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Last active December 24, 2019 15:36
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Save michaelt/6c6843e6dd8030e95d58 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
simple shell-like programs using Data.ByteString.Streaming, following the io-streams tutorial
-- These examples are based on the tutorial module in the io-streams package
{-#LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Streaming
import Streaming.Prelude (yield, next, each, for, with, subst)
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.ByteString.Streaming (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Streaming.Char8 as Q
import System.IO (withFile, IOMode(..))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
cat :: FilePath -> IO ()
cat file = withFile file ReadMode $ \h -> Q.stdout (Q.fromHandle h)
echo :: IO ()
echo = Q.stdout Q.stdin
-- Send the first n lines to stdout.
-- Note that this streams even if it hits a 10 terabyte "line"
head :: Int -> FilePath -> IO ()
head n file = withFile file ReadMode $ \h ->
Q.stdout -- IO () -- stream to IO.stdout
$ Q.unlines -- ByteString m () -- insert '\n' between bytestream layers
$ takes n -- Stream (ByteString m) m () -- nb. "takes" is 'functor general'
$ Q.lines -- Stream (ByteString m) m () -- divided into Stream layers
$ Q.fromHandle h -- ByteString m () -- raw bytes
yes :: IO ()
yes = Q.stdout $ Q.cycle "y\n" -- uses OverloadedStrings instance for 'ByteString m ()'
grep :: B.ByteString -> FilePath -> IO ()
grep pat file = withFile file ReadMode $ \h -> do
let raw :: ByteString IO () -- get raw bytes
raw = Q.fromHandle h
segmented :: Stream (ByteString IO) IO () -- divide on newlines
segmented = Q.lines raw
individualized :: Stream (Of B.ByteString) IO ()
individualized = mapped Q.toStrict segmented -- danger: concatenate 'real' bytestrings!
matching :: Stream (Of B.ByteString) IO () -- filter out matching bytestrings
matching = S.filter (B.isInfixOf pat) individualized
deindividualized :: Stream (ByteString IO) IO () -- restream (implicitly using
deindividualized = with matching Q.chunk -- the new chunk structure)
unsegmented :: ByteString IO () -- add newlines
unsegmented = Q.unlines deindividualized
Q.stdout unsegmented -- stream to IO.stdout
-- or, more compactly:
grep' :: B.ByteString -> FilePath -> IO ()
grep' pat file = withFile file ReadMode $ \h -> do
$ Q.unlines
$ subst Q.chunk
$ S.filter (B.isInfixOf pat)
$ mapped Q.toStrict
$ Q.lines
$ Q.fromHandle h
-- >>> grep "grep" "examples.hs"
-- grep :: B.ByteString -> FilePath -> IO ()
-- grep pat file = withFile file ReadMode $ \h -> do
-- grep' pat file = withFile file ReadMode $ \h -> do
data Option = Bytes | Words | Lines
len = S.fold (\n _ -> n + 1) 0 id
wc :: Option -> FilePath -> IO ()
wc opt file = withFile file ReadMode $ \h ->
do n <- count (Q.fromHandle h)
print n
count is = case opt of
Bytes -> Q.length is
Words -> S.sum $ mapped blank_layer $ Q.words is
Lines -> S.sum $ mapped blank_layer $ Q.lines is
blank_layer :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> m (Of Int r)
blank_layer = liftM (1 :>) . Q.effects
-- replace each layer with (1 :> ...); here we do not accumlate strict-bs words
-- >>> wc Words "examples.hs"
-- 801 :> ()
-- exercise: write `wc` to permit a list of options, using `foldl` to combine
-- the different folds. This would require a more direct implementation
-- of what might be called `line_count :: Fold Char Int` and `word_count :: Fold Char Int`
paste file file' = withFile file ReadMode $ \h ->
withFile file' ReadMode $ \h' ->
$ Q.unlines
$ let left = Q.lines (Q.fromHandle h)
right = Q.lines (Q.fromHandle h' )
center = repeats $ Q.chunk "\t"
in left <|> center <|> right
-- >>> paste "nums.txt" "numbers.txt"
-- 1.1
-- 1 2.2
-- 2
-- 3 3.3
-- 4
-- 5 4.4
-- 6 5.5 -- this program is ziplike and breaks where either does.
-- number the lines of a file
nl :: FilePath -> IO ()
nl file = withFile file ReadMode $ \h ->
Q.stdout -- IO () / \
$ Q.unlines -- ByteString IO () |
$ (\bss -> with bss Q.chunk) -- Stream (ByteString IO) IO () |
$ S.zipWith nlpad (each [1..]) -- Stream (Of B.ByteString) IO () |
$ mapped Q.toStrict -- Stream (Of B.ByteString) IO () |
$ Q.lines -- Stream (ByteString IO) IO () |
$ Q.fromHandle h -- ByteString IO () |
nlpad :: Int -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
nlpad n bs = padding <> B.pack (show n <> " ") <> bs
len = length (show n); diff = 9 - len
padding = if diff > 0 then B.replicate diff ' ' else B.singleton ' '
nl_streaming :: FilePath -> IO ()
nl_streaming file = withFile file ReadMode $ \h ->
$ Q.unlines
$ interleaves numerals -- interleaves might instead be called 'fuseLayers' or something
$ Q.lines -- note proper streaming
$ Q.fromHandle h
numerals :: Monad m => Stream (ByteString m) m ()
numerals = maps trans (each [1..]) where
trans (n:>r) = Q.chunk stuff >> return r
len = length (show n); diff = 9 - len
padding = if diff > 0 then B.replicate diff ' ' else B.singleton ' '
stuff = padding <> B.pack (show n ++ " ")
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afcady commented Feb 16, 2016

How would you modify nl to only number non-blank lines?

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Shouldn't takes n in line 27 be Streaming.Prelude.take n?

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