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Shingo Kitagawa knorth55

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knorth55 / jsk-pr2-startup.log
Created October 24, 2022 14:14
[INFO] [1666619794.667012] [/check_openni_node:rosout]: [CheckOpenNINode] sum of pixels is 0 at 1666619794
[ERROR] [1666619794.667315] [/check_openni_node:rosout]: Restart openni_node1
[ERROR] [1666619794.667511] [/check_openni_node:rosout]: [CheckOpenNINode] resetting u s b
Resetting USB device /dev/bus/usb/001/044
Reset successful
Resetting USB device /dev/bus/usb/001/043
Reset successful
Resetting USB device /dev/bus/usb/001/006
Reset successful
[ERROR] [1666619806.421436] [/check_openni_node:rosout]: [CheckOpenNINode] something wrong with kinect, I'll restart it, killing nodelet manager
knorth55 / spam.l
Last active September 2, 2021 12:31
(defun spam1 (x)
(setq *spam-func* #'spam1)
(format t "spam1: ~A ~%" x)
(unix::sleep 1))
(defun spam2 (x)
(setq *spam-func* #'(lambda (xx) (spam2 xx)))
(format t "spam2: ~A ~%" x)
(unix::sleep 1))
(load "package://pr2eus/pr2-interface.l")
(setq *robot* (pr2))
(send *robot* :reset-pose)
(setq *cube* (make-cube 300 300 300))
(send *cube* :translate #f(500 0 800))
(send *robot* :larm :inverse-kinematics
(make-coords :pos #f(500 0 950)) :rotation-axis :z)
(send *robot* :rarm :inverse-kinematics
(make-coords :pos #f(500 0 650)) :rotation-axis :z)
(send *robot* :larm :end-coords :assoc *cube*)
(require "package://hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials/euslisp/hrp2jsk-interface.l")
(defun main ()
(let ((faces (flatten (send-all (flatten (send-all (send *hrp2jsk* :links) :bodies)) :faces)))
(face-i 0))
(while (< face-i (length faces))
(send *viewer* :draw-objects :flush nil)
(let ((i 0))
(require "models/room73b2-hitachi-fiesta-refrigerator-object.l")
(defun main ()
(let ((faces (flatten (send-all (flatten (send-all (send *fridge* :links) :bodies)) :faces)))
(face-i 0))
(while (< face-i (length faces))
(send *viewer* :draw-objects :flush nil)
(let ((i 0))
(require "package://hrpsys_ros_bridge_tutorials/euslisp/hrp2jsk-interface.l")
(require "models/room73b2-hitachi-fiesta-refrigerator-object.l")
(send *ri* :start-auto-balancer)
(send *ri* :start-st)
(setq *fridge* (room73b2-hitachi-fiesta-refrigerator))
(send *fridge* :translate #f(1000 0 50))
(send *fridge* :rotate 3.14 :z)
function message() {
local color=$1; shift;
local message=$@
# Output command being executed
echo -e "\e[${color}m${message}\e[0m"
(load "irteus/demo/sample-arm-model.l")
(setq *robot* (instance sarmclass :init))
(setq *cube* (make-cube 30 1000 30))
(send *cube* :locate #f(300 0 200))
(setq *target-coords* (send (send *cube* :worldcoords) :copy-worldcoords))
; (send *target-coords* :translate #f(0 0 -50))
(send *target-coords* :rotate -1.57 :y)
(objects (list *robot* *cube* *target-coords*))
(send *robot* :open-hand)
- git:
local-name: PR2/app_manager
version: kinetic-devel
- git:
local-name: RethinkRobotics/baxter_common
version: v1.2.0
- git:
local-name: RethinkRobotics/baxter_examples
(load "package://pr2eus/pr2-interface.l")
(setq avs
#f(50 0 64 70 -122 50 -115 -20 -4 74 -105 -90 70 -5 20 0 0)
#f(50 6 9 106 -77 35 -124 -20 -4 75 -104 -89 70 0 20 0 0)
#f(50 25 0 0 -121 0 -6 0 -4 75 -104 -89 70 0 20 0 0)
#f(50 25 0 0 -121 0 -6 0 -25 0 0 -121 0 -6 0 0 0)