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Luca Zeug luclu

  • Germany
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yorickdowne /
Last active June 19, 2024 18:17
Great and less great SSDs for Ethereum nodes


Syncing an Ethereum node is largely reliant on IOPS, I/O Per Second. Budget SSDs will struggle to an extent, and some won't be able to sync at all.

This document aims to snapshot some known good and known bad models.

For size, 4TB comes recommended as of mid 2024. The smaller 2TB drive should last an Ethereum full node until early 2025 or thereabouts, with crystal ball uncertainty. Remy wrote a migration guide to 4TB.

High-level, QLC and DRAMless are far slower than "mainstream" SSDs. QLC has lower endurance as well. Any savings will be gone when the drive fails early and needs to be replaced.

zelig /
Last active August 31, 2017 21:48
The Ethereum Swarm project: timeline of accomplishments and roadmap

The development of the distributed mass storage subsystem for Ethereum named Swarm was kicked off in October 2014, shortly before Devcon 0 in Berlin, where we presented the design principles, the basic network and protocol architecture as well as the requirements that we aimed to achieve. With the preliminary design finalized by the end of 2014, implementation in Go language began in 2015.

In 2015, we built the foundations of Swarm, consisting of the subsystems for distributing arbitrarily large files across the network with the possibility of subsequent efficient retrieval and

julianxhokaxhiu /
Created September 24, 2016 21:46
Simple bash script to create a Bootable ISO from macOS Sierra Install Image from Mac App Store
# Credits to fuckbecauseican5 from
# Adapted to work with the official image available into Mac App Store
# Enjoy!
hdiutil attach /Applications/Install\ macOS\ -noverify -nobrowse -mountpoint /Volumes/install_app
hdiutil create -o /tmp/Sierra.cdr -size 7316m -layout SPUD -fs HFS+J
hdiutil attach /tmp/Sierra.cdr.dmg -noverify -nobrowse -mountpoint /Volumes/install_build
zelig /
Last active July 8, 2023 02:49

PSS = bzz whispered

pss (bzz whispered) is a swarm network service offering incentivised internode messaging using kademlia based deterministic routing.

phase 0 comes with priorities and an easy to use api exposed to RPC. you can subscribe to messages and peers using geths new pub/sub (available via websockets and ipc).

Swarm kademlia routing implements an efficient unicast address based messaging system. While whisper's architecture offers a nice trade-off between efficiency and anonimity, it is lacking the case when strong anonimity is not required, but predictably low latency transfer is. Public chatrooms, or convo between nodes that do not mind leaking this fact (the content is always safe due to end-to-end encryption).

zelig /
Created December 1, 2015 12:17
The Ethereum Sword = Swarm On-demand Retrieval Daemon

The Ethereum Sword = Swarm On-demand Retrieval Daemon

With this service enabled, you keep the Ethereum chain data in swarm, so your ethereum node can function as a flexible light client.

Sword leverages the new chain and state access layers to the core, to provide an on-demand retrieval plugin. Perfectly identical to the LES-based light client, SWORD provides integrity protected (merkle proof verified) on-demand access to the ethereum blockchain data. Chain data include blocks, transactions (maybe even block headers), receipts, state and contract storage. This means a fast user-experience that allows you to do anything a full archival node can without major compromise to security yet without ever running the VM or storing any particular part of the chain and state database.

SWORD is completely resistant to local storage or memory failures but requires network connectivity and a healthy swarm network with sufficient provision (enough nodes submitting, storing and serving chain data). On the one hand a

hofmannsven /
Last active June 17, 2024 10:34
Git CLI Cheatsheet