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mattb / gist:1244665
Created September 27, 2011 09:15
Top 100 ascii-only 2-shingles on Twitter sample for the last 6 hours. Source at
in the: ************************************* (3765)
i love: *************************** (2781)
to be: ************************** (2637)
of the: ********************* (2150)
if you: ********************* (2150)
on the: ******************** (2081)
i just: ****************** (1838)
i was: ****************** (1829)
i don't: ****************** (1825)
i have: ****************** (1802)
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
m = {}
f = {}
open("dist.male.first").readlines.each { |l|
d = l.split(/ +/)
m[d[0].downcase] = d[1].to_f
open("dist.female.first").readlines.each { |l|
object Load {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val pool = new JedisPool(new JedisPoolConfig, "localhost");
new File(".").list.filter( _.toLowerCase.endsWith(".gz") ) map {
file => spawn {
println(file + " started.");
val in = new BufferedSource(new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)));
val jedis = pool.getResource;
mattb / gist:1087976
Created July 17, 2011 19:38
Generating veronoi diagrams from geo data and outputting as KML.
import org.geotools.kml._;
import org.geotools.xml._;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.triangulate._;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom._;
import scala.collection._;
object voronoi {
def main(args:Array[String]) = {
var gf = new GeometryFactory;

Reeder, Simplenote, Twitterific, Amazon Kindle, Instapaper Pro, Goodreader, Weather Pro HD, Dropbox, Plants vs Zombies, IMDb, Guardian Eyewitness, Flipboard, Articles, FlickStackr, FlightTrack, PONS German dictionary, Marvel comics, Canabalt, Osmos HD

Senior Web Designer
Nokia's Services Unit plays a leading role in shaping Nokia's growth
and transformation into an Internet company by generating new revenue
streams based on software and services. We are fundamentally changing
the perception of Nokia in the market. The Services Unit's portfolio
includes Ovi-branded services such as maps, music, games, social
networking, sharing, and email which create opportunities for people to
connect to each other and the things that matter to them. The developed
services and software can be used on PCs, online or on mobile devices,
Senior Frontend Developer
The Services business unit plays a leading role in shaping Nokia's
growth and transformation into an internet company by generating new
revenue streams based on software and services. We are fundamentally
changing the perception of Nokia in the market. The Services unit
portfolio includes Ovi-branded services such as maps, music, games,
social networking, sharing, and email which create opportunities for
require 'rubygems'
require 'eventmachine'
require 'yajl'
require 'em-http'
require 'uri' {
body = ''
on_body = lambda { |chunk|
chunk.split(/\n/).each { |json|
require 'open-uri' ; require 'rss/2.0' ; require 'cgi'
RSS::Parser.parse(open('{delicious_user}?count=15').read).items.each { |item| open("{instapaper_user}&password=#{instapaper_password}&url=#{CGI.escape(}&auto-title=1").read }
require 'rubygems'
require 'xml' # libxml2 ruby bindings
#create table flickr_shapes (id int not null auto_increment primary key, kind varchar(255), label varchar(255), woe_id int, min_lat decimal(20,17), min_lng decimal(20,17), max_lat decimal(20,17), max_lng decimal(20,17));
# USE:
#select * from flickr_shapes where 51.52830123901367 between min_lat and max_lat AND -0.0916564017534256 between min_lng and max_lng;
class MyCallbacks
include XML::SaxParser::Callbacks