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searls / github
Created November 16, 2023 02:11
I got sick of going through multiple steps to visit the current directory's github URL when I'm looking at a terminal, but I don't necessarily want to install `gh` or `hub` just for this feature.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
repo = `git remote -v`.split("\n").find { |line|
system "open{repo}"
warn "No github remote found"
For bundler I did the following on Catalina
$ brew install v8@3.15
$ bundle config build.libv8 --with-system-v8
$ bundle config build.therubyracer --with-v8-dir=$(brew --prefix v8@3.15)
$ bundle install
jakeonrails / Ruby Notepad Bookmarklet
Created January 29, 2013 18:08
This bookmarklet gives you a code editor in your browser with a single click.
data:text/html, <style type="text/css">#e{position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;}</style><div id="e"></div><script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script><script>var e=ace.edit("e");e.setTheme("ace/theme/monokai");e.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/ruby");</script>
plasticmind / gist:4339164
Created December 19, 2012 18:31
Confuse and annoy your friends with CSS. Every 20 seconds, blur the screen for 2 seconds.
html {
-webkit-animation: annoy 20s ease alternate infinite;
@-webkit-keyframes annoy {
0% { -webkit-filter: blur(0px) }
90% { -webkit-filter: blur(0px) }
100% { -webkit-filter: blur(1px) }
<!doctype html>
<!-- -->
<title>iOS 8 web app</title>