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Last active October 3, 2024 16:10
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AppleScript to close all notifications on macOS Big Sur, Monterey, and Ventura
function run(input, parameters) {
const appNames = [];
const skipAppNames = [];
const verbose = true;
const scriptName = "close_notifications_applescript";
const CLEAR_ALL_ACTION = "Clear All";
const CLEAR_ALL_ACTION_TOP = "Clear";
const CLOSE_ACTION = "Close";
const notNull = (val) => {
return val !== null && val !== undefined;
const isNull = (val) => {
return !notNull(val);
const notNullOrEmpty = (val) => {
return notNull(val) && val.length > 0;
const isNullOrEmpty = (val) => {
return !notNullOrEmpty(val);
const isError = (maybeErr) => {
return notNull(maybeErr) && (maybeErr instanceof Error || maybeErr.message);
const systemVersion = () => {
return Application("Finder").version().split(".").map(val => parseInt(val));
const systemVersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo = (vers) => {
return systemVersion()[0] >= vers;
const isBigSurOrGreater = () => {
return systemVersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo(11);
const V11_OR_GREATER = isBigSurOrGreater();
const V12 = systemVersion()[0] === 12;
const APP_NAME_MATCHER_ROLE = V11_OR_GREATER ? "AXStaticText" : "AXImage";
const hasAppNames = notNullOrEmpty(appNames);
const hasSkipAppNames = notNullOrEmpty(skipAppNames);
const hasAppNameFilters = hasAppNames || hasSkipAppNames;
const appNameForLog = hasAppNames ? ` [${appNames.join(",")}]` : "";
const logs = [];
const log = (message, ...optionalParams) => {
let message_with_prefix = `${new Date().toISOString().replace("Z", "").replace("T", " ")} [${scriptName}]${appNameForLog} ${message}`;
console.log(message_with_prefix, optionalParams);
const logError = (message, ...optionalParams) => {
if (isError(message)) {
let err = message;
message = `${err}${err.stack ? (" " + err.stack) : ""}`;
log(`ERROR ${message}`, optionalParams);
const logErrorVerbose = (message, ...optionalParams) => {
if (verbose) {
logError(message, optionalParams);
const logVerbose = (message) => {
if (verbose) {
const getLogLines = () => {
return logs.join("\n");
const getSystemEvents = () => {
let systemEvents = Application("System Events");
systemEvents.includeStandardAdditions = true;
return systemEvents;
const getNotificationCenter = () => {
try {
return getSystemEvents().processes.byName("NotificationCenter");
} catch (err) {
logError("Could not get NotificationCenter");
throw err;
const getNotificationCenterGroups = (retryOnError = false) => {
try {
let notificationCenter = getNotificationCenter();
if ( <= 0) {
return [];
if (!V11_OR_GREATER) {
if (V12) {
} catch (err) {
logError("Could not get NotificationCenter groups");
if (retryOnError) {
log("Retrying getNotificationCenterGroups...");
return getNotificationCenterGroups(false);
} else {
throw err;
const isClearButton = (description, name) => {
return description === "button" && name === CLEAR_ALL_ACTION_TOP;
const matchesAnyAppNames = (value, checkValues) => {
if (isNullOrEmpty(checkValues)) {
return false;
let lowerAppName = value.toLowerCase();
for (let checkValue of checkValues) {
if (lowerAppName === checkValue.toLowerCase()) {
return true;
return false;
const matchesAppName = (role, value) => {
if (role !== APP_NAME_MATCHER_ROLE) {
return false;
if (hasAppNames) {
return matchesAnyAppNames(value, appNames);
return !matchesAnyAppNames(value, skipAppNames);
const notificationGroupMatches = (group) => {
try {
let description = group.description();
if (V11_OR_GREATER && isClearButton(description, {
return true;
if (V11_OR_GREATER && description !== "group") {
return false;
if (!V11_OR_GREATER) {
let matchedAppName = !hasAppNameFilters;
if (!matchedAppName) {
for (let elem of group.uiElements()) {
if (matchesAppName(elem.role(), elem.description())) {
matchedAppName = true;
if (matchedAppName) {
return notNull(findCloseActionV10(group, -1));
return false;
if (!hasAppNameFilters) {
return true;
let checkElem = group.uiElements[0];
if (checkElem.value().toLowerCase() === "time sensitive") {
checkElem = group.uiElements[1];
return matchesAppName(checkElem.role(), checkElem.value());
} catch (err) {
logErrorVerbose(`Caught error while checking window, window is probably closed: ${err}`);
return false;
const findCloseActionV10 = (group, closedCount) => {
try {
for (let elem of group.uiElements()) {
if (elem.role() === "AXButton" && elem.title() === CLOSE_ACTION) {
return elem.actions["AXPress"];
} catch (err) {
logErrorVerbose(`(group_${closedCount}) Caught error while searching for close action, window is probably closed: ${err}`);
return null;
log("No close action found for notification");
return null;
const findCloseAction = (group, closedCount) => {
try {
if (!V11_OR_GREATER) {
return findCloseActionV10(group, closedCount);
let checkForPress = isClearButton(group.description(),;
let clearAllAction;
let closeAction;
for (let action of group.actions()) {
let description = action.description();
if (description === CLEAR_ALL_ACTION) {
clearAllAction = action;
} else if (description === CLOSE_ACTION) {
closeAction = action;
} else if (checkForPress && description === "press") {
clearAllAction = action;
if (notNull(clearAllAction)) {
return clearAllAction;
} else if (notNull(closeAction)) {
return closeAction;
} catch (err) {
logErrorVerbose(`(group_${closedCount}) Caught error while searching for close action, window is probably closed: ${err}`);
return null;
log("No close action found for notification");
return null;
const closeNextGroup = (groups, closedCount) => {
try {
for (let group of groups) {
if (notificationGroupMatches(group)) {
let closeAction = findCloseAction(group, closedCount);
if (notNull(closeAction)) {
try {
return [true, 1];
} catch (err) {
logErrorVerbose(`(group_${closedCount}) Caught error while performing close action, window is probably closed: ${err}`);
return [true, 0];
return false;
} catch (err) {
logError("Could not run closeNextGroup");
throw err;
try {
let groupsCount = getNotificationCenterGroups(true).filter(group => notificationGroupMatches(group)).length;
if (groupsCount > 0) {
logVerbose(`Closing ${groupsCount}${appNameForLog} notification group${(groupsCount > 1 ? "s" : "")}`);
let startTime = new Date().getTime();
let closedCount = 0;
let maybeMore = true;
let maxAttempts = 2;
let attempts = 1;
while (maybeMore && ((new Date().getTime() - startTime) <= (1000 * 30))) {
try {
let closeResult = closeNextGroup(getNotificationCenterGroups(), closedCount);
maybeMore = closeResult[0];
if (maybeMore) {
closedCount = closedCount + closeResult[1];
} catch (innerErr) {
if (maybeMore && closedCount === 0 && attempts < maxAttempts) {
log(`Caught an error before anything closed, trying ${maxAttempts - attempts} more time(s).`)
} else {
throw innerErr;
} else {
throw Error(`No${appNameForLog} notifications found...`);
} catch (err) {
throw err;
return getLogLines();
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geigel commented May 1, 2023

