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Diversity needs resources.

ideas are great. here are some great ideas. you however cannot implement ideas without resources, which basically means money. I am a lot less interested in ideas for a company right now that aren't backed by that company's money / staff.

a few ways to use resources:

  • do you have 2 awesome recruiters who want to do more? let them do it full time.
  • sponsor your employees to give talks about things they care about. (mentorship? good management? =D)
  • systematically reward people for doing diversity work. give them promotions or raises. let everyone know that's how it works.
  • sponsor events (like AlterConf) in your office, and give them organizational support.
IanWhitney /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Reading material suggested during the Torquebox OOD class in Durham, 2014