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typedef FlxGraphicAsset = AcceptOneOfFive<String, Class<Dynamic>, CachedGraphics, TextureRegion, BitmapData>;
abstract AcceptOneOfFive<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(EitherOfFive<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>)
public inline function new(e:EitherOfFive<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>)
this = e;
public var value(get, never):Dynamic;
jcward / hxScout testing instructions
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
Setup testing of hxcpp / hxScout
Instructions for testing hxScout with hxcpp.
FYI, I've tested this using Haxe 3.1.3, OpenFL 2.1.7 (the legacy version, aka _v2, aka not next) in Windows 7. Your mileage may vary. All this is under heavy development, so it may cease working at some point.
1) Git checkout (or download) jcward's hxcpp (integration branch), hxtelemetry, and hxScout:
larsiusprime / dqbugs.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
A script for calculating the number of "points" in a Github Milestone (using numeric labels as "points" in issues). Written by Adam Perry (@hoursgoby) for Level Up Labs, LLC. milestones.json is an example of the php output, progress.js is an example of the front-end display code
define("CLIENT_ID", "REDACTED");
define("GITHUB_URL", "ssl://");
define("ISSUESTATE_OPEN", "open");
define("OUTPUT_FILENAME", "/path/to/milestones.json");
$milestones = processIssues(loadIssues());
$fp = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME, "w+");
loudoweb / FixTile.hx
Created November 3, 2015 15:56
Fix tile trick to avoid border artifacts between tiles. #haxe #openfl
* Avoid holes or border artifacts between tiles.
* Sometimes the scale by 1.01 trick doesn't work, a greater value should be used. This method finds the correct value for you.
* If you use openfl_legacy, pack your atlas using reduceBorderArtifact option in TexturePacker. There is no need to use this option on openfl_next.
* You should update the scale of your tiles if your resize the screen during the game to always have the best scale value.
* @author loudo
class FixTile
package ;
abstract JsonMap<T>({ }) from {} {
public function new() this = {};
public function exists(key:String) return Reflect.hasField(this, key);
@:arrayAccess public function get(key:String) return Reflect.field(this, key);
@:arrayAccess public function set(key:String, value:T):T {
Reflect.setField(this, key, value);
return value;
jasononeil / DispatchTest.hx
Last active December 17, 2015 20:19
A sample to test some more complex routing options of haxe.web.Dispatch. Run with `haxe -x DispatchTest.hx` This is the sample code for this tutorial / blog post:
import haxe.ds.StringMap;
import haxe.web.Dispatch;
import haxe.web.Dispatch.DispatchError;
#if sys
import Sys.println;
import Sys.print;
import haxe.Log.trace in println;
import haxe.Log.trace in print;
Beeblerox / dumpBits example
Created July 8, 2013 12:17
This is an example of how you can reduce memory usage for Tilesheet class in openfl with dumpBits() method. But you also listen for stage resize event and recreate tilesheet after context loss.
import flash.Lib;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import openfl.Assets;
import openfl.display.Tilesheet;
import flash.display.Graphics;
class Particle
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.filters.ShaderFilter;
import openfl.Lib;
import openfl.Assets;
import openfl.display.Sprite;
import openfl.utils.Float32Array;
mrcdk / Macros.hx
Created March 31, 2016 00:33
@:enum abstract Something(Int) autoInt() macro
import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
class Macros {
macro public static function autoInt():Array<Field> {
var fields = Context.getBuildFields();
var t = switch(Context.getLocalClass().get().kind) {
case KAbstractImpl(c):
miltoncandelero / JsonClass.hx
Last active July 3, 2018 12:48
Creates typedefs based on a json example variable.
import haxe.Json;
* Toss a Dynamic var and get a typedef declaration! (Inspired by
* (A bit of code stolen from
* @author Milton Candelero (Elemental Code)
class JsonClass