSR file (Certificate Signing Request). You’ll be asked for the content of the CSR file when ordering the certificate:

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout example_com.key -out example_com.csr