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// Created by Nick Snyder on 11/13/12.
// NDCollectionViewFlowLayout.h
@interface NDCollectionViewFlowLayout : UICollectionViewFlowLayout
mattt /
Last active June 4, 2024 13:28
A list of methods and properties conforming to `UIAppearance` as of iOS 12 Beta 3

Generate the list yourself:

$ cd /Applications/*.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/Headers
$ grep UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR ./*     | \
  sed 's/NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(.*)//g'     | \
  sed 's/NS_DEPRECATED_IOS(.*)//g'    | \
  sed 's/API_AVAILABLE(.*)//g'        | \
  sed 's/API_UNAVAILABLE(.*)//g'      | \

How I Wish Racket Was First Explained To Me

I've been taking a compilers class this semester from Matt Might, which has been a great experience. Amongst the most challenging/interesting aspects of the course has been taming Racket, a Scheme-y/LISP-y language (I'll leave it at that).

Having never used anything functional/LISP-y in my days, this was a brand new experience. On the whole, it was good, but here's how I wish my first introduction to the language had gone as it would have set me on the right foot. While I'm focusing on Racket here, I imagine this same thing applies to LISP/Scheme and its derivatives.

Code vs. Data

I read everywhere that, "In Racket, code and data are the same thing." That sentence alone was useless to me, and it took a number of weeks before I "got it." Perhaps this explanation may have been more helpful:

hakanensari / 1_create_products.rb
Created April 30, 2013 23:47
Sequel + uuid-ossp
Sequel.migration do
up do
run 'CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp"'
create_table :products do
column :id, :uuid, :default => Sequel.function(:uuid_generate_v4), :primary_key => true
soffes / Podfile
Created May 13, 2013 15:46
Seesaw Podfile
platform :ios, '5.0'
# Awesome networking
pod 'AFNetworking'
# Backported UICollectionView
pod 'PSTCollectionView'
# Rich text
pod 'TTTAttributedLabel'
steipete / PSPDFUIKitMainThreadGuard.m
Last active May 27, 2024 12:11
This is a guard that tracks down UIKit access on threads other than main. This snippet is taken from the commercial iOS PDF framework, but relicensed under MIT. Works because a lot of calls internally call setNeedsDisplay or setNeedsLayout. Won't catch everything, but it's very lightweight and usually does the job.You might n…
// Taken from the commercial iOS PDF framework
// Copyright (c) 2014 Peter Steinberger, PSPDFKit GmbH. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under MIT (
// You should only use this in debug builds. It doesn't use private API, but I wouldn't ship it.
// PLEASE DUPE rdar://27192338 ( if you would like to see this in UIKit.
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <objc/message.h>
ruby -rwebrick -e"s = => 3000, :DocumentRoot => Dir.pwd); trap('INT') { s.shutdown }; s.start"
tenderlove / terrible.rb
Last active May 16, 2020 13:13
I am a terrible person
require 'fiddle'
module IAmAHorriblePerson
def unset flag
value = _wrap self
flags = { |i| value[i] }.pack('C8').unpack('Q').first
[flags & ~flag].pack('Q').unpack('C8').each_with_index { |n,i|value[i] = n }
def class= k
willurd /
Last active June 17, 2024 09:38
Big list of http static server one-liners

Each of these commands will run an ad hoc http static server in your current (or specified) directory, available at http://localhost:8000. Use this power wisely.

Discussion on reddit.

Python 2.x

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
eternalstorms / Apple Evangelists.txt
Created June 12, 2013 09:07
Apple Evangelists (WWDC 2013)
UI- and App Frameworks Evangelist - Jake Behrens,, twitter: @Behrens
- What's new in Cocoa
- Accessibility in iOS
- Building User Interfaces for iOS 7
- Getting Started with UIKit Dynamics
- What's new in Cocoa Touch
- What's New With Multitasking
- Best Practices for Cocoa Animation
- Improving Power Efficiency with App Nap
- Introducing Text Kit