Has anyone been able to get this to work within BetterTouchTool (BTT) and if so, what did you do? I am having trouble getting it to fire and unsure if I'm tripping up on something due to BTT or something else... thanks in advance!

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Sorry for the tardiness in replies to the comments about this not working on Ventura - I hadn't upgraded until last week and didn't have a good environment to test Ventura support on. It should be fixed now.

cc @bpetrynski @akzaidi @Ptujec

Thank you Lance! The latest code works well for Ventura.

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roeniss commented Aug 9, 2023

I managed to close all notification for a single group with one action.

I'm using macOS Ventura 13.4 and upgraded code from @alwinsamson.

  • I deleted first try block because it always raise error in my case.
  • if not working, follow the guide in comment please.
tell application "System Events"
    set _groups to groups of UI element 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of window "Notification Center" of application process "NotificationCenter"
    repeat with _group in _groups
      set _actions to actions of _group
      repeat with _action in _actions
        -- NOTE: Other actions are also usable 
        --       like "View", "Close" (only one notification)
        --       If not working, find the correct 
        --       description field value 'Response' tab in Script Editor
        if description of _action is in {"Close All", "모두 지우기"} then
          perform _action
        end if
      end repeat

      -- If there's only one notification for the top group, 
      -- "Close All" would not exist
      repeat with _action in _actions
        if description of _action is in {"Close", "닫기"} then
          perform _action
        end if
      end repeat

    end repeat
  end try
  key code 53 # Escape Key
end tell

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WestonAGreene commented Aug 28, 2023

Thank you @roeniss! Working [mostly] on my M1 Pro Ventura 13.4.1 (22F82)

It reliably removes the notifications from my screen, but only dismisses some of the notifications from the Notifications Center.

