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This playbook has been removed as it is now very outdated. |
This would be really cool to evolve and keep up to date to showcase a detailed changelog.
Great Playbook. A lot of things are clear to me now.
should be part of the core documentation. thanks!
edit: And thanks, @marktheunissen!
In term of using variable in hosts attribute (line 58)
hosts: $groups -- apply to all hosts specified in the variable $groups
hosts : group # No $
$ ansible-playbook playbook1.yml -e "group=myservers"
$ ansible-playbook playbook1.yml --extra-vars="target=myservers"
sudo: true
is deprecated in favor of become: true
which editor u use for yaml?
@antoniopinarella you can use any text editor. I use vim for .yml and it works fine.
(Probably you found it out. However for new people searches. )
Can we please bury this Gist? it keeps showing up as clickbait in search engines while the syntax is horribly outdated.
I love this, please include "become"
I have made a fork and updated some of the content that has been deprecated.
I know this is out of date... but I'm going to say it anyways as an FYI-- in Line 433 you can no longer include handlers as of Ansible 2.0