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Created February 9, 2012 19:33
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Convert LESS to Stylus for Twitter Bootstrap
# Quick hack of regular expressions to convert twitter bootstrap from LESS to Stylus
less2stylus = (string) ->
string = string
.replace(/^(\ *)(.+)\ +\{\ *\n?\ */mg, "$1$2\n$1 ") # remove opening brackets
.replace(/^(\ *)([^\ \n]+)\ +\{\ *\n?\ */mg, "$1$2\n$1 ") # remove opening brackets
.replace(/\ *\{\ *\n*/g, "\n") # remove opening brackets again (some random cases I'm too lazy to think through)
.replace(/\ *\}\ *\n*/g, "\n") # remove closing brackets
.replace(/\;\ *?$/gm, "") # remove semicolons
.replace(/@(\w+):(\ *)\ /g, (_, $1, $2) -> # replace @variable: with $variable =
"$#{$1}#{$2} = "
.replace(/\@(\w+)/g, (_, $1) -> (if $1 == "import" then _ else "$#{$1}"))
.replace(/\.([\w-]+)\(/g, "$1(") # replace mixins from .border-radius(4px) to border-radius(4px)
.replace(/,\ */g, ", ") # make all commas have 1 space after them
.replace(/\.less/g, ".styl")
.replace(/(\ *)(.+)>\ *([\w-]+)\(/g, "$1$2>\n$1 $3(")
# need to make sure things like -webkit-background-size are left-aligned
# need to handle expressions
.replace(/\ *$/g, "") # remove trailing whitespace
lines = string.split("\n")
indent = 0
for line, i in lines
if line.match(/^[^\/]?\ *[\w-\*]+: /) # property name
lines[i] = line.replace(/^\ */, Array(indent + 1).join(" "))
else if line.match(/^\ +[\w-]+\([^\$\)]/) # mixin
else if !line.match(/\/{2}/)
indent = line.match(/^(\ *)/)[1].length + 2
if line.match(/e\(\%\(/)
lines[i] = "#{Array(indent + 1).join(" ")}// #{line}"
names = fs.readdirSync("lib/stylesheets/bootstrap")
for name in names
stylus = less2stylus(fs.readFileSync("lib/stylesheets/bootstrap/#{name}", "utf-8"))
fs.writeFileSync("lib/stylesheets/bootstrap/#{name.replace(/\.less$/, ".styl")}", stylus)
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This seems to fail for scoped mixins in bootstrap 2.0... e.g. #gradient > .vertical(@white, #f5f5f5);

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Yeah, it's not perfect. Can't spend much time this right now though. The real solution would be tapping into the less and stylus parsers, regular expressions can only go so far.

If you find a regex(s) that handles the few other cases, definitely post em. This was just me in TextMate using find/replace with regex's, and then just rewriting that sequence in javascript.

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This might also come in handy:

// Syntax definition
// The key becomes the class name of the <span>
// around the matched block of code.
var syntax = {
  'string'   : /("(?:(?!")[^\\]|\\.)*"|'(?:(?!')[^\\]|\\.)*')/g,
  'comment'  : /(\/\*(?:[^*]|\*+[^\/*])*\*+\/|\/\/[^\n]*)/mg,
  'keyword'  : /\b(when)\b/g,
  'color'    : /(#[a-fA-F0-9]{6}|#[a-fA-F0-9]{3})\b(?=[^\{\}]*[\};])/mg,
  'nth'      : /(\([n0-9+-]+\))(?=[^\{\}]*\{)/g,
  'number'   : /\b((?:-?\d*\.?\d+)(?:px|%|em|pc|ex|in|deg|s|ms|pt|cm|mm)?)/g,
  'class'    : /([\.:][\w-]+)(?=[^\{\};]*\{)/mg,
  'variable' : /(@@?-?[-a-z_0-9]+\s*)/g,
  'attribute': /(\*?-?[-a-z_0-9]+\s*)(?=:[^\{\};]*[\};])/mg,
  'selector' : /(\[[a-z]+)/g,
  'id'       : /(#[\w-]+)(?=[^\{\}]*\{)/mg,
  'mixin'    : /([#\.][\w-]+)(?=[^;\{\}]*[;\}])/g,
  'element'  : /\b([a-z]+[0-9]?)\b(?=[^\{\}\);]*\{)/mg,
  'special'  : /(! *important)\b/g,

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This looks promising. Might try this out for Kickstrap 2.0 (

I want to get away from LESS.

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