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Last active September 5, 2015 05:45
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Authlogic plugin for MongoMapper
module Authenticable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
key :username, String
key :email, String
key :crypted_password, String
key :password_salt, String
key :persistence_token, String
key :login_count, Integer, :default => 0
key :last_request_at, Time
key :last_login_at, Time
key :current_login_at, Time
key :last_login_ip, String
key :current_login_ip, String
class << self
alias named_scope scope
include Authlogic::ActsAsAuthentic::Base
include Authlogic::ActsAsAuthentic::Email
include Authlogic::ActsAsAuthentic::LoggedInStatus
include Authlogic::ActsAsAuthentic::Login
include Authlogic::ActsAsAuthentic::MagicColumns
include Authlogic::ActsAsAuthentic::Password
include Authlogic::ActsAsAuthentic::PerishableToken
include Authlogic::ActsAsAuthentic::PersistenceToken
include Authlogic::ActsAsAuthentic::RestfulAuthentication
include Authlogic::ActsAsAuthentic::SessionMaintenance
include Authlogic::ActsAsAuthentic::SingleAccessToken
include Authlogic::ActsAsAuthentic::ValidationsScope
acts_as_authentic do |c|
c.login_field = 'username'
c.merge_validates_uniqueness_of_login_field_options :scope => '_id', :case_sensitive => true
module ClassMethods
def base_class
def primary_key
def default_timezone
def with_scope(qry)
qry = where(qry) if qry.is_a?(Hash)
yield qry
module InstanceMethods
def save(options = {})
options = {:validate => options} unless options.is_a?(Hash)
def readonly?
class User
include MongoMapper::Document
plugin Authenticable
class UserSession < Authlogic::Session::Base
def to_key
new_record? ? nil : [self.send(self.class.primary_key)]
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Hey Gigamo,

I have a newbie question, the files user.rb and user_session.rb goes into the app/models folder, but where does the other two files goes? Do I have to manually create a gem for each ?

Thank you

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You can put them anywhere in your load path. I personally made a new app/plugins directory in which I put authenticable.rb, and I put the validatable fix inside lib somewhere.

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Got it!

Thank you

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Is the validatable fix gone?

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That fix should no longer be required with the newer versions (that make use of ActiveModel) of MongoMapper.

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Awesome, thanks! I am close, but I keep getting:

undefined method `login_field' for User:Class

But I see:

34     model.acts_as_authentic do |c|
35       c.login_field = 'username'
36       c.merge_validates_uniqueness_of_login_field_options :scope => '_id', :case_sensitive => true
37     end

Any suggestions?

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FYI, I am using this guide for the rest of AuthLogic / Rails 3 :

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I'm occasionally now getting this issue when I create a new user in the system:

NoMethodError (undefined method []=' for BSON::ObjectId('4e6e5c8414a6940001000006'):BSON::ObjectId): 2011-09-12T19:24:52+00:00 app[web.1]: app/models/authenticable.rb:58:insave'
2011-09-12T19:24:52+00:00 app[web.1]: app/controllers/users_controller.rb:4:in `create'

The error isn't consistant. I can get it to fail when I deploy on heroku+mongohq, but it doesn't fail when I run it locally (with a local mongodb).

Any ideas?

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spockz commented Mar 5, 2012

I'm getting the following error:

undefined local variable or method `model' for User:Class

With Rails 3.1.3.

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ghost commented Mar 6, 2012

i getting the following error:
uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::Concern (NameError)
with rails 2.3.11 and mongomapper

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I'm getting same error with spockz...
How should i fix that error?

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