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# -*- coding=utf-8 -*- | |
import feedparser | |
import re | |
import collections | |
import math | |
def info_entropy(words): | |
result = 0 | |
total = sum([val for _, val in words.iteritems()]) | |
for word, cnt in words.iteritems(): | |
p = float(cnt) / total | |
result -= p * math.log(p) | |
return result | |
max_word_len = 5 | |
entropy_threshold = 1 | |
content = [] | |
articles = feedparser.parse('http://www.liyaos.com/blog/feed') | |
for article in articles.entries: | |
content.append(article.title) | |
content.extend(re.split('<.*?>| ', article.description, 0, re.UNICODE)) | |
# replace above line with this if using ATOM: | |
# try: | |
# s = article.content[0]['value'] | |
# except AttributeError: | |
# try: | |
# s = article.summary | |
# except AttributeError: | |
# s = '' | |
# content.extend(re.split('<.*?>| ', s, 0, re.UNICODE)) | |
content = u''.join(content) | |
sentences = re.split("\W+|[a-zA-Z0-9]+", content, 0, re.UNICODE) | |
freq = collections.Counter() | |
for sentence in sentences: | |
if sentence: | |
l = len(sentence) | |
wl = min(l, max_word_len) | |
for i in range(1, wl + 1): | |
for j in range(0, l - i + 1): | |
freq[sentence[j:j + i]] += 1 | |
total = sum([val for _, val in freq.iteritems()]) | |
ps = collections.defaultdict(int) | |
for word, val in freq.iteritems(): | |
ps[word] = float(val) / total | |
words = set() | |
for word, word_p in ps.items(): | |
if len(word) > 1: | |
p = 0 | |
for i in range(1, len(word)): | |
t = ps[word[0:i]] * ps[word[i:]] | |
p = max(p, t) | |
if freq[word] >= 3 and word_p / p > 100: | |
words.add(word) | |
final_words = set() | |
for word in words: | |
lf = rf = True | |
left_words = collections.Counter() | |
right_words = collections.Counter() | |
pattern = re.compile(word.join(['.?', '.?'])) | |
for sentence in sentences: | |
l = pattern.findall(sentence) | |
if l: | |
if l[0][0] != word[0]: | |
left_words[l[0][0]] += 1 | |
else: | |
lf = False | |
if l[0][-1] != word[-1]: | |
right_words[l[0][-1]] += 1 | |
else: | |
rf = False | |
left_info_entropy = info_entropy(left_words) | |
right_info_entropy = info_entropy(right_words) | |
if lf and len(left_words) > 0 and left_info_entropy < entropy_threshold: | |
continue | |
if rf and len(right_words) > 0 and right_info_entropy < entropy_threshold: | |
continue | |
final_words.add(word) | |
words_list = list(final_words) | |
words_list.sort(cmp = lambda x, y: cmp(freq[y], freq[x])) | |
for word in words_list: | |
print word.encode('utf8'), freq[word] |
程序写得非常暴力啊,目测会很慢。开始看见range以为是写的python3,然后看到print语句发现其实还是python2. 还是用xrange好一点。另外total的这种计算方法明显太浪费了。要用sum也可以用generator而不用真的生成整个列表。虽然说现在硬件便宜也不用这样的。
@ZhanruiLiang 你说得对,这种写法是挺暴力的。当时急于实现就有点不修边幅。
这个程序还有一个导致它会很慢的地方是计算信息熵的地方有二重循环,这个也应该是有办法优化的,将来有机会我还希望再对这个程序的结构和算法好好改进下,也欢迎所有人继续提出各种意见或建议来。 :D
ps[word[0:i]] * ps[word[i:]] 这一部分是计算什么?
的确 当文件很大时(比如20M)在信息熵部分循环 非常慢 而且 为什么 我在写入文件时 为什么会出现这个错误TypeError : not all arguments converted during string formatting
fileobj = open('gugong_word2.txt' % 'wb')
for word in words_list:
print word.encode('utf-8','ignore'), freq[word]
word_freq = '%s\t%d\n' % (word.encode('utf-8','ignore'), freq[word])
TypeError : not all arguments converted during string formatting
@lmmsoft 哦不对冤枉gist了,罪魁其实是gedit,用vim写完用gedit复制的时候变成tab了……