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Justin Meyer justinbmeyer

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<p>In this guide, you will learn how to create a custom video player using the <code>&lt;video&gt;</code> element and <a href="">CanJS</a>. The
custom video player will:</p>
<li>Have custom play and pause buttons.</li>
<li>Show the current time and duration of the video.</li>
<li>Have a <code>&lt;input type="range"&gt;</code> slider that can adjust the position of the video.</li>
<p>The final player looks like:</p>
<div class="cp_embed_wrapper"><iframe id="cp_embed_qyRqMx" src="//;theme-id=dark&amp;slug-hash=qyRqMx&amp;default-tab=js%2Cresult&amp;user=justinbmeyer&amp;embed-version=2&amp;pen-title=CanJS%205.0%20Video%20Player%20-%20Final" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" height="350" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" allowpaymentrequest="true" name="CodePen Embed" title="CanJS 5.0 Video Player - Final" class="cp_embed_iframe " style="width: 100%; overflow: hidden;"></iframe></div>
<p>The following sections are broken dow
Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): could not find expected ':' while scanning a simple key at line 5 column 1
title: Weekly Widget 7 - Computes and Sliders
tags: open-source canjs
author: justinbmeyer
lead: Learn why can.compute is the last API you will ever need as we explore using it
in a slider.
layout: post

Computes are amazing, especially when

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<ul class='tags'><li>function</li><li>static</li></ul>
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<ul class='tags'><li>function</li><li>static</li></ul>
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title tags author lead layout
Weekly Widget 4 - Chat
open-source can.Model
Sending and receiving messages using and can.Model.

This week's widget is a real-time chat application that demonstrates sending and receiving messages using and can.Model. This article shows how to integrate to can.Model's events system.

justinbmeyer /
Created November 27, 2012 21:53
What you must know about JavaScript

Before learning JavaScript, it's important to learn how it fits into the larger picture of the Browser and DOM (and your web app).

To start, lets walk through a very basic "Hello World" web page. Assume that the server at has this HTML file:

    <script type='text/javascript'>
      alert('Hello JS');
justinbmeyer /
Created October 18, 2011 06:21 — forked from moschel/
Templated Event Binding

3.2's $.Controller - Templated Event Binding Goodness

JavaScriptMVC 3.2 brings a lot of great features and enhancements. So many features that changes to $.Controller didn't make the cut for our upcoming 3.2 article. This article reviews 3.2's $.Controller and talks about templated event binding (something we neglected to write up for 3.1).

Bind and Memory Leaks

Neglecting to unbind event handlers is the easiest way to create memory leaks. This is extremely common in an MVC architecture as you constantly listen for model changes:

Task.bind('created', function(ev, newTask){

// add task to list

justinbmeyer /
Created October 17, 2011 18:47 — forked from jupiterjs/
Templated Event Binding

3.2's $.Controller - Templated Event Binding Goodness

JavaScriptMVC 3.2 brings a lot of great features and enhancements. So many features that changes to $.Controller didn't make the cut for our upcoming 3.2 article. This article reviews 3.2's $.Controller and talks about templated event binding (something we neglected to write up for 3.1).

Bind and Memory Leaks

Neglecting to unbind event handlers is the easiest way to create memory leaks. This is extremely common in an MVC architecture as you constantly listen for model changes:

Task.bind('created', function(ev, newTask){

// add task to list

function Private() { = 'is private';
Private.prototype.somePrivateFunction = function() { = 'bar';