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Created February 9, 2012 19:33
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Convert LESS to Stylus for Twitter Bootstrap
# Quick hack of regular expressions to convert twitter bootstrap from LESS to Stylus
less2stylus = (string) ->
string = string
.replace(/^(\ *)(.+)\ +\{\ *\n?\ */mg, "$1$2\n$1 ") # remove opening brackets
.replace(/^(\ *)([^\ \n]+)\ +\{\ *\n?\ */mg, "$1$2\n$1 ") # remove opening brackets
.replace(/\ *\{\ *\n*/g, "\n") # remove opening brackets again (some random cases I'm too lazy to think through)
.replace(/\ *\}\ *\n*/g, "\n") # remove closing brackets
.replace(/\;\ *?$/gm, "") # remove semicolons
.replace(/@(\w+):(\ *)\ /g, (_, $1, $2) -> # replace @variable: with $variable =
"$#{$1}#{$2} = "
.replace(/\@(\w+)/g, (_, $1) -> (if $1 == "import" then _ else "$#{$1}"))
.replace(/\.([\w-]+)\(/g, "$1(") # replace mixins from .border-radius(4px) to border-radius(4px)
.replace(/,\ */g, ", ") # make all commas have 1 space after them
.replace(/\.less/g, ".styl")
.replace(/(\ *)(.+)>\ *([\w-]+)\(/g, "$1$2>\n$1 $3(")
# need to make sure things like -webkit-background-size are left-aligned
# need to handle expressions
.replace(/\ *$/g, "") # remove trailing whitespace
lines = string.split("\n")
indent = 0
for line, i in lines
if line.match(/^[^\/]?\ *[\w-\*]+: /) # property name
lines[i] = line.replace(/^\ */, Array(indent + 1).join(" "))
else if line.match(/^\ +[\w-]+\([^\$\)]/) # mixin
else if !line.match(/\/{2}/)
indent = line.match(/^(\ *)/)[1].length + 2
if line.match(/e\(\%\(/)
lines[i] = "#{Array(indent + 1).join(" ")}// #{line}"
names = fs.readdirSync("lib/stylesheets/bootstrap")
for name in names
stylus = less2stylus(fs.readFileSync("lib/stylesheets/bootstrap/#{name}", "utf-8"))
fs.writeFileSync("lib/stylesheets/bootstrap/#{name.replace(/\.less$/, ".styl")}", stylus)
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This might also come in handy:

// Syntax definition
// The key becomes the class name of the <span>
// around the matched block of code.
var syntax = {
  'string'   : /("(?:(?!")[^\\]|\\.)*"|'(?:(?!')[^\\]|\\.)*')/g,
  'comment'  : /(\/\*(?:[^*]|\*+[^\/*])*\*+\/|\/\/[^\n]*)/mg,
  'keyword'  : /\b(when)\b/g,
  'color'    : /(#[a-fA-F0-9]{6}|#[a-fA-F0-9]{3})\b(?=[^\{\}]*[\};])/mg,
  'nth'      : /(\([n0-9+-]+\))(?=[^\{\}]*\{)/g,
  'number'   : /\b((?:-?\d*\.?\d+)(?:px|%|em|pc|ex|in|deg|s|ms|pt|cm|mm)?)/g,
  'class'    : /([\.:][\w-]+)(?=[^\{\};]*\{)/mg,
  'variable' : /(@@?-?[-a-z_0-9]+\s*)/g,
  'attribute': /(\*?-?[-a-z_0-9]+\s*)(?=:[^\{\};]*[\};])/mg,
  'selector' : /(\[[a-z]+)/g,
  'id'       : /(#[\w-]+)(?=[^\{\}]*\{)/mg,
  'mixin'    : /([#\.][\w-]+)(?=[^;\{\}]*[;\}])/g,
  'element'  : /\b([a-z]+[0-9]?)\b(?=[^\{\}\);]*\{)/mg,
  'special'  : /(! *important)\b/g,

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This looks promising. Might try this out for Kickstrap 2.0 (

I want to get away from LESS.

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