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Lindsey Menges lindseymenges

  • Bay Area, California USA
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lindseymenges /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
A Brief Tutorial On CSS Positioning and Display
  • Float:

    • Float is a CSS property that is used to elements from side to side so other elements can "flow" around them. Float is a horizontal property, so the floated elements can only move to the left or right. The floated element will move as far left or right as it can, and the elements that come after the floated element will have their positioning affected as dictated by the code.

    • HTML:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
lindseymenges / jquery_example.html
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57 — forked from dbc-challenges/jquery_example.html
Intro to jQuery for Phase 0
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>DOM manipulation with jQuery</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery_example.js"></script>
lindseymenges / 0.2.1-boggle_class_from_methods.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 13:55 — forked from dbc-challenges/0.2.1-boggle_class_from_methods.rb
SOLO CHALLENGE: Create A Boggle Board Class Challenge
#1) Need to make the boggle board code from the previous challenge into a class
#2) Need to call the class's methods from outside the class (using the dice_grid given)
#3) Need to print out all row and columns as strings
#4) Need to create a method, individual coordinates, that returns the letter at a given
#spot when the user inputs the coordinates
#5) Bonus: need to create a get_diagonal method
##A diagonal starts at a given point, then goes either up or down a row, then goes
#left or right one space. For the dice_board array, if I input the letters "b" and "e", the
#pattern will go like this: "b", down one row and one column to the right to get "o", down