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Building a website with the Leptos Framework

Mark Pearyer marcusp619

Building a website with the Leptos Framework
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<h1>DOM Maniupulation</h1>
marcusp619 /
Last active January 10, 2019 03:10
Post Grad Plan

Post-Grad Job Search Action Plan Template: Your first 30 Days

You are so close! You've spent the last 7 months working towards this -- graduation and finding your new dream job! This plan is meant to help you streamline your goals and get on the path to employment as a software developer during the first 30 days after graduation. Please fill out the plan by copying this template into a gist to submit in the markdown that you submit for your portfolio.

As you fill out this plan, consider how your first job search will set the tone for your career trajectory in the software industry. After all, your first developer job should align with those goals as well so that you're on track for a longterm successful career.

Note: If you have already secured a job prior to graduation, skip to the second step to look at ways you can support the rest of your cohort. However, this step is optional.

30-Day Job Search Action Plan


I plan to meetup with my mentor weekly. I have also updated my Linkedln and plan to do some cold outreach to people in the area. I have also updated my Twitter and follow a lot of local people in the area. I also plan on going to the denver react meetup to get my name out there.

Date of feedback conversation:


How did you prepare for the conversation?

As always, I talked to my wife who is works in HR, she has been coaching me through my transition. We discussed how to word things so it comes out respectfully.

How did the conversation go for you? What was easy about the conversation? What was more difficult?

It went really well with Tim. We discussed what we both liked and their wasn't anything hard about the conversation because we upfront with each other in the DTR. If we wasn't honest with each other in the beginning about our dislikes and likes i feel it would have been an awkard time.

What principles of feedback did you use in the conversation?

What is your biggest challenge when giving feedback to someone else? How do you want to overcome that challenge?

The hardest part for me is repeat myself about the same subject especially if it was something that was a constructive feedback. I normally try to hint that the same thing is happening again. Mos tof tim

How you've used agile as a process at Turing and what kind of project you utilized. Address these

What were you already doing?

I was already using a to-do/journal app on my phone called Agenda. I was also using bear to keep track of notes.

What did you put into place in Module Two?

questions: I started using in the beginning of mod 2. At first I was not really into it, it reminded me of a watered down trello board. For the most of the first project i just used it as a to-do/tracker for class. Once I got into the react project I used it with my partner to keep track of what we had/were doing.

What was effective?

It was extremely effective. I didn't have to keep up with everything i had to do, all i had to do was look at the To-do box.

What do you want to improve on in future projects?

I would like to use more extensively and planout projects a littler longer.

A military veteran, who works well underpressure and is capable of adapting to his enviorment and role. Im used to long days and hard work, for 12 years I've held supervising roles under extreme circumstances, while being a husband, dad, student, and graduate. When I set my mind to something I strategize, visualize, and execute my plan and tailor it as i see fit. The transition from military to a civilian has a been a great experience, mainly focusing on soft skills.

marcusp619 /
Last active October 8, 2018 20:07
SwapiBox DTR

Project: SwapiBox

Group Member Names: Mark , Tanjie

Project Expectations: Building a fully functional react app, that displays stateful and stateless components, taking advantage of the starwars API.

Goals and expectations: Reach Iteration Five by the end of the week. Iteration 6 by mid next week.

marcusp619 / Reflection
Last active July 30, 2018 18:52
Strengths & Storytelling Reflection
Strengths & Storytelling Reflection
Who are you: Write 1-2 paragraphs about how you've seen yourself using your StrengthsFinder themes and/or how you've seen yourself grow during this module at Turing.
As the weeks went by I had to focus and strategize and plan out my weeks. I focused more on my weaknesses than practicing my strengths. Learning new concepts was done using pomodor’s and time boxing to keep track of time.
Why are you here: When have you struggled at Turing? How have you dealt with struggle? When have you succeeded at Turing? How did you accomplish those successes?
Time was probably the area I struggled the most. Finding a balance between spending time on coding and spending time with my family was a constant struggle.
What's next: Share your vision statement for what you see as your place in the tech industry and how your journey into this new career ends.
I find myself spending time bouncing from startup to startup or maybe agencies for a few years. Then opening up a coffeeshop and doing
Project: Linked List
Group Member Names: Mark Pearyer, Ahmad Kayyali
Project Expectations: Phase Four
Goals and expectations: Learn something new, write clean javascript, use BEM naming conventions
Team strengths: Javascript

Introductory Strengths Reflection & Coaching Request In-Class Reflections Using the Signature Themes Report Read through the definitions:

What words or phrases stick out to you for each theme?

How would you define each of your top 5 talents in your own words?

Do these top 5 talent themes resonate with you? Why or why not?