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Linfeng Li llinfeng

  • The University of Michigan
  • Ann Arbor, MI, USA
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thugcee /
Created January 11, 2021 22:56
tmux and fzf: fuzzy tmux session/window/pane switcher (this version uses tmux new popup window)
# customizable
LIST_DATA="#{window_name} #{pane_title} #{pane_current_path} #{pane_current_command}"
FZF_COMMAND="fzf-tmux -p --delimiter=: --with-nth 4 --color=hl:2"
# do not change
# select pane
sahensley /
Created July 26, 2019 05:34
Tmux config to copy to the Windows system clipboard


Tmux 2.4 (April 2017) added a very useful copy-pipe-and-cancel command.

The config below configures copying to the tmux buffer and the Windows system clipboard in one command, including click-and-drag copying (without holding shift). I'm sure there's a way to get this to work with copy-mode (emacs style) but I'm not familiar enough with it to offer any advice. I've tested the config successfully both in WSL via PowerShell and WSL via MinTTY.


# Configure copying
davialexandre / gruvbox_dark.json
Created June 23, 2019 18:09
Gruvbox Dark color scheme for the new Windows Terminal
"background" : "#282828",
"black" : "#282828",
"blue" : "#458588",
"brightBlack" : "#928374",
"brightBlue" : "#83A598",
"brightCyan" : "#8EC07C",
"brightGreen" : "#B8BB26",
"brightPurple" : "#D3869B",
"brightRed" : "#FB4934",
jnaecker /
Last active December 4, 2024 03:24
Using Overleaf as your TeX editor but getting your files to Github

git + overleaf + github


Connect Overleaf and your local repo

  1. Make a new project on Overleaf.
  2. In the share menu, copy the link from "Clone with git"
  3. On your computer:
    • use cd to navigate to where you want to put your project
vext01 /
Last active November 9, 2024 10:33


  • In a script called 'vimura':
echo $1
zathura -s -x "gvim --servername $1 -c \"let g:syncpdf='$1'\" --remote +%{line} %{input}" $*
cheeaun / horizontal-scroll.ahk
Created August 4, 2009 03:18
AutoHotkey: Shift + Wheel for horizontal scrolling
; Shift + Wheel for horizontal scrolling