--- UPDATE 2023-09-14 ---

@dtyuan saved the day! "Clear" and "Clear All" worked for me! Thanks! (though I have to run it multiple times and seems less reliable if I have the notification center already displayed)

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dtyuan commented Sep 13, 2023

Thank you @roeniss.
Changing from "Close All" to "Clear All" seems to work for me. (Ventura 13.5.1)

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The last version, published by @roeniss, sometimes doesn't work when I have multiple notification groups, each one having multiple notifications. Only some notification groups are closed but the rest remain open and I have to run the script multiple times to get rid of all of them. I have many applications with notifications configured in Alert mode (not Banner) so this situation happens quiet frequently for me.

I think (but can't prove it) that closing a notification group somehow interferes with iteration over remaining groups and therefore this script finishes early. So I tried to modify it so that iteration on groups restarts every time notification is closed.

tell application "System Events"
			set _groups to groups of UI element 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of window "Notification Center" of application process "NotificationCenter"
			set numGroups to number of _groups
			if numGroups = 0 then
				exit repeat
			end if
			repeat with _group in _groups
				set _actions to actions of _group
				set actionPerformed to false
				repeat with _action in _actions
					if description of _action is in {"Clear All", "Close"} then
						perform _action
						set actionPerformed to true
						exit repeat
					end if
				end repeat
				if actionPerformed then
					exit repeat
				end if
			end repeat
		end repeat
	end try
end tell

This version works much better for me. Try it if you experience similar problems.

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dtyuan commented Sep 20, 2023

also works great 👍 Thanks!

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dtyuan commented Sep 20, 2023

Just FYI, to me, separating and doing "Cleare All" first then "Close" works better.

tell application "System Events"
      set _groups to groups of UI element 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of window "Notification Center" of application process "NotificationCenter"
      set numGroups to number of _groups
      if numGroups = 0 then
        exit repeat
      end if
      repeat with _group in _groups
        set _actions to actions of _group
        set actionPerformed to false
        repeat with _action in _actions
          if description of _action is in {"Clear All"} then
            perform _action
            set actionPerformed to true
            exit repeat
          end if
        end repeat
        repeat with _action in _actions
          if description of _action is in {"Close"} then
            perform _action
            set actionPerformed to true
            exit repeat
          end if
        end repeat
        if actionPerformed then
          exit repeat
        end if
      end repeat
    end repeat
  end try
end tell

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Just FYI, to me, separating and doing "Cleare All" first then "Close" works better.

That's strange, semantically there shouldn't be any difference - once you act "Clear All"/Close on group or notification, it will be dismissed immediately and there's no point in running the other action on it....

Anyway, I do anticipate weird behaviour because of bugs in all this applescript/accessibility feature of MacOS - and I'm sure there are many. After several more days of usage I do see that even my solution doesn't clear all the notifications if there are many (>5) notifications/groups present. I'm currently experimenting with putting delays between loop iterations in various places, may be that will help.

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I wish I could understand what's going on here. I'm on Monterey but not a single script on this page works. Most do absolutely nothing at all.

The OP's gist, saved as a javascript AS application and granted the accessibility permissions, is incredibly slow, waits a long time before very slowly closing a small fraction of my notifications, not all of them, and then simply quits. I've run it three times now and I still haven't gotten rid of all my notifications.

The rest of the code samples on this page do nothing at all on my machine, except for @Ptujec's, which aborts with error "The variable _descriptions is not defined." number -2753 from "_descriptions" even though I do have notifications showing. The rest of them, I run them, they run, and I still have notifications showing, nothing at all happened.

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Ptujec commented Jan 3, 2024

I wish I could understand what's going on here. I'm on Monterey but not a single script on this page works. Most do absolutely nothing at all.

The OP's gist, saved as a javascript AS application and granted the accessibility permissions, is incredibly slow, waits a long time before very slowly closing a small fraction of my notifications, not all of them, and then simply quits. I've run it three times now and I still haven't gotten rid of all my notifications.

The rest of the code samples on this page do nothing at all on my machine, except for @Ptujec's, which aborts with error "The variable _descriptions is not defined." number -2753 from "_descriptions" even though I do have notifications showing. The rest of them, I run them, they run, and I still have notifications showing, nothing at all happened.

Scripts that involve GUI scripting are prone to break with new OS versions. Not sure to which version of my script you are referring but this one should work under Monterey

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Has anyone been able to get this to work within BetterTouchTool (BTT) and if so, what did you do? I am having trouble getting it to fire and unsure if I'm tripping up on something due to BTT or something else... thanks in advance!

