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Last active December 31, 2024 09:17
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Selecting a shell on startup in the Hyper terminal emulator
@ECHO off
ECHO Choose a shell:
ECHO [1] cmd
ECHO [2] bash
ECHO [3] PowerShell
ECHO [4] Python
ECHO [5] restart elevated
ECHO [6] exit
CHOICE /N /C:123456 /M "> "
IF ERRORLEVEL ==5 powershell -Command "Start-Process hyper -Verb RunAs"
IF ERRORLEVEL ==4 python
IF ERRORLEVEL ==3 powershell
ECHO Switch or exit?
ECHO [1] Switch
ECHO [2] Exit
CHOICE /N /C:12 /D 2 /T 5 /M "> "
$knownshells = @(
Name = "CMD"
Executable = "$env:SystemRoot\System32\cmd.exe"
Name = "Powershell 5.1"
Executable = "$env:SystemRoot\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"
Name = "Powershell 6 (Core)"
Executable = "$env:ProgramFiles\PowerShell\6\pwsh.exe"
Name = "Powershell 7 (Core)"
Executable = "$env:ProgramFiles\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe"
Name = "Bash on Ubuntu"
Executable = "$env:ProgramFiles\WindowsApps\CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows_1804.2020.5.0_x64__79rhkp1fndgsc\ubuntu.exe"
Name = "Git Bash"
Executable = "$env:ProgramFiles\Git\git-bash.exe"
) | Where-Object { Test-Path -Path $_.Executable }
"Choose a shell:"
$index = 1; $teststring = ""
foreach ($shell in $knownshells) {
"[$index] $($shell.Name)"
$teststring += $index++
do { $keyPress = [System.Console]::ReadKey() } until ($teststring.Contains($keyPress.Key));
$choice = $knownshells[($keyPress.KeyChar.ToString() -as [int]) - 1]
Start-Process -Path $choice.Executable -NoNewWindow -Wait -ArgumentList $choice.ArgumentList


I'm not supporting this anymore - I use Windows Terminal now.

Short script for Windows that allows you to select which shell you want when Hyper starts. As flexible as the windows command line.


  1. Grab the script from below.
  2. Save it wherever you want.
  3. Set your shell to '' (meaning CMD on Windows) and your shellArgs to ["/C", "path\\to\\your\\hyperstart.bat"]
  4. Additional steps
  • To enable the "launch elevated" line, Hyper needs to be on the PATH.


Add a shell

  1. Add another ECHO line with a new number: ECHO [4] Python
  2. Add the corresponding number to the CHOICE line: CHOICE /N /C:1234
  3. Add the corresponding IF ERRORLEVEL line below the CLS line: IF ERRORLEVEL ==4 python
  4. Fix up the other numbers, if necessary.
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lopugit commented Apr 23, 2021

I'm just amazed that this one dinky little script that I put together in half an hour or so has gotten more response than any of my other projects that I've put considerably more time into.
Y'all make me smile.

I say thank you.

I am having a problem where I can't close any tabs or panes though, and even closing the whole window ends up with a crash. Opening new tabs and selecting the shell works fine. Have you encountered anyone with this issue too?

May I ask what the .ps1 file is for? There's no mention of what it is intended for? I have just been using the .bat file for now.

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@lopugit - the ps1 file is a PowerShell script file that's essentially equivalent to the .bat file. As for the other problem? I have no clue. I actually haven't used Hyper in ages - I've been using Windows Terminal.

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lopugit commented Apr 24, 2021

@lopugit - the ps1 file is a PowerShell script file that's essentially equivalent to the .bat file. As for the other problem? I have no clue. I actually haven't used Hyper in ages - I've been using Windows Terminal.

I've just looked into windows terminal, but it seems they're having issues implementing traditional basic window transparency like hyper has.

May I ask how you implement the ps1 script? I couldn't just substitute it in place of the .bat file as the runtime argument

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I've just looked into windows terminal, but it seems they're having issues implementing traditional basic window transparency like hyper has.

Fair enough. You don't like the acrylic, then?

May I ask how you implement the ps1 script? I couldn't just substitute it in place of the .bat file as the runtime argument

Set shell to whatever PowerShell executable you want to use, either powershell for 5.x or pwsh for 6.x+. Set shellArgs to ["path\\to\\hyperstart.ps1"]

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