FYI: BetterTouchTool offers this feature built-in: Close All Notification Alerts, for those who would prefer a paid solution:

(I already use BetterTouchTool for dozens of other use cases, so I already had it.)

(and if you're wondering how I came across this thread: I didn't realize BTT already offered this feature until today...)

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Does this script still work with Sonoma?

I've been trying this script out as an Alfred workflow (courtesy of, and it doesn't seem like the script is doing anything.

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I created an Alfred Workflow based on your script. Works perfectly, tested with macOS Monterey 12.6:

OMG Thank YOU!!!! Been needing this for a long time. :-)

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Just FYI, to me, separating and doing "Cleare All" first then "Close" works better.

tell application "System Events"
      set _groups to groups of UI element 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of window "Notification Center" of application process "NotificationCenter"
      set numGroups to number of _groups
      if numGroups = 0 then
        exit repeat
      end if
      repeat with _group in _groups
        set _actions to actions of _group
        set actionPerformed to false
        repeat with _action in _actions
          if description of _action is in {"Clear All"} then
            perform _action
            set actionPerformed to true
            exit repeat
          end if
        end repeat
        repeat with _action in _actions
          if description of _action is in {"Close"} then
            perform _action
            set actionPerformed to true
            exit repeat
          end if
        end repeat
        if actionPerformed then
          exit repeat
        end if
      end repeat
    end repeat
  end try
end tell

I'm getting the following error on macOS Sonoma 14.3.

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evannjohnson commented Sep 16, 2024

My old script for closing notifications broke with the upgrade to Sequoia, but after looking at the UI hierarchy I've got a new one working:

tell application "System Events" to tell application process "NotificationCenter"
                perform (actions of UI elements of UI element 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of group 1 of window "Notification Center" of application process "NotificationCenter" of application "System Events" whose name starts with "Name:Close" or name starts with "Name:Clear All")
        end try
end tell

I have not tested it extensively at all, but it is working for my simple case of using a hotkey (via Hammerspoon) to dismiss the occasional notifications that pop up. It is of course highly prone to breaking with macOS updates.

edit: I've updated it to work with groups of notifications as well (which requires the "Clear All" action instead of the "Close" action)

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Your Applescript works on my machine – so far so good.

OS: macOS Sequoia 15.0 arm64

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@evannjohnson hmm, when I try to run that on Sequoia 15.0 (M2 Air), I get:

System Events got an error: Can’t get window "Notification Center" of application process "NotificationCenter".

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Actually I think that error only occurs when the Notification Center is not visible. When it is visible, I get the error missing label which I'm guessing has something to do with retrieving the button Clear All. 🤔

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@evannjohnson you are a life saver man, thanks, my notifications dismissed script got messed up when I upgraded to Sequoia.

bur now no notifications messing with me again.

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MrJarnould commented Sep 19, 2024

When it is visible, I get the error missing label which I'm guessing has something to do with retrieving the button Clear All. 🤔

Updated script to account for Notifications found in a Stack (i.e. grouped):

tell application "System Events" to tell application process "NotificationCenter"
		perform (actions of UI elements of UI element 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of group 1 of window "Notification Center" of application process "NotificationCenter" of application "System Events" whose name starts with "Name:Close" or name starts with "Name:Clear All")
	end try
end tell

@nicksergeant I added or name starts with "Name:Clear All" to the whose query.


This script may not work if your localization isn't English.

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@MrJarnould strange. Still getting the missing value error. Localization is English. Maybe I have some strange conflict between Karabiner, Keyboard Maestro, or something.

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I also wonder if a better approach is attempting to click this bottom Clear All button instead of the groups of notifications. I tried figuring out what that button was labeled w/ Accessibility Inspector but no luck:


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I think it is unlikely that is a better approach, as since this UI scripting, to click that button programmatically requires the full Notification Center to be open, showing the button that we want to click. Meaning, you'll need to have either opened the full notification center, or have the script open it just so it can click the button (unless there is something I'm missing).

Clicking the dismiss buttons of just the notifications that are visible on screen is likely what most people will want.

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Can you please make this a real repository as everyone keeps getting unnecessary notifications. We only need the bug fix updates to be tracked.

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Also, how may we code sign this applescript to avoid tampering?

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@evannjohnson ahh, that explains why this isn't working for me 😅. The original gist here works when the Notification Center is open. It may also work when it's closed - I'm not sure - but I only ever use this after opening the Notification Center, seeing the notifications, and then clearing all of them.

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@bpetrynski thanks! worked for me.

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@bpetrynski awesome! That's definitely in the right direction. It only will clear one notification grouping at a time but I can probably add in some looping here. Thanks